Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

IM who was not even at the scene. Not even in the same country at the time.


How did my response there suggest to you that I have inside knowledge?

How exactly did you manage to make the same arguments here on the board that Nagel made for his quash motions? They were not exactly standard legal arguments and you claim to not be in law.


So? Is that a “tell”?

Is Hut-Ho a secret agent deployed by Robert Guy Goodwin? Or is Hut-Ho someone who has access to Google? Hmm. I’m hearing hoof beats. Is it a horse, a zebra, or a unicorn that I hear?

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It was sworn to. Just like testimony in court. Perhaps you want video?

The irony that you believe JK and LK with zero evidence but not sworn testimony is laughable.


Indeed, I claim not to be in law.

Laughable is not the word I pick.


What? You do know the horse eats, don’t you? Eating costs money.


Searching the name Robert Goodwin doesn’t bring up RG in any easy way. You have to know to put in the Guy part. And nothing about a random google search would suggest to use the middle name as a reference.


Just to clarify, you’re saying that it was asserted by MBs lawyers in a court filing without the preamble “upon information and belief”?

I’ll go back and look for it, thanks.

Simple logic.

Or just read these threads for a couple of days. It’s repeated hundreds of times if not thousands.

So is Hut-Ho a secret agent deployed by Robert Guy Goodwin?

This is exciting.

Really, it was posted that Guy’s family was reading hundreds of times just after the shooting in 2019.

Look at that
7 days after the shooting
and no one was referring to him as Guy. Not even LK at that point.


You just moved the goal posts because this conversation started by someone saying that Michael’s girlfriend had the authority to ask boarders to leave permanently and take their horses elsewhere without Michael’s knowledge or permission. This was not a discussion about training until you just mentioned it in the post quoted above.

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Called someone who was all over the news I was interested in by their full name? I doubt I was the first to do so.

The comment I made about families reading was about LK and MB and was a plea to stop trashing both of them.

Why is it so hard to believe I’m not an insider or have a dog in this hunt? Is this your own motive talking now? Projection maybe?

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There are multiple legal documents showing that Lauren’s father threatened Michael into allowing Lauren to live on his farm?

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You didn’t use a full name. You preferentially used the middle name of someone you claimed to not know.


Oh look, a shift change.