Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Mr Trub knows it exists because I sometimes say “My friend on COTH” followed by something boring to him. The other day it was - My friend on COTH would not go to the doctor either.


[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:2407, topic:778966, full:true”]

Yes, I remember asking much the same thing in one of the previous threads. I also asked about how hard it was to get a script for Suboxone, and also asked about the street value. IIRC, the thread wandered off in another direction, but I did get my knuckles rapped for “insinuating” that LK/RG may have been selling it.


I’m not fishing for information. I’m posting my opinion. It’s a discussion board.

Rubyroo asked if some posters were friends of MB, and I thought the answers given were not entirely accurate. Eggbutt is an insider and has dropped inside information on several occasions.

I don’t think Eggbutt is talking to Michael behind the scenes, but I think she has been in communication with Lara Osborne.

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But… @Rubyroo did not ask if anyone was friends with LO did they?


He didn’t state many, many, many times that he asked her to leave. He stated that he asked her to leave many, many, many times.

There is a difference. :wink:


I am just saying that Eggbutt, the dominant poster on these threads, is not simply a random Internet poster with no ties to the principals. It appears she has been in communication with Lara Osborne as recently as September. Lara Osborne communicates with MB and his lawyers.

I have no idea what Lara Osborne or the lawyers communicate to
MB about what is said on the forum. I would hope that they don’t burden him with any discussion of it at all.


You obviously missed my point #17. NG on the counts related to LK would not have ensured that MB gets mental health treatment, nor would it have protected him from further abuse by LK. I do not consider it an injustice to want to see that he gets treatment and to help him stay safe from LK.


In my opinion, an immediate release of MB sounds great but for my wondering if Miss HadToMoveCloseToHim would be problematic at that time.


Especially if the jury thought LK and RG were lying on the stand, one must consider to what end that served and how would that translate to after the trial…


No, I did see your point #17.

If you thought the state did not make its case that MB shot LK, I think it’s a horrible injustice that MB was found NGRI and is now involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. If he had been found NG, he could receive psychiatric treatment on a voluntary basis. I cannot imagine that MB or his lawyers would have preferred NGRI to a verdict of straight NG.

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Why would the jury think it was their job to protect Michael? I mean, they were there to determine whether or not he shot one person and shot at another. It seems like a pretty big leap to think that they got together to determine the verdict and they all decided hey, who cares who shot whom, let’s just make sure that the defendant gets taken care of and is safe.


Have you ever served on a jury?

If you had I think you’d understand how juries flow and come to agreements especially right before a holiday weekend.


I don’t my think it’s a big leap for them to have gone….

“Whoa, this man was harassed to insanity and she had a plan to destroy him too. She knew what she was doing, she did it on purpose, and she admitted it to us under oath. Maybe we need to make sure that he’s going to be okay after all this, I’m not entirely sure he will be”……

I mean, that seems to have been the conclusion that most of the independent commentary the trial and 48 hours watchers leaned toward.


I think patients that are legally prescribed controlled narcotics often are drug tested to make sure they are using them and not selling.

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I don’t think it’s a big leap to throw around the possibility of the jury wanting to make sure that the defendant, in this case, got appropriate care and safety measures.

It’s entirely possible that some were convinced he shot LK, some were not convinced, and that there were thoughts and opinions all over the place. They might’ve reached this verdict as they thought it was the safest. As in, they saw a defendant that clearly had mental struggles and distress, and wanted to ensure that he’d get help and/or pass through some stages before being released instead of immediate release.

I personally think it’d asinine to think that one knows what the jury was or wasn’t thinking because we don’t know. We don’t. We probably will never know.

Sure we can toss around theories, but no one on here can be right or wrong when we don’t know the truth and motivations behind the verdict.


Whatever the rules may say, I have never, ever, not once seen a human tested for drugs at a USEF national competition. Maybe it’s happened, but I’ve never seen it. I’ve seen horses tested many, many, many times. Never a human.

So while it is conceivably possible that it could become an issue below the FEI level, I think the odds are relatively slim.

It’s also always been my understanding that horses are selected for drug tests at random, or based on a predetermined pattern, such as the top three places in a specific class, whichever horses those might turn out to be.

I would be very surprised if anyone could tip off the authorities to drug test someone, horse or human, just because that system would be so open to abusive behavior by other competitors, people with a grudge, whatever.


And yet, that doesn’t seem to stop some people from trying to argue anyway.


And then they called my comment “snarky”.


Oof. The poor legal staff who had to compile that material should definitely get a nice Christmas party thrown for them.


Obviously an incomplete list, since it does not include the Canadian rider mentioned above who got Canada booted from the Olympics.

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