Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Yes, but she’d probably say what she said on her SM was a lie again.

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Evidentially HH was ran like a North Korea and only the supreme leader had any say in business decisions.


Yes, but you recoup that money when you sell the horse. Also, some of those horses could be consigned for sale which means they are there for training/sales and the owners are paying for them until they sell. That’s how a lot of these sales barns work.


And completely ignoring the testimony from a witness who actually should’ve known what he was talking about on the subject, namely, MB’s lawyer.


The issue here is specifically marginal cost.

I have not claimed that that $5,000 exceeds the marginal cost of boarding 4 horses. Do you see the word “if” in the statement you’ve quoted?

@Knights_Mom wrote that her statement that JK threatened MB to coerce him into letting LK live in the apartment was not a “nasty claim” but a “documented claim”. No documentation has been forthcoming.

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So you do not have any documentation to your claims, just more presumptions. Noted.


No documentation about the police report you implied you have read has been forthcoming.

KM told you where the documentation for their claim was.


First let me say, I have never been to a dressage clinic, and odds are good I never will. So, my knowledge is limited and based on what I’ve been reading, along with MHG testifying that Michael was a popular and loved clinician.

I’m going out on a limb here and guessing that Michael could make more money in one clinic weekend than whatever LK was paying for an ever-increasing number of horses (even as the board rates stayed the same, per her testimony) and not have to deal with her.

The problem is - how could he leave the farm to do a clinic? And, how could he be worth anything at a clinic after staying up all night to keep the ninja from ninja-ing?

Had she actually left, that paltry sum she was paying could have been recouped pretty dang quickly.


Ah, so the claim that JK threatened MB as been asserted in legal papers filed by MBs lawyers?

In the civil suit against the police?

Was it asserted by the lawyers “upon information and belief”?

Did the legal filing provide some sort of documentation of the threat like a text message, email or phone recording, or is just an assertion “upon information and belief”?

If JK is really the root of the whole mess for having coerced MB into letting LK onto the property in April 2019, I wonder why MB and SGF are not suing JK.

Thanks for clarifying what you meant by the word “documented”.

And because as a highly sought after trainer, you would have no problem filling the stalls with paying clients once LK’s beasts left the barn.


Agree. MHG had taken on horses for training, sold horses, campaigned stallions, etc., long before moving to NJ. She did it in NC. She brought in her own income as a professional. Why people assume that would stop when she moved to NJ and LK created a contradictory narrative for her, I don’t know.

Also, when I was an assistant trainer to UL/BNTs, when they did go out of town, who was in charge of the facility and operations? Little ol’ me. Often assistant trainers are the main ones riding horses and giving lessons to clients. Sometimes they are the only ones to work with certain clients. There was never a time when trainers at a facility did not work and make decisions together. No Kim Jong Barisones.


Re bold: yes, at the prices/ride he could command, indeed, one weekend would have him bringing in what she was paying/month


Yes. It’s MB’s business. And he can delegate whatever authority he wishes to whomever he likes. So he could say to MHG about LK, “ Get rid of her. I want you to get her, her horses and her drug addicted criminal boyfriend off my property ASAP.”

For LK to stomp her little Louboutins and claim she doesn’t accept it and nobody actually wants her to leave unless MB himself serves her with formal notice of eviction, that’s absurd. If a trainer tells you to GTFO, you GTFO.


Or go find them yourself. Such classy people all the way around.


I agree that there is more to a business than monthly cash flow.

I am not asserting that the business was “floundering” and “needed cash.”

Whether the business was barely breaking even, generating hefty positive cash flow every month, or making losses every month on a cash flow basis, it’s basic economics that monthly cash flow is improved as long as marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost.

Jay T was a horse owned by Barisone, occupying a stall and eating hay. If Barisone sold Jay-T to LK for $40,000, with the provision that Barisone would not charge LK for board the horse, the change in ownership does not increase MBs monthly costs at all. In the meantime, he gets a $40,000 lump sum payment.


Not for claims that I never made, no.

Baloney. I’m about 300 posts behind but we’ve done this dance before. You are so keen to defend @Inigo-montoya that even when proof of his lying or duplicity is shown you have said “oh he’s being sarcastic”

There have been plenty of times he has been proven wrong. Pull your head out.

One of the biggest being that he claimed that the Kanareks were popping champagne and happy with the verdict here on CoTh but on 48 hours stated that they were “shocked” at the verdict.


Really? Hmmmm. You certainly seem to know more than most. It can/will take weeks of maneuvering and ridiculous excuses (the documents were lost by TWO law firms) before any contempt filings are seen.

Goodness, maybe I should call in favors from my insider peeps to obtain current info! Maybe I can get a copy of that police report too! /s


So, I’m looking at post history, it seems one of CH’s first few posts to the board was to jump into the open MB thread and proclaim IM’s credibility.


The verdict indicated that MB had committed that act of shooting LK.

If you believe that MB was sane when he shot LK, then you would be shocked and outraged the verdict was NGRI instead of Guilty.

If you believe that MB was insane when he shot LK, NGRI was the correct verdict.

I agree with you that IM (who I suspect is JK) was attempting to spin things by saying they were popping champagne corks when they heard the verdict, especially if he thinks MB was sane when her shot LK. Such a statement is disingenuous, I agree.

Misrepresenting one’s feelings on hearing the verdict on the man who shot and nearly killed your daughter is not a huge moral or ethic failure, IMHO.

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