Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Why wouldn’t stalked people respond this way? People whose life, livelihood and careers were under constant attack? Why wouldn’t a person want to defend themselves?

The astonishing thing you seem to be either unwilling or unable to grasp is that up to this point MB had done NOTHING illegal.

The same cannot be said for Lil Miss Eavesdop Harass Ninja User.


And I thought that was just at Devon.:grin:

(Sorry, just a reference to an old, and hysterical, thread).


That;s a great, clear summary of the facts.


And Michael was partially suffocated in a chokehold and rendered unconscious before any of these things happened based on RG’s testimony. His testimony was that he immediately placed MB into a choke hold and rendered him unconscious while he was standing on the porch within seconds of the shooting.


So RGs testimony was not at all supported by the forensics of bullet trajectory.


The testimony from the expert was that the gun could have been fired from ANY point along the trajectory.

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Yes…and that trajectory was initiated somewhere near the front of MB’s truck in the driveway, not the bush beside the house where LK and RG said he was. Keep in mind, they could only discern the trajectory of whatever bullet hit the door and window, not of any of the several other bullets that have at some point or another have been claimed to have been shot and no casing could be found for.


shocker. not.


[quote=“hut-ho78, post:2288, topic:778966”]

That’s what I would do. If someone stalked me, threatenend me, tried to ruin my business, wouldn’t leave my property, vowed to behave in ways which would destroy me and my family, and then did, I would absolutely report their behaviour to the governing body of their sport, the oversight committee of sports in general, whatever I could do to bring their campaign into the light. I’d let everyone know. If they were on my property and wouldn’t leave, I’d take the house down around them. I’d find a good place for their horses and move them myself to the new barn and let the person toddle on after them, and when she left MY property to go see, or go get, her horses, I’d be ready and every single item of hers would be out of that house and on the street, or on whatever property was arranged for her to go to, but off of my property, legalities be damned. I’d happily pay whatever fines in court if she wanted to bring it. And ruin her ability to compete?? Once she was off my property, she’d never compete again if there was anything I could possibly do. So stop being all pearl clutchy about MB and MHG talking in the club house about their frustrations and wondering what they should do about her. The woman tried to ruin MHG’s parenting and destroy her family. She should rot on the side of the road, as far as I am concerned. Awe. Gee, too bad. someone wanted Lauren Kanarek to loose her reputation in dressage competition after what she did to MB and MHG. and later CONFESSED to doing.


Only during horse show hours!


[quote=“Ambitious_Kate, post:2297, topic:778966, full:true”]

I worked in Landlord Tenant Court and while on the job knew I didn’t have the disposition to be a Landlord because I’d act the same way. All horses, supplies, stall doors would be gone and all utilities like electric and water shut off to the barn as is my right. Let them lug water to from the house.

Then for the house there would be contractors there all day going in and out. Making noise with repairs. You know they start super early. Then I’d rent out the property for film crews, BBQs, etc. My imagination would know no bounds. They would even have to buy cross ties.

And if they dared set fire to the place there would be video of that too.


Come to think of it I would want to redo the outside stairs. A ladder should suffice. Maybe rip up the patio put in pavers. Takes awhile though.

August sure is hot. I guess they’d have to buy and run a series of hoses from the house.


Only if there was proof of her being under the influence while competing. And again, that would be a consequence of her own actions, not MB “ruining” her supposed competitive career.


Yup - the campaign of harassment and torture LK unleashes on MB and MHG, as well as on several others in the past, may well qualify for a lifetime ban under SafeSport. Is MHG not supposed to report this kind of egregious behaviour? That’s precisely why SafeSport exists. Again, you are protesting the idea that LK might have to face consequences for her own actions. Boo freaking hoo.


FEI drug tests athletes so she’d come up positive just like Lance Armstrong.

At national shows? I’ve literally seen human drug tests performed at a horse show once in my entire life.

That I don’t know. Was always told FEI tests humans.

Perhaps if a report was filed with them of suspicion then they would?

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As I have pointed out 23847123984712398471238947 times in previous threads, her continuous use of Suboxone makes her ineligible under the FEI and WADA rules, because it falls under the Narcotics classification, with no exceptions for “therapeutic use”. It’s not a matter of her showing signs of being under the influence, it simply isn’t allowed.


They test randomly and for cause, as they desire or as needed. All it would take for LK to get flagged is a filed report, with documented proof of her Suboxone use, such as a photo of the packaging, with her prescription information on it. MB could easily do that, since she didn’t discreetly dispose of the packaging and put it in with the common waste found in the garbage. In addition to that, with her or RG simply handling the stuff or any other prohibited drugs and substances, the horses she rides or either one comes into contact with could become contaminated with it and test positive, as we’ve seen numerous times with other prohibited substances, including narcotics.


I’ve seen the photo so I know they have it