Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Indeed, I do not know for a fact that LK paid a lump sum of $40,000 for the horse or that the deal included the horse staying at HH without board for the horse charged to LK.

I made a statement conditioned on a hypothetical by using the word “if”.

I do know how conditional statements work, and that a hypothetical is not a statement of fact.

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[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:3673, topic:778966, full:true”]

Lols. Looks like the original post was deleted. A certain poster outs themself again, as they think that the clearly logical viewpoint constitutes “insider info”. Hahahhahahahahahha. Nope. We just ride, board, and own horses. Do you?

ETA: free lifetime board on a sale was always a red flag to me.


That wasn’t what I was questioning, and if you knew the horse world, you would know that. I meant that you have no way of knowing that a 40k “lump sum” was the better business decision. Over your head. Not surprised.


[quote=“erinmeri, post:3721, topic:778966, full:true”]

Deleted? How very telling!


Oh, so the $3,000 -$5,000 is an assertion about the typical marginal revenue generated by an owner paying for board and training.

Whether taking that horse into the training program improves or worsens the monthly cash flow of the barn depends on how the marginal revenue compares to the marginal cost incurred by accepting the horse, correct?

Not to mention the speculation on MB’s “manhood,” or whatever term was used by one person on some previous threads. Talk about a bizarre fixation. Ick.


Either that or I am technically inept. Either are plausible. But I didn’t really want to quote you and when I tried to quote them, I got a post deleted message. So I guess?


Freudian slip?


Moi? What did I do now… lol

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You said a post was deleted. Did someone make a Freudian slip?

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[quote=“erinmeri, post:3721, topic:778966, full:true”]

Lols. I deleted that post because I thought it was a bit snarky.

Who have I “outed” myself as? Someone who occasionally deletes a slightly snarky post?

Should I be ashamed for posting it or for deleting it? Both?

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Whether she was compensated or not, how is that the business of anyone other than MHG and MB?


Surprise, surprise, you do not understand delusional disorder.

Do some basic research.


Because some people here apparently do not, nor ever have, owned or boarded horses. Unless Jay T was on his deathbed, free lifetime board makes precisely zero business sense, even for the most angelic of clients. Selling a horse gets them off your payroll in all respects. Why would you “sell” a horse you could lease and then incur its expenses? It makes NO SENSE! Lease it out. Especially for one like him that got Lauren her best scores (if my memory serves). That’s a better financial decision.


Good for them!

Leasing out ponies can be very lucrative, since the kids keep outgrowing them, so it can make more sense for the pony rider’s parents to lease rather than buy a pony. Plus many ponies have very long, competitive careers, especially compared to horses.

I know somebody who said her outgrown pony’s lease fees put her through medical school.


Yeah, I keep checking in, thinking that there might have been some progress or at least a new drawing to admire, only to tire out my scrolling finger avoiding the same old same old.


Not to mention the housing.


Nor have I.


And yet, 1-2 posters cling to this narrative like it makes sense to anyone else. :woman_shrugging:


Unheard of for a reason!