Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes he did.

It might be really helpful if you would read all the old threads, watch all the criminal trial testimony and watch 48 Hours before sharing your thoughts here and arguing with posters who are familiar with the actual details of the case.


I think Iā€™m just burnt out from rescuing so many aggressive dogs.

But I do agree with you - most aggression is at the fault of the owner. Not many dogs are born inherently aggressive, though I have met some. Some only a few months old with severe aggression. Those cases were depressing.


This has my vote. Iā€™m decorating the Christmas tree this weekend.


@Rubyroo please note that HutHo is being misleading here - one assumes deliberately so since they have been corrected on this point multiple times.

In testimony MHG said she asked why they couldnā€™t just evict LK / RG, implying that they had not been served with a legal notice of eviction at that point. That is not the same as saying they had never been asked to leave.


Who has their Christmas/Holiday shopping done? NOT ME!


Yes. He was found NGRI in June 1982 and was unconditionally released in June 2022.

Do you consider his NGRI verdict in June 1982 an exoneration?

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Iā€™ve got the bulk of it done. I do 99% of my shopping online in my PJs so it really doesnā€™t take much effort lol.

The tree is up with lights on, just waiting for my daughter to actually decorate it, which is her job every year. And every year she starts and gets bored halfway though, leaving all the bins and boxes cluttering up my living room until I get tired of the mess and finish it.

Making sugar cookies tonight and decorating them tomorrow for a Christmas Cookie Walk fundraiser weā€™re having at church. Then itā€™s on to making the chocolate truffles and hot buttered rum mix I plan to give as gifts to coworkers and barn buddies.


Again, I donā€™t think anyone involved in this mess comes off as likable, intelligent, or believable.

Ii didnā€™t realize that the concept of jury nullification has been discussed ad nauseam here, so my apologies. /s

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Unfortunately some things have been deleted along the way as they were proving to be too revealing or problematic for the narrative. The were quite a few posts about JKā€™s involvement in the various agreements that have since been deleted. Plus quite a bit about some things LK found in other people living spaces.


I have the outside of my home decorated. And I have started the mantle. I also have a fair amount of Christmas shopping done as well, including 2 new pair of breeches that I ordered this past Sunday, from the UK that were delivered TODAY! Took a chance on them, 30 something on sale. They look like pikeur knockoffs. I am stoked.

Brag brag brag


I very much doubt doing any of these things is going to answer my questions about the thoughts on jury nullification in this case from anyone who has posted the opinion that the jury came to their verdict because they thought Michael needed psychiatric help.


The definition is the jury can find whatever verdict they want for whatever reason they want; ie they can ignore any and all jury instructions if they want.

But CH and HH have an amazing lecture as to why this just isnā€™t actually possible.


Thatā€™s not how I remember it. In the trial there was a text from MHG to MB, suggesting they tell LK to leave and pointing out to MB that they hadnā€™t asked her to leave. The actual text was terse and ambiguous, as texts often are.

Itā€™s probably true that BigMama has ā€œcorrectedā€ Hut-Ho on the ā€œcorrectā€ interpretation of the text, though, since Hut-Ho had a different interpretation of the text than BigMama.

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I am going to find the time to watch 48 Hours at some point before this year is over. I doubt I will go back and read all the threads on this topic because 1) I just donā€™t have the time or interest and 2) I doubt the content is much different than any of the more recent threads.

I did watch the first day of the trial, and bits and pieces of the rest, but I had too much else to do to be glued to it from start to finish and Iā€™m not going to go back and rewatch. Everyone has been ignoring my questions about thoughts on jury nullification, so if there are other questions of mine you donā€™t like, you are certainly welcome to ignore those too.

@BigMama1, @Maria
Both of you are on fire! I need to put my tree up and hope my cats leave it up and order gifts online. I have a couple I have to make as my husbandā€™s family likes to do homemade gifts.

I am looking for a good peanut butter fudge receipe if anyone has one.


For the third time, @Sdel, I have never said, much less lectured, that jury nullification ā€œisnā€™t actually possible.ā€

Itā€™s possible. I donā€™t think that it happened, but itā€™s possible.

Do you think the verdict was an instance of jury nullification? That they thought the prosecutor had not made his case, but voted NGRI instead of NG because they thought they were doing him a favor by getting him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital?

Until any of the jurors go public with what went on while deliberating, no one has any idea if jury nullification applies in this case. Discussing this would be going down a deep rabbit hole since no jurors have spoken publicly to date.


I didnā€™t ask for the definition of jury nullification. I asked the people here who think that the jury disregarded instructions, thought Michael did NOT shoot Lauren, but gave him an NGRI verdict anyway so that he would get the mental health help they apparently thought he needed, if they think that was the right thing for them to do to Michael. I also asked several other questions that I wonā€™t repeat because this line of questioning is clearly too unpleasant for people to think about.

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Plenty of people here have stated that they think the jury only came to NGRI because they wanted to make sure Michael got help with his mental health issues. Itā€™s been stated many, many times in these threads. Itā€™s only become a problem now that someone is asking them to really think about whether that is the good thing they have been implying it is.

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LK was also all over Facebook pretending to look for rides for her horses to be moved before August 5. She had many offers after her tragic tale of persecution and evil being done to her, the poor innocent lamb. IMO she had no intention of packing up and leaving. It was all for show - and attention. And just another way to play the doe-eyed innocent without a mean bone in her body being forced out by the evil trainer villain. Or at least, that is the part she was trying to play and the story she was trying to sellā€¦

Does anyone have screenshots of some of those posts? I knew nothing of LK - until a friend in NJ sent me a link to a ā€œsoap operaā€ on Facebook as she had been involved in our mess here with LK types. She had since moved to NJ and became aware of the crazy sh-stuff going down on FB thanks to others in the dressage community.