Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

What is your point?

Also, what you are stating about an inpatient psychiatric institutions is inaccurate. It is not a hotel. You do not just check in. Qualifications include being a serious threat to self or others, or unable to care for one’s self to an extent of being a danger to self or others. Individuals are screened prior to entrance to evaluate if potential patients meet these standards.

Your family member may have participated in IOP, PHP, etc. Those are programs that have lesser requirements for hospitalization.

Regardless, none of this is in anyway representative of MB’s mental state prior to the incident. How others reacted or behaved is in no way an indication of MB’s mental health.


You very clearly do not understand what I’m trying to say. You are also borderline seizing with all the contortions you are trying to make in this reply.


State laws on holds only apply to involuntary commitments, which is not what we are talking about here. In my experience, those who voluntarily commit themselves are usually discharged within a week, and sometimes had to wait for a period of time and/or travel pretty far from home in order to find a hospital that had an open bed. In-patient psychiatric care is not the same quality wise as it once was, but in general anyone who wants help can get some form of help (again, not commenting on the quality of that help).

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The old SGF versus MB. MB invited her there, she was there longer than 30 days, he invited her back because “he needed the money.” Legal tenant/tenant rigjts. SGF is claiming MB didn’t have the right to do that under the lease. That is in the contract and contract law precedent. SGF is stating that just to separate from the case. Their stance is they didn’t give permission therefore it is not their problem. It will be interesting to see what the court does with that line of reasoning.

I think the duty you are missing here, and the one that the civil jury will hinge one, is the unspoken understood duty amongst human beings is that it is not kosher to engage in the manipulative plotting, false allegations, and invasive privacy violations LK engaged in……that one had the duty to refrain from engaging in such acts against someone, especially after acknowledging the effects of your behavior on the other individual.


Not exactly sure why you find this shocking. Anyone who has taken basic law classes would understand this.


The only thing that ruined her “dream” is her lack of motivation. Had she put a tenth of the effort into her riding that she put into trying to “finish the bastard” rather than skipping lessons and not showing up for shows, maybe she’d have had a better chance. She showed no effort to actually get there. A dream is fine. To make it a reality takes dedication and work and focus.


Did he invite her back? Or was he coerced by her father to let her come back? I’m not sure that’s clear.



Everything else, plus the amendments claiming LK plotted to harm his physical well-being and the physical well-being of others in his care.


Anyone taking basic law classes knows it is not ok to shoot someone for not leaving.

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It’s just the formal filing of the amended answer that was approved at the hearing a couple weeks ago, that includes the new counterclaim of the illegal wiretaps.

Next, we should see an amended answer from LK’s attorneys.


Dr Schlesinger said he brought her back because he “needed the money.” He has a great reason to not bring her back with the house in the condition it was so I don’t see how anything JK could say would be convincing.


Do you know how long patients wait in the ER for a psych hold/commitment these days? Long enough that they are given a piece of paper to sign stating they won’t hurt themselves or anyone else and then sent out the door on a promise of seeing a doctor for outpatient management instead of waiting for the weeks it takes to get a bed in a facility and a proper evaluation.


Dr S made a fool of himself on the stand. I take anything he said with skepticism.


Self defense couldn’t be put forward at the criminal trial because there was absolutely no evidence of that at the time; are you saying that new evidence has come to light since the criminal trial ended showing that Michael did in fact act in self defense?

You have been incredibly generous with your knowledge and very patient with those of us who need more explanation. Thank you! Perhaps it is time to ignore posters who seem to have an agenda to misquote you and argue with your expertise. It isn’t worth it and the rest of us really need your knowledge. :laughing:


That is not at all the experience I had with a family member who was in and out of mental hospitals once or twice a month for over a year. Not sure why you are laughing - mental health issues are no laughing matter not only for the individual, but also for those close to the individual.


Self defense is a constitutional right.


Yes, I noticed the important phrase “may have” in your statement and my reference to your statement faithfully included the phrase “may have”.

I did not misquote you.

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