Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Are you really pretending they had no idea they were unwelcome until 3 days before the shooting? Puh-leeeezzz


It is absolutely true. Iā€™ve been part of the process where patients are admitted. I know what questions are asked. Iā€™m not going by a relativeā€™s experience but what Iā€™ve directly witnessed.


And there is where you are speaking out of your hat. You donā€™t know what classes I have or have not taken or what experiences with LE, courts, or the law. I am not a lawyer. Iā€™m not going to get into a skunk contest about how much experience I have beyond that. What is the point? We already have enough braggadocios expounding upon their vast law knowledge when they have none that pertains to this situation.

Well, this is a telling reply :rofl:


@lazaret and other legal professionals I would like to respectful ask that you please keep giving your amazing legal responses even with people ignoring them, twisting them, and pretending you do not know what you are talking about. Many of us totally appreciate all the facts that you share.


If you claim to be in genuine fear for your life, and you have both the ability and the means to leave, you donā€™t believe you have a duty to leave? You donā€™t believe itā€™s your responsibility to take reasonable steps to protect yourself in that situation?


No, @Lazaret.

I did not misquote you, as you suggested.

If there was any misunderstanding on my part, it was not a ā€œdeliberate misunderstandingā€.

If you want to clarify how I may have ā€œincorrectly paraphrasedā€ your statement, please explain.

Based on testimonyā€¦.it seems LK had a duty to remain in the house and call 911 and not attempt to engage Michael Barisone at all unless he attempted to enter the house.


Especially if there is anyone on the jury who has ever had a tenant of any kind.


Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t imagine any reasonable client wanting to ā€œwait it outā€ when a drug addict with a criminal record is playing ninja around the barn at night, screaming beneath peopleā€™s windows, and posting veiled threats online to harm people and animals at the farm.

He was handling it in a professional fashion - by asking her to leave, then by working with Daddio and the lawyers to find a suitable place for her to go and, when all else had failed, by initiating the legal eviction process.


No, BigMama1.

I think LK and RG were fully aware of how strongly MHG and some of the others wanted them gone.

What I said was I can believe that MB himself may not have actually asked them to leave, ever. I can believe that it was Tarshis who first informed them that they should leave on Aug 5.

And I can believe that unicorns are real, but that doesnā€™t make it true.

Michael himself stated he asked them to leave many, many, many times. But I guess you prefer to believe a pair of lying, grifting drug addicts


I literally laughed out loud. Thank you.


He could have started the eviction process long before the ninja nonsense began. Iā€™m not sure how professional it is to shoot a client, but weā€™re all different I suppose.

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No, I donā€™t think that LK had a ā€œduty to leaveā€ in the legal sense that her decision to not leave makes her legally responsible for the fact that she was shot.

Whether she did or didnā€™t have a duty to leave would depend on exactly how you are defining the ā€œduty to leaveā€ in a legal sense.

Actually no. You have wonderful explanations. That one was either not one or you actually meant to say that he did not have to refrain from shooting her instead of using the eviction process allowed by law.

I havenā€™t heard this before - what are the many, many, many times? Did he say this on 48 Hours? I need to watch that.

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No. That was eviction for disorderly conduct, the emergency 3 day rule. A holdover is when the lease term expires and the renter stays on. In New Jersey it becomes a month to month. One would think 30 day eviction notice but the article also mentioned a 90 day notice for other than eviction.

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Yes. I disagree with him on that just as I disagreed with him that Arbury was a good self defense.

The elements of self defense is what I referred you to. Try that.

In fact in the interview after his exonerated he specifically stated they were asked to leave many times, by him.