Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I have not gone back to the beginning to read ALL the threads on this topic. I started reading in real time around June. The Christmas party discussions were after June. I assumed people here were friends with him since they were planning on traveling to Florida for his Christmas party.

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Iā€™m pretty sure it was posted here at one point.

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Get back to us when you have.


Also remember that in regards to a former spouse an order of protection was taken out against HER if memory serves me right.




Really? Didnā€™t Eggbutt say that after the shooting she immediately contacted people like MHG and ask what she could do to help?

Eggbutt has been the dominant poster on these threads.


Per the WADA agreements and USADA rules, the USADA has authorization to demand testing of any USEF-recognized athlete/member engaged in USEF sanctioned/recognized competition or activity. They can do so by their own volition or at the insistence of the USEF or other designated and authorized agencies, including WADA. Testing can be in-competition/event or out of it, with no advanced notice, per the USEF rules and reciprocity agreements.

GR 413 Human Drug Testing

In accordance with the rules of the FEI and of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), any Federation member shall comply with in-competition, no advance notice (NAN), and other out-of-competition drug testing conducted by the FEI, WADA, US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) or by a WADA-authorized organization or USADA-authorized organization at any time without advanced notice. Failure to cooperate with such in-competition, NAN or other out-of-competition drug testing shall be a violation of Federation rules.

International competition is just where you see and hear about the testing, but it can be done at any USEF/USDF-sanctioned or affiliated event, be it a recognized show or a clinic or exhibition or team tryouts. The short answer is, so long as LK is using Suboxone or any other banned substance, she canā€™t go chasing points and USDF medals without the possibility of running afoul of the drug testing, at any time.


If you take all posts literally, well I hope you buckle up for your remedial reading of the case.
Or, maybe the internet isnā€™t for you.
Tip: not everything here is literal, or true. :wink:


Didnā€™t MHG leave as soon as she could after the shooting? The state expert says she told the police something about being afraid that JK was going to kill her.


Hmmmā€¦ The stretching has ramped up.
Something must not be going LKs way.


Yes really!

So to you the fact that Eggbutt was helpful and talked to MHG and maybe even some other random people associated with Michaelā€™s facility that she has a history with equals people telling Michael what is happening on a horse internet bulletin board years later?

Arenā€™t you one of the people who likes to boast how MHG left Michael right after this, so how is Eggbutt talking to MHG leap to someone telling Michael what is happening on the COTH forum?

I admit, just like Lauren Kanarek (as stated by the stateā€™s expert witness), you are creative and use your imagination well.



I donā€™t know MB. Never saw him in person. Never wanted a lesson from him. Never spoke to him even on the phone, text or email. I never visited any of his farms.

I saw him on TV in the Colbert thing and circa 2008ish I took a few lessons from one of his students who I didnā€™t know trained with him until they told me.

I know of him mostly from COTH and this tragedy. Feel better now?

I posted that I was betting on his being home from Christmas. Itā€™s still possible. Very possible.


Hmmmā€¦are we getting close to that timeline the judge set for reissuing subpoenas? What about a new deposition date?


The party was being discussed prior to the Krol hearing snd was an expression of everyoneā€™s confidence that MB would be released as soon as the Krol hearing happened.


Actually they lied if they remember people saying they thought heā€™d be out for Christmas AND state they havenā€™t read past threads.


And if Taylor had done as he is charged to do, follow MD recommendations, Michael may have actually been able to have that party with his real friends and loved ones.


I remember you saying heā€™d be out by the holidays, @Knights_Mom

Had you watched the TV and internet coverage you would have seen him say it in an interview.

But you didnā€™t. Hard to argue with those who did watch, eh?


I felt perfectly fine both before and after reading your post. Thank you for caring.

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