Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Oh ok well that seems a bit strange then.

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My, yet another complete twisting of words.


Document everything.


Dotting iā€™s and crossing tā€™s.


Oh, I can answer thisā€¦
I have never met Michael and before all this happened I did not even know he existed.

But I was probably one of the people joking about going to a Christmas party at Michaelā€™s.

Which is not likely to happen for so many reasons. Ignoring the whole fact that Michael does not know me, and I do not know him, I am also one of those people who pretty much never travels and from what I have learned here Michael does not live in the same state as me. So no party for me even if I managed to get myself an invite.

On a more serious note, I do not think Michael knows or does not know what anyone randomly on the internet is posting about him or the situation.

It is hard to guess what you are trying to say in your twisting here, but if you bothered to watch the 48 hours episode you would see where the people here are getting that Michael said she was told many many times. He says it, himself, on camera, for all to see, in his own words. It is not a case of him telling someone he is friends with and them passing it along and it getting posted here. He said it, 48 hours put it in the episode. Just like they put in the episode Laurenā€™s theory on bowing to a horse and the screen shot of the safesport document where she checked yes.


Why? Itā€™s a public horse discussion board with members from all over the world participating.


Obviously someone directly involved in this case (for example, Michaelā€™s lawyers) would want to collect this kind of thing, but why do random people on the internet need to gather proof of something related to this case?


you also stated you havenā€™t read the various threads, watched the trial, read the YouTube comments or watched the 48Hours episode, so I bet youā€™d agree that juuuust maybe you missed it?


Discussing the case isnā€™t strange - I meant the part about being invited to Michaelā€™s Christmas party.

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Itā€™s been shown to be a necessary habit. Otherwise the next time one turns around someone will be denying it again.


A better question, why would a boarder be taping conversations sheā€™s not involved in at the barn she boards at?
People do all kinds of stuff that we donā€™t understand.
Some of it is harmless, some of it is illegal and causes harm to others.
I know which I concern myself with.


So true with so many posters here.

I have found the more people scream that they do not edit, the more likely they are to edit.



Sounds like you are just purposely misunderstanding sarcasm. Pretty good considering that was in a previous thread.


Michael couldnā€™t have mentioned anything during the trial (he didnā€™t testify), he doesnā€™t participate in YouTube comments or these forums so he couldnā€™t have said it there, so the only place according to your post he could have mentioned it is in the 48Hours episode, which is what I asked. It is weird that he would say the same thing many, many, many times in one 48 Hours episode though. Youā€™d think they would have edited out the repetition. Like I said, I am planning on watching it when I have time.


In the 48 Hours episode, in an interview taped after the criminal verdict, the interviewer asked Barisone if he had asked LK to leave, and he answers, ā€œYes, many, many times.ā€

However, in the lawsuit he filed against the police, there is no claim that LK was asked to leave prior to the Aug 5 communication from Tarshis. In the criminal trial, Tarshis testified that even as late as Aug 5, MB did not want to evict LK, but intended to ā€œscare herā€ out.

MB was not acting rationally in the days and weeks before the shooting.


Oh wait. So the person who is insisting they are not reading any other threads has actually gone back to find points in other threads to comment on?

So very interesting.



Thank you, this is a helpful response.


I know there are a few who were suspended for drug use (Lamaze is one, twice, after being named to the Olympic Team but went on to win Gold years later), after testing positive, but have not heard of a full ban over drug use outside of competition. Do you know of any examples?

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Yep. Iā€™m pretty sure that was KM about MBā€™s Krol hearing results and generally addressed to IM and/or Seeker.


You mean the imaginary party that really wasnā€™t going to happen, and was only a bit of light ā€œwhat ifā€¦ā€ since heā€™s being detained? Still?
Youā€™re really grasping here.

To be clear, like when we muse over how to spend Lottery winnings, it was just a musing on how people who wanted to, and could, might celebrate his releaseā€¦ in their Imagination.