Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I think it’s absurd that a jury that was unconvinced that he shot her would return a verdict other than straight NG.

You characterize the jury as thinking they were doing MB favor by voting NGRI instead of NG. Do you think MB and Bilinkas preferred a verdict of NGRI to a verdict of NG?


They certainly got some entertaining stuff to wade through lol

From a few days ago…

If 99.9% of viewers comment in such a way, not sure why it’s so far fetched to think at least some in the jury thought it as well. Keep in mind,the jury watched MB for two weeks. The were probably convinced he wasn’t okay.

And I’ve left out some of the more suggestive posts too.


What do those screenshots have to do with the issue of whether MB and his lawyers would have preferred a verdict of straight NG to a verdict of NGRI? Of course they would have preferred NG.

It’s absurd to think that the jury was doing MB a favor by reaching of verdict of NGRI if they did not think the state had made its case.


I don’t believe for a second that this is what the jury did. Not a single person on the one jury I have been part of even remotely suggested that we take on a babysitter/caretaker role for the defendant. I’d love to present this situation to a group of people outside of this community to see what their reactions would be. I bet they would be horrified to even consider that a jury would actually do this. It’s pretty unbelievable.


honestly, if you follow trials and read the comments on the trials on social media they are 99% bashing the witnesses, the judge, the lawyers, the accused etc. I wouldn’t give comments online a second thought. It’s pure toxic hateful comments always.


Interesting conflation you are making there. No one said it was “a favor”. But it is nice that you are agreeing that the jury found that MB was temporarily insane based on the defense’s expert testimony that LK’s behavior drove MB to his breaking point. As you said, couldn’t get to the NGRI without that fact or it would have been straight NG or G. The jury did not want to hold MB responsible for his actions or they would have thrown him in jail by rendering a guilty. They wanted him to get help because if he was in jail, who cares if he gets help he needs. There is a reason why most people who do bad things because of their mental health issues still wind up with guilty verdicts.

Something that was readily acknowledged by all but a few.


MHM is right - this is the warm-up arena. If anyone needs to lunge, please utilize a different arena.


:deer: :deer: :deer:


Before the thread was timed out, someone had asked for evidence of LK’s work history, volunteer history, hobbies, etc that show she’s really a decent person who got caught up in a horrible situation. That was never responded to. So, to the LK defenders, please show the rest of us how she’s deserving of sympathy. What I see is a nasty, horrible person who continues lashing out at people, threatening lawsuits, and even creepily buying a house in the same area “mean old MB” has lived for years.


See YouTube and…


Remember the saying “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean”? I think it should be amended for use here to " if you have to post, you have time to read". It doesnt roll off the tongue as easily but seems appropriate.


And more on this point, if the jury had felt his insanity was caused by MHG, his divorce, money stress, or whatever else reason besides LK’s behavior and her admitted goals, I highly doubt the jury would have been sympathetic enough to render a NGRI verdict over a guilty verdict.


This has nothing to do with what I am talking about. Even so, I agree with Jealoushe’s thoughts on the validity of YouTube commenters. Plus I will add I would bet money that most of those are just people who post here pretending to be outsiders. That last screenshot especially just oozes phoniness.

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Think of the drinking games they have come up with since they started!


You’re right, you didn’t say the jury thought they were “doing him a favor”. But I interpreted your theory as saying the jury was motivated by the desire to ensure MB received psychiatric care, and was kept safe from LK. If you don’t like the phrase “doing MB a favor”, is it fair to say they their motivation was to help MB?

I have never agreed to your statement that the jury determined that LK caused MBs insanity. The jury determined that he shot her, and that he was insane at the time he shot her, but did not determine the cause of his insanity.

Re bolded: The jury determined that MB was guilty of having shot LK, but also determined that he was insane at the time he committed the guilty act, and for that reason he was not criminally responsible for having shot her.

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I may have been one of several asking.


So, your whole point was that you wanted to say over and over and over again that you feel that Eggbutt posts a lot and in your opinion talks to people that matter, and some how her posting a lot makes it matter who she might talk to outside the forum? Did I read this comment right?

I do not assume that LO knows what goes on here.
I do assume that if/when she talks with Michael she is not wasting her time talking about COTH.


I bet they will be in the Civil trial.


Interesting. You’re now suggesting that the jury nullification worked in the direction of NGRI instead of Guilty.

The jury rendered no judgement on the cause of MBs insanity.

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Some of us know or remember MHG growing up showing in NC.

I do not know her personally, but I remember her being a kid showing and kicking butt.

I do not have inside information, but I think eggbutt knows MHG and her family from that time period. I am sure she will correct me if I am wrong. And I will not get my knickers in a knot if she does.

So if eggbutt is friends with MHG for years and she heard of the horrors that happened, why would it be a problem to reach out to a fried to see if she is ok or needs anything?