[quote=“hut-ho78, post:2288, topic:778966”]
That’s what I would do. If someone stalked me, threatenend me, tried to ruin my business, wouldn’t leave my property, vowed to behave in ways which would destroy me and my family, and then did, I would absolutely report their behaviour to the governing body of their sport, the oversight committee of sports in general, whatever I could do to bring their campaign into the light. I’d let everyone know. If they were on my property and wouldn’t leave, I’d take the house down around them. I’d find a good place for their horses and move them myself to the new barn and let the person toddle on after them, and when she left MY property to go see, or go get, her horses, I’d be ready and every single item of hers would be out of that house and on the street, or on whatever property was arranged for her to go to, but off of my property, legalities be damned. I’d happily pay whatever fines in court if she wanted to bring it. And ruin her ability to compete?? Once she was off my property, she’d never compete again if there was anything I could possibly do. So stop being all pearl clutchy about MB and MHG talking in the club house about their frustrations and wondering what they should do about her. The woman tried to ruin MHG’s parenting and destroy her family. She should rot on the side of the road, as far as I am concerned. Awe. Gee, too bad. someone wanted Lauren Kanarek to loose her reputation in dressage competition after what she did to MB and MHG. and later CONFESSED to doing.