Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

DH is no champion of abusive riding as she worships abusive riders. She was never not for one second involved with fighting rolkur, a practice her favorite rider does.

I myself had a run in with her and can’t comment on her page.


I do not need to “explain the fact that his statement about the verdict is incorrect” because I don’t believe his statement is incorrect. I think Judge Sceusi is correct, as I stated the first time you asked.

You and @Knights_Mom apparently believe that his statement about the verdict is incorrect. I understand your position. I don’t agree with it, but I understand that you think the judge in the case is incorrect.

Man, there’s still back and forth about that? :woman_facepalming:t3:

I did what the judge stated read a bit odd, but I’m willing to sit back and see what happens.


I don’t “believe”. I KNOW.


Oh I know lol. She pretends to be calling out “abusive riding” as an excuse to smear riders she personally dislikes - particularly those who helped get her banned from the Global show grounds because of her harassment and inappropriate behaviour. In the few riders who still give her the time of day, she totally ignores any bad moments in time or dubious training practices (or documented history of blue tongues in competitions.) Almost like horse welfare isn’t the real issue at all…

Anyway, sorry for the brief detour. Let’s keep threads about one wacko at a time. This one is about LK. Everything that needs to be said about SW has already been said on COTH a million times and is searchable for those who care to scroll.


If you think his statement that the verdict was “guilty but not criminally responsible due to insanity,” is correct, then you must believe that “guilty but not criminally responsible due to insanity” is the same as “not guilty by reason of insanity,” which is the actual verdict written on the actual verdict sheet.

Look at the verdict sheet. Does it say “guilty but not criminally responsible?” No.

I believe the judge’s statement is incorrect because I know those are two different verdicts, not interchangeable with each other. The question is why do you believe they are?


The judge said “Defendant went to trial, where he was recently found guilty of attempted murder, but not criminally responsible due to insanity.”

That is correct.


No, it’s the farthest thing from correct. That verdict doesn’t even exist in NJ.

You did better on a previous post before you realized you differed from CH. You still weren’t correct but you were closer.


2C:4-1. Insanity defense

A person is not criminally responsible for conduct if at the time of such conduct he was laboring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing, or if he did know it, that he did not know what he was doing was wrong. Insanity is an affirmative defense which must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence.

L.1978, c. 95, s. 2C:4-1, eff. Sept. 1, 1979. Amended by L.1979, c. 178, s. 11A, eff. Sept. 1, 1979.

Nope. Please show me anywhere on the verdict sheet or a time stamp in the trial video where it says MB was found guilty of attempted murder but not criminally responsible. You can’t because he wasn’t.

You can keep denying it but that won’t change the fact that NGRI and guilty but not criminally responsible are NOT the same thing. MB WAS NOT FOUND GUILTY OF ATTEMPTED MURDER. For you, CH, the judge, or anyone to state that is categorically false.

This isn’t about the incessant harping you and CH do about the NGRI verdict meaning the defense proved beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot LK. Guilty but not criminally responsible is a completely separate verdict than NGRI. Words have specific meanings and those two sets of words do not mean the same thing.


I dont think these posters are able to grasp the nuances. I wouldn’t keep trying to sort it out with them.



So… MB’s amendment gets in, and the issue with the tapes is going to get interesting and subpoenas will be reissued with a narrower scope? Did anything else of note happen?

Thank you dear. You are so gracious. However, the honor is mine. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The Judges Order came with some errors in the recap of what happened previously. This is being disputed by us now.


Yeah… I saw that and wondered what verdict he read.


The one listed under “Desperate for a guilty verdict”?


No, the one listed under Nagle’s motions. Looks like ge just copied Nagel.


100+ posts behind, but just wanted to give this an ‘amen, sister’!


Hi Kirby! How is the vacation going?
