Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Weren’t the board posts included in the information in the trial? The Thousands of pages of social media etc?

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Ignoring questions and posts you don’t like instead of posting snarky responses is always a better option if you want to keep the thread open.


No. The only thing in the trial was her facebook, email and texts. Otherwise it was limited to things MB could know prior to the shooting…so no, no CotH postings in the criminal trial.


Lance Armstrong.


People who refuse to do their own homework and instead want others to rehash the entire three years of discussion are tiresome.


In Equestrian sport, bike racing has a super high rate of drug tests due to steroid use so they test way more than Equestrian sports.

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Interesting I had always thought her forum posts were included too.

Nope. Not yet. Maybe for the civil trial.


Wonder how many pages that would be if there was already that many without Coth posts…wowsers

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Athletes routinely get suspensions ranging from weeks and months to bans of several years, depending on what substances are detected and their known uses. A permanent ban would usually be the result of continuous positive tests for performance enhancers or managing to rack up a bunch of wins over time and then testing positive for enhancers and coming out as a cheater, like Lance Armstrong did.

In the case of LK, it would be a ban for so long as she uses and tests positive for the prohibited substances in Suboxone and any other drugs she uses. She wouldn’t get a warning, she would just be banned, because her ongoing and continuous long-term use is tied to her drug addiction and she cannot get an exception for that simply because she says has the paperwork for addiction treatment that is attached to Suboxone use.


Anytime because you are important to me.


You mean the COTH forum when you ask about board posts?

The short answer is NO!!!

The longer version of that with more details is - No COTH posts were used in the criminal trial. All of those thousands and thousands of posts that discussed/used at the criminal trial were Lauren Kanarek’s SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS FROM BEFORE THE SHOOTING.

The COTH posts are coming up in the civil trial because of the Klan’s love of posting stuff here. Not what random posters are saying, what Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) , and Kirby Kanark (@Seeker1) have posted.


Track, gymnastics, skating all are similar. Drugs is drugs. USADA is very diligent I hear.


I got some they can have.



My point is that Eggbutt, the dominant poster on these threads, is not someone “randomly on the internet”. She is an insider with inside information and has a particular narrative that she pushes.


SGF, in one of their court docs in September, stated they had received an additional 38,000+ pages of LK’s social media posts since discovery was opened in May.


I’m asking solely about equestrian sport.

I think they hand out suspensions first, no? Where do you see automatic ban? It’s certainly not the case with FEI.

Rodrigo is here


Have you ever heard of a rider being tested at a non FEI event? I have not, I’m genuinely curious if anyone has?