Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

It seems that for a few here there is quite the fallacy of belief that it was LK in charge and not MB, an owner of the farm, the owner of the business and lead trainer there.

LK was just like so many of us, an amateur boarder. That’s it. It was MBs show to run. His way or the highway.


Oh, it’s partially cut off, but it seems Shelley wasn’t the only one to be given stuff…


[quote=“hut-ho78, post:3546, topic:778966, full:true”]



During LK’s deposition, can they ask who she gave the stuff to?


Tell me you have no experience with top level Dressage training without saying “I have no experience with top level Dressage training”.


Didn’t you know to call RG, Guy in the very first thread and mention his family was reading? No one here has ever called him that except LK, and it was after you did and she only did it once. I don’t think any of the news articles did that either.

So, how did you know to call him by his middle name?


I chose my screen name when I created an account about a year ago, so you should not rely on the screen name as an accurate reflection of whether I currently board or lease a horse.

I have not been in training with BNTs or boarded in Wellington, although I’m aware that Wellington is probably the most expensive area in the US.

There are two different questions that you (g) are conflating.

Here are the questions, with answers:

  1. Is $5,000 month tor board and training with a BNT for two horses plus living accommodations a good deal or a “below market” rate? Yes
    It follows that $5,000 a month is an even better deal or even more below the market rate if there are more horses than two.

2, If you are not replacing the existing client with another client paying $5,000 or more per month but are considering ending the relationship with that client and not replacing them, does keeping the existing client at the below market rate improve or worsen your monthly cash flow situation?

It depends. If the $5,000 a month exceeds the marginal costs incurred by those horses, it improves the monthly cash flow. If the $5,000 is less than the marginal cost incurred by those horses, it worsens the monthly cash flow. I am using the term “marginal cost” in the standard business or economics terminology. By “marginal cost” I do not mean “trifling or insignificant cost”.

If the answers to these questions are

  1. yes
  2. keeping LK as a client worsens the monthly cash flow

then it is really, really difficult to understand why MB offered LK the initial deal of $5,000 for full training and board for two horses in April 2019.

The 48 Hours interviewer asked MB about LKs deal, and I interpret his response as 1. yes and 2. on a marginal cost basis, monthly cash flow was improved (“I had bills to pay”).

I’m assuming here that MB understood the economic concept that profits increase whenever marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost.

Relevance? Maybe at first he liked her. Narcissists, which she admitted to being on COTH, can be very charming at first. Until they’re not. Allowing her into his life initially doesn’t make her a defacto resident in his circle forever. LK was fine but then she wasn’t and she had to go. HAD to go.

She had no right to stay. No right to make demands. No right to engage in a power play against MHG. No right to expect to buy her way for a measley $5000 to Teachers Pet status.

The fact that LK was infuriated by not being the chosen special elite princess of MB is beyond the pale of normal behavior IMHO


As long as marginal revenue exceeds marginal costs on those horses, profits increase, even if that means that you’re running a $3,000 loss per month instead of a $4,000 loss per month.

-$3,000 > -$4,000

What new podcast?


Noooo… that is not how that works. That is not how any of that works. A clinic is held, participants pay to ride, auditors pay to audit - this one was held at a private facility that invited you to attend. That yard sale analogy is accurate.

Oooooohh… hints of a $5,000,000 conspiracy of some kind… do tell! :wink:

No, that would be to the tune of $30k per month for IM.

… and say it over and over and over again.

Having that kind of a toxic personality in the barn is also not worth $5,000 a month. It ends up poisoning an entire barn, drives boarders away (and as word spreads, prevents new ones from coming), sends clinics elsewhere, etc. We even lost a hay supplier when our version of LK confronted the guy during a delivery to yell and curse at him and tell him her horses would not eat that sh*t - and put it back on the truck. She berated the guys unloading and stacking and said that they were doing it wrong (they weren’t) and putting it in the wrong place (not true). I was at a dressage clinic that day and was not there to step in (which would have been fireworks). The next day, hay guy told me he was done and as long as TBFH was on the premises, he would not be able to help us anymore.

The hay was lovely - it was not sh*t.

TrainerB*tchFromHell is long gone. The hay guy is back with us again.

TBFH could also be very charming and sweet when you first met her. Her true colors were only revealed later when she sought to be in charge, deployed her clients/minions to be part of her campaign and acted as if she owned the property and could do as she pleased.




We had one like that (boarder) and it was the farrier (who did not live on site) who kicked her out.


But it won’t. That many horses costs more in Florida. The hay prices alone are astronomical. And in the house the grifters were burning utilities too by living there. That’s why RG was supposed to work, though he did very little.


Dear God. I knew LK/RG had been searching (via FB?) to try to ascertain where MHG’s children were, but I didn’t know it entailed sending them friend requests. What a couple of cockroaches.


Weren’t those kids quite young as well? Pre-teens, maybe? Super, super creepy.


I am not privileged to have had the experience of top level dressage training.

I do, however, have experience with the basics of business management, and I understand the concepts of marginal vs average revenue, marginal vs revenue cost, and profits.

I was assuming that the basic laws of economics that apply to all businesses apply to “top level dressage training” businesses.

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Imagine the reaction of the jurors in the civil trial when they learn LK/RG brought kids into the equation by searching for them online and by potentially having children removed by filing false allegations of physical and/or sexual abuse. Also imagine the jurors thinking the lengths they would also go to to protect their own children in this situation. SMH.


I’d say your experience with business management is limited at best when you keep representing MB’s business as a monarchy or dictatorship and that MHG or JH would have no say in how HH operated.


As presented in the trial, MB’s financial acumen was rare in the horse business.