Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I processed Holdovers and evictions for over a decade. You are wrong.

In my state a landlord can file a Holdover petition for cause as well but I’m not in NJ.


It’s certainly a pretty wide gap between that and the story they told early on that RG was in the house and LK had to go upstairs to get him when MB got there.


Well, at least in that story she admitted that she approached him wanting to hear him say something specific and he was trying to keep the table between them. Somehow I doubt that was a calm exchange on her part…and I’m not sure it’s a surprise that she didn’t hear what it was she wanted to hear from him.


I have always wondered how MB got the dog bite on his upper thigh/groin area if he was facedown in the dirt getting beaten about the face by LK an RB. RB who jumped on MB, put him in a chokehold, they fell to the pavement, RB still on top of MB, MB still getting pummeled.

So how did Rosie get underneath MB and bite him? Did they fall on Rosie and Rosie bit to get out from under them? I doubt it, every dog I know will scamper out of the way not to be stepped on or fallen on.

Or did Rosie bite MB before the scuffle, which then may have caused the rest of the story?

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm

If only Rosie could talk.

Poor Rosie.


No. Once again, @Sdel, I’ll point out that I have never claimed that jury nullification is inconceivable.

The jury found that Barisone was not responsible for his actions (shooting her) because they determined that he was insane at the time that he shot her. The jury did not determine that it was LKs behavior that “caused him to have a mental break”.

I see no reason to think that the verdict of NGRI was the result of jury nullification. Like Rubyroo, I don’t think a jury sympathetic to Barisone would return a verdict of NGRI via jury nullification if they honestly thought the appropriate verdict was straight not guilty.

She has asked you several times if that is your position, and you’ve declined to actually endorse the position, so perhaps you don’t find it likely, either.

Is NGRI always an exoneration, or does it depend on the identity of the defendant and victim?

Google it.



Leave the lunge line hanging on the tack hook! Please!! Lol.


EXONERATE implies a complete clearance from an accusation or charge and from any attendant suspicion of blame or guilt.

exonerated by the investigation

ACQUIT implies a formal decision in one’s favor with respect to a definite charge.

voted to acquit the defendant

" An exoneration and an acquittal have similar outcomes. But they are different concepts. An acquittal occurs when the court finds you “not guilty.” This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are innocent. It means you were charged with a crime but the jury or judge does not believe you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In that case, they will find you “not guilty.” And you will be acquitted.

You get exonerated after a court has already found you guilty. When the court exonerates you, it dismisses all of the related charges against you. Unlike being found “not guilty,” it means the court has found you innocent.

There are several reasons that a court might exonerate you.

  • New evidence that proves your innocence. Sometimes new evidence can prove that you did not commit the crime that the court convicted you of. One common example is DNA evidence.
  • Another person confesses to a crime. If a person confesses to the crime that you were convicted of, the court may exonerate you."

So no, Michael was not exonerated.


I agree. He was acquitted. Not Guilty.


Why is it that we have to wade through post after post after post from the same posters with the same old stories? This thread gets long enough without them adding to it. It just gets so frustrating to see the same points being hashed and rehashed ad nauseum. They really need to start their own thread so nobody wastes time replying to them.


I was asking for clarification of your opinion on NGRI being an exoneration.

Would you say that John Hinckley was exonerated when he was found NGRI? I wouldn’t.

Regarding who was where around the time of the shooting, here is what we know for a fact. Michael drove to the farmhouse. At some point he stood by the table, we know that because his phone was on the table. We know that the gun was fired from almost on the ground in front of Michael’s truck, we also know that a second shell casing was found some distance from the truck as if whoever pulled the trigger was running away toward maybe the field to escape. We know that the bullet that was fired from in front of the truck almost on the ground struck a window, saddle pad and exited through another window.

We know that Lauren was shot, but we do not know what gun she was actually shot with since no bullets were recovered. It is reasonable to assume that she was shot with Ruth’s gun, but there is no actual evidence of that, nor is there any evidence of who pulled the trigger. That is all that we know as far as the gunshots.

Anything Lauren and Rob say cannot be trusted. I believe that they attacked him when he got out of the truck and walked over to the table where he pulled his phone out (to call 911 possibly)! Do I think Rob or Lauren shot at Michael, it is very possible especially after his comment about the gun not being as loud as Lauren’s.

We know at some point Rosie was let out of the house and viciously attacked Michael, biting his groin and leaving almost his entire left side full of puncture wounds. We know that Michael was severely beaten, his ear almost torn off, his eyebrows needing to be stitched back on, and his left arm broken so badly that only the skin was keeping it attached.

A video camera that was running shortly before the shooting was turned off and did not capture the incident even though Rob repeatedly told the officer that there was a recording.

That is sum total of what is known.


John Hinckley is now a free man.


I’d say it appears like someone was trying to finish the bastard and not just restrain him unless of course they were trying to restrain him using an ancient Chinese eyebrow hold.

I can well imagine this is how it went down. MB was attacked by those people and their mutt, Cujo.

Beaten, MB tried to flee but was caught. The beating continued, his arm twisted and broken as we torqued and turned to the ground.


He could have and - in hindsight - should have. But he was clearly under the misapprehension at first that he was dealing with a normal, reasonable person, someone who would leave when it was clear she was unwelcome, without needing to get lawyers and police involved to forcibly evict her from his property.

When she didn’t leave, he still tried to be professional, helpful even, and arranged for a place she and all her horses could go.

And yet she continued her campaign of terror, escalating her efforts to destroy him until he literally snapped and suffered a mental breakdown. I guess that’s what you get for trying to be nice and professional. Pretty sure he won’t ever make that mistake again.


The number of forensic psychiatric hospitals are extremely limited in comparison to private. One can usually be admitted inpatient, if not in that local region, same day in private settings.

Coupled with the fact that the forensics regarding the projection of the bullet showed the firearm being discharged somewhere from the front of the truck to the door of the truck, not the bush.

Just saw @eggbutt’s comments about his phone on the table, too. Good point.

I agree - well, except poor the poor Rosie part. Rosie seems nasty. Most dogs will not full fledge bite in an altercation, let alone continue to bite over and over. Pretty aggressive and a huge liability to have on your farm. Also a good reason to carry a firearm.


Well Rubyroo seems to have joined team Kanarek, so now we have to listen to all the same old same old get rehashed by yet another person. It would be helpful if her fans could read all the previous threads in detail first so we wouldn’t have to keep covering the same ground.

Or we could just ignore them and go back to sharing Christmas cocktail recipes and pleasant stories until there is new news to discuss.


And maybe, you know, actually watch 48 Hours, at the very least.


While I agree about her behavior, I still feel sorry for Rosie, who may have been a victim of her circumstances.

I don’t want to be anywhere near her. But I feel sorry for her.