Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I saw it, too, and am kicking myself for not taking a screen shot. Have not been able to find that picture again and not sure where I saw it. It was orange boxes of suboxone in a trash can.


Yes. A lot of those. I remember wondering if they were stockpiling empty boxes or they use a lot of it.


Right. But national shows do not fall under FEI rules, even if someone is riding an FEI test. AFAIK FEI rules only apply at CDIs, and I canā€™t imagine LK riding well enough to enter a CDI. Then again, she seems pretty delusional about her abilities so perhaps she would.


Why would you need photos when they admitted under oath that they take it?



The original threads were very interesting with Lauren Kanarek threatening anyone who did not agree with her and insisting her version of taking a helicopter to the hospital was the truth and ā€¦
The problem is, Lauren Kanarek went back and deleted all kinds of things before the threads were archived.


MB or someone else finding the boxes in the trash was probably one of the first clues that there were people with drug problems living on the property. Photos = proof.


I wonder about the cost, to the state of NJ I assume, of hosting someone whoā€™s deemed not mentally ill.
Not to mention hogging a bed, which are in short supply.


Why do you need proof that Suboxone boxes were found in Michaelā€™s trash?

Is there a problem?


Sorry to circle back to this but I am far behind againā€¦

I realize the jury saw and heard much more testimony than I saw watching the trial, but if I had been on that jury, this is what I would have written down after testimony was complete.

  1. MB had no criminal record, he was a successful athlete and businessman, and he had been a productive and upstanding member of the community until LK and RG came along.
  2. The people who testified on MBā€™s behalf are respected and productive members of the community.
  3. There were no prosecution witnesses who testified that MB was prone to violent or abusive behavior.
  4. LK and RG are liars, drug addicts, and grifters, and seem to possess very few redeeming qualities.
  5. MBā€™s personal history and the testimony of the defense witnesses point to the fact that he had been doing OK dealing with the vagaries of life until LK embarked on a campaign to destroy his business and reputation.
  6. There was testimony from multiple witnesses that the atmosphere at the farm had become toxic due to the presence and actions of LK and RG. The big question is why they did not leave when it was obvious they were no longer wanted and they had become so unhappy there. (Who does that?)
  7. LKā€™s SM postings and text messages and alleged recording of private conversations, along with her other actions, were beyond the pale. (Who does that?)
  8. The forensic reports from the scene are troubling, esp. the confusing information about bullet trajectories and the lack of GSR testing on anyoneā€™s hands that would help prove who was holding the gun when it discharged. Those issues, along with the confusing, backpedaling and contradictory testimony of the admitted liars/drug addicts, make me have serious doubts about what happened.
  9. MB was bitten multiple times by LKā€™s aggressive dog, including in the groin. Was he possibly trying to defend himself against the dog when the shooting occurred?
  10. The photos of MB taken after the shooting incident look as though he was beaten methodically and maliciously.
  11. I donā€™t believe that the incident went down the way the prosecution alleges, and I wish there had been evidence/testimony about the possibility of self-defense.
  12. The defense is arguing that MB had been driven insane by the actions of LK (and aided and abetted by RG and possibly/probably her father).
  13. MB doesnā€™t look well ā€“ he needs help from mental health professionals to regain his emotional stability.
  14. LK is not only an admitted liar and drug addict, she also appears to be a vindicative and conniving individual (thatā€™s putting it nicely) who seems to have no remorse for her actions and who gives every indication that she is not finished with her plan to ā€œFinish the Bastard.ā€
  15. I donā€™t think MB should be released into my community in the mental state he is in, and especially where he would be vulnerable to further emotional abuse from LK.
  16. I donā€™t think there is adequate evidence that MB shot at RG, so NG on those counts.
  17. For the counts related to LK, NGRI acquits MB of responsibility for the shooting, ensures he gets mental health treatment before he is released back into society, and keeps him where he is safe from retaliation by LK and her minions. (And yes, I know that he did not get treatment at AK and is apparently not getting it at Greystone, but a juror would not have known that).

I guess I would have filled a few pages of a legal pad with all that, but writing it down would have helped me organize my thoughts and lead me to what I believe to be a logical verdict.


Tarshis and JK @Inigo-montoya were negotiating a place for her to go to.

If that doesnā€™t tell you that you should leave, while you claim to hear a plot to kill youā€¦ I meanā€¦ I guess you can deny that.
But I doubt it will end well. Or your denial will be believable.


I think the full details of his injuries needs to be laid out for people to understand that it absolutely suggests that it is perfectly plausible that this incident resulted in a shooting resulting from self defense, or in the course of a struggle over the gun.


I know this is a strange concept, but when the drug boxes were found in the trash there was no plan for court and all any of them knew was that they were dealing with someone who refused to tell the truth about anything. So having a photo to prove the many boxes existed makes tons of sense.

Why is having proof about them a bad thing?


I guess there is - you seem upset that you donā€™t have proof that there were empty boxes of Suboxone is Michaelā€™s trash. Iā€™m just curious why.

Another thing Iā€™ve been curious about - how many people posting here are friends with Michael? A few months ago, before Michael was transferred to where he is now, there was talk about him being released and some were talking about going to a Christmas party that he was going to host at his farm. Is he ok with his friends posting on these threads?

You are explaining something to someone who is not discussing in good faith. They have admitted to 1) not reading the old threads, 2) not having watched much of the trial beyond opening statements and 3) not having watched the 48 hours episode. All while having been extremely condescending, rude, and suggesting we are stupid for believing certain possibilities could have happened based on 1) having read the 3 years of old threads 2) having watched the trial (and discussed every aspect of the trial before said trial because the victim blabbed the whole case online) 3) having watched the 48 hours episode. In fact, one could really say that we have MORE information than the criminal jury ever received because there were definitely things discussed here that didnā€™t make it into the trial.


None as far as anyone knows. LK on the other handā€¦ā€¦


If you didnā€™t think the state had made its case that MB had shot LK (beyond a reasonable doubt), the logical verdict in accordance with jury instructions would be NG.

If you nevertheless voted NGRI for the purpose of ā€œensuringā€ MB received psychiatric treatment, and keeping him safe from LK, that would be a case of jury nullification.

If, as a juror, I thought the state had not made its case that be shot her, I would have voted straight NG.

I donā€™t think this is what happened, but if the jury voted for NGRI despite thinking the prosecution had not met its burden, I think thatā€™s a horrible injustice to MB.


First she has to attend her lessons (for something beyond bowing to your horse) and then show up at the show. :roll_eyes:


I was asking about the comment that Michael himself stated many, many, many times that he asked her to leave. And not because I donā€™t believe she was asked to leave, but because I didnā€™t think that Michael has had many, many, many opportunities to tell his side of the story where he would have the opportunity to tell anyone this many, many, many times. I have no doubt that Lauren new that her presence was not welcome on that property.