Precisely. Nobody has said “we are evicting you.” Eviction is a legal process. Not the same as “nobody has asked you to leave.” Very very important difference.
How could he “ruin her ability to compete?” A SafeSport claim was filed based on her behaviour and actions. She is responsible for that behaviour, nobody else.
That whole paragraph under certification was not changed from the original answer back in Feb 2020. At that time, I would guess that line, that ends with “by the undersigned” meant Mr Deininger was still investigating the claims. I imagine he still is investigating things.
Okay. So New Jersey has produced more than one bat guano crazy family acting up, and acting out, in court, representing family members, making illegal audio recordings.
Interesting that in this case, the audio recording would have been legal in NJ - because one member of the conversation was aware of it - but this doesn’t apply to Lauren. She made illegal audio recordings where none members of the conversations were aware of the recording, so not the same thing. But at least the State of NJ is spreading the cray cray evenly across its face.
So what this tells us is that LK has several differing versions of the event. This happens when someone lies. No surprise as LK testified thatvshe lies. Which is why she cannot be believed in anything she says. Predictably, the criminal jury noticed this as well.
Yes, this situation isn’t quite the same but it made me wonder if MB happened to be on a call with someone who was in a two party state and recordings captured the phone call. The SOL has probably expired if it did but in the case in the article, the woman was charged with a felony and sent to a detention center. Florida at least takes this very seriously. The family in the article, I wonder if they made a judge made and everyone got charged with something.
Please don’t misinterpret our non answer to you to mean what you think it does. This has been discussed already. No one wants to go down this rabbit hole further.
You do you but we don’t have to follow.
I for one have zero interest in having the conversation you want. That doesn’t mean you’re right.
PSA: Just letting everyone know that the ignore function gets easier to use with practice. I’ve just added another name just to ensure I remembered how to do it.
@lazaret and our other law professionals: Thanks so much for your patience and expertise. It is greatly appreciated!