Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022


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What does that have to do with Michael knowing about what is being posted on COTH?

That is the the thing you responded to. If you are now trying to make some other point, I am confused. Please clarify either that we changed subjects to what you quoted/responded to or please answer my question.


Yes but neither of those people were automatically banned, they were suspended.

Even if, so? We’ve got IM who was claiming to “know everything” and was clearly pushing a narrative as well. And he’s gotten himself subpoena for his involvement in the plot and the recordings he claims to have heard.


I have another question to go with your questions here @CurrentlyHorseless. Because Eggbutt reached out to people way back when
and has a particular narrative that she pushes, does that somehow make her have inside information now?
I mean, you very clearly have a narrative that you are pushing but we believe you when you have told us that you have no inside information.



I’ve been an official at international lawn bowls - they were pee testing LAWN BOWLERS. :rofl:


@LiberalSnowflake, I admit, that made me laugh way too hard. Now I am having a coughing fit because I was laughing so hard.


A 2 year suspension if your horse is 17 yrs old is pretty devastating.

A user who can’t quit their drug is likely to become the first person with a permanent Lance Armstrongish rider ban.


FEI definitely does and quite often.

I’ll have to do a little digging.

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I drank that when I went to Peru and stayed at an old Colonial-style hotel. The stuff I was given was packet-based - like regular tea - and not the more potent blend you’d get from the authentic tea that she might have been served at a more upscale place or restaurant, but they told us not to take any of it home, because it would get us in trouble at Customs, either in the country or anywhere along the way home. When we were leaving the country, we spent a few hours in a small airport holding area, with dozens of others, as the outgoing and incoming travelers were checked for various things, ranging from artifacts and contraband to illicit substances.


Were they testing to find out if they’d been smokin’ grass? :grin:


Was that brought up in testimony?


It’s been posted about but I don’t remember if it was stated at trial. I don’t think so as her arrest record wasn’t either. But it will in the civil trial for sure!!


Eggbutt leaked the inside information that MB was on no medications prior to the Krol hearing. Then we read the news coverage after the Krol hearing that, indeed, MB was on zero medications.

I infer that she is in communication with Lara Osborne.

Are you speaking for @Sdel when you say “we believe you” that I don’t have inside information? Or are you being sarcastic?

Unlike Eggbutt, I am not an insider and don’t have inside information.


I am still wondering why there were multiple boxes in the trash. Were LK and RG in the habit of letting trash accumulate in the house before taking it out? (And if so, that says a lot about their lifestyles
). And if they had removed the suboxone from multiple boxes at the same time, one can’t help but wonder why. What were they doing with multiple doses of suboxone? :thinking:


I’m pretty sure it was a royal we.

I’m sure we, the board generally, have noticed that today there seems to have been 1, 2, 3 posters who have been fishing for information and throwing around accusations on who may be connected and talking to Michael or others behind the scenes.


It was a royal we. I can not speak for @Sdel, sorry.

You are still not really answering my main question. I will play along* and say sure, maybe Eggbutt talks to LO and everyone associated with Michael, maybe they do lunch on Tuesdays, compare holiday recipes and talk about weather
 How does that mean Michael knows what is happening on this forum?

I talk to Mr. Trub many times per day, pretty much every day and he does not know what is happening on COTH.

*Disclaimer - I will play along does not mean I am agreeing with you so please do not post next Saturday that I said that Eggbutt talks to LO because you and I will both know that is not what I meant there and you will force me to remind you that you knew this already. It will get grumpy and ugly. So lets just not do it.


I asked this same thing this morning.


My husband doesn’t even know COTH exists LOL


[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:2402, topic:778966, full:true”]

Oh for sure it will be brought up in the civil trial. But I am pretty sure it wasn’t mentioned in the criminal trial. Taylor would not have allowed it, and I am also guessing that MB did not know about it until he got the report from the PI (and Taylor didn’t allow much testimony about that either).