Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

48 hours. MHG testified otherwise.

Yes, Michael himself stated to the 48 Hours interviewer that he had asked her to leave many times. That doesnā€™t make it true.

I do happen to believe LK and JK on this issue because it fits with a bunch of evidence presented at the trial, including the MHG text, and because MB in his civil suit made no claim the he had asked them to leave prior to Tarshis sending the letter on Aug 5.

Iā€™m not convinced that MB has no memory of the shooting. It might be true, but it might be a convenient lie.

Ok call it that. Long story short, still an eviction. 3 days works for me. She still wasnā€™t leaving.

And the definition of Holdover isnā€™t that. It is the desire to get the tenant out for cause, not for non payment.


Iā€™m well aware of elements of self defense. Taylor refused to let evidence of an altercation in. Specifically the history of a dog with a history of biting and the dog bites in areas that could not have happened under the witness testimony. They should have been allowed to explore the origins of physical evidence. As well as being able to explore the circumstances around the cameras and the video that RG told the officer caught the incident.


In all of the comments Iā€™ve read anywhere, not one has glorified Moustache except two posters here. His ego turned the majority of people off and his pompous attack of the defense experts was laughable and caused many to completely disregard anything he had to say.
I got the feeling he had been told by someone the case would be a slamdunk and his testimony would be superfluous. Big mistake on Schellhornā€™s part.

I heard through the grapevine the State wanted Simring but he was already working for the defense. I recall IM having a meltdown that I posted Simringā€™s name here. What a shame he didnā€™t realize Simring had already been confirmed in one of the hearings!



You canā€™t shoot a person if youā€™re acting in self defense against a dog.

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If he had been found straight NG on all counts, that would be exoneration.

Being found NGRI is not exoneration.

It most certainly is.


Iā€™m disappointed that no one has answered my questions regarding jury nullification (copied below for reference). Does anyone here think that juries going rogue and disregarding the oath they take is a good thing? Does anyone really believe that this jury thought they were doing Michael a favor by putting him in a mental hospital with no specific release date?

I myself take oaths seriously so I would not be a part of something like what some are describing happened with the jury in Michaelā€™s trial. I also think itā€™s a bit disrespectful to accuse this jury of not following the judgeā€™s instructions when there is no evidence that happened. Would anyone here be comfortable as a juror ignoring the oath you took and just disregarding the judgeā€™s instructions because you thought it would be best for the defendant? If so, what are some circumstances where you would think this would be ok? I hope some chime in because I am genuinely curious to hear othersā€™ opinion on this.

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If he had been found straight NG on all counts, that would be exoneration.

Being found NGRI is not exoneration.

Once again, wrong.

ā€œ It can also be a verdict entered by a jury in a criminal case, stating that the defendant cannot be held guilty because of the defendantā€™s insanity (however, such a verdict may require the defendant to be admitted into a mental institution).ā€


No doubt itā€™s a different kind of psychiatric facility, but how long did it take for them to find an available bed for MB so that he could get out of jail?

That seemed to take a long time. The whole system seems to be quite overloaded.


No pictures or videosā€¦. Sadness.


I guess @CurrentlyHorseless has declined to give you her lecture explaining that there could not possibly have been any jury nullification at play because the jury was given specific instructions on how to find the verdict and so the jury could not have thought anything outside of those instructions. Maybe if you ask her nicely sheā€™ll give it to you by PM.

However, she seems to also be unwilling to accept that a jury who returned such a verdict, under the jury instructions given, also found that Michael was not responsible for his actions based on the defense psychā€™s evidence that LKā€™s behavior caused him to have a mental break and become temporarily insane to the point that he could not understand right from wrong. They couldnā€™t have possibly thought anything other than that because they granted the defense based on the defense psych experts, not the stateā€™s, and only the state and itā€™s expert tried to insert a bunch of other mental stressors into their arguments as the reason for his mental state.


this is not a true statement. There has to be a reason that is substantiated to require an inpatient stay. You reference a family member as your point of evidence, I am going to bet that there was a diagnosis and behavior that demonstrated that an inpatient stay was warranted. The hospital is going to want some guarantee that they can recoup their $$ and mental health beds are at a premium these days. A criteria must be met. If a person is on self pay and can demonstrate the resources to pay, then there are private facilities available.


So no, youā€™re not going to answer my questions. I was hoping you would be one who would provide some input since you seem to be one of the folks here who believes that the jury did in fact disregard their oath and the instructions as a favor to Michael.

Man, oh, man. It is exhausting just to watch the lunging going on here. It must be much more exhausting to actually participate in it.


Iā€™mā€¦ sorry?

I did say it was a podcast. Lol.


A holdover isnā€™t an eviction. It is simply a status. The lease has run out. They can raise the rent and present new terms. You can stay month by month umt they want you out.

You know when I read stuff like this it makes me wonder if the actual truth is LK charged him attacking and in response with self defense he shot at her.

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/lauren-kanarek-shooting-michael-barisone-evidence-photos/


Which went to the cloud so not a local device. Had their been a real video, it theoretically should have been obtainable from a third party.