Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

My thoughts exactly. You just don’t go after someone’s livelihood and children and expect zero repercussions. The things I’d do for my own would be absolutely savage.

I seriously don’t think there is a device on the market, let alone at a Home Depot or Lowe’s, that would pick up a conversation from the locker in a helmet to the office with a closed door. Fortunately, they can find the model she used and test the device’s capabilities.

I think it’s one of LK’s main, delusional arguments. That MB desperately needed LK financially (ha) and lured the precious thing into a trap. LaLa tried to repeatedly make the claim that she was essentially forced to come to this farm, as if she didn’t willingly move in and bring her horses herself. Absolutely no accountability.


How old was JayT at the time?

Color me not shocked at all!


MB couldn’t force LK to move to the farm any more than JK could force MB to let LK live in the farmhouse.

MB and LK mutually agreed on the deal for $5,000 initially, then the deal expanded with the renovation work and the purchase of Jay-T.

I cannot understand why MB was so reluctant to tell LK to leave or to evict her unless there was some financial benefit to MB to having her stay.

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No one can understand why you still continue to believe MB didn’t tell her to leave. He had a legal obligation to tell her to leave prior to formal eviction.

Everyone but you believes he told her to leave.


I expect it is highly unlikely that there was not a net monthly loss associated w/ LK’s 4 horses.


Has anyone ever heard of anyone selling someone a horse but still agreeing to pay for all of the horse’s care?

In my lifetime, I have not.


Totally agree. I’ve managed many equestrian facilities - I do not see how it would be possible at MB’s level of care to make any sort of profit on 4 horses in full training for 5k a month.

I can not even see how he’d make a profit off simply boarding the horses and not paying assistant trainers to train her. We know for certain she was being trained by JH and MHG.


Yep, in fact it wasn’t how MB rolled
According to Tarshis he was quite smart about making money, rare among horsemen.


JK threatened MB with a lawsuit to let LK live there. FACT.


Really? My quirky, tough, but awesome mare was in the mid 10s, lease fee only, with a cap on jumping at 3’. A schoolmaster would be multiples of that, even with a cap. A schoolmaster with no cap? I shudder to think.


Maybe he did tell her to leave.

I’ve seen no evidence that he told her to leave prior to Tarshis emailing her on Aug 5. In the civil suit against the police there is no claim that “upon information and belief” she was asked to leave prior to Aug 5, much less evidence that he had asked her to leave.

He was determined to have been delusional, insane as of Aug 7, 2019. I don’t think someone goes from being completely sane on July 30 to legally insane on Aug 7. I think there is plenty of evidence of bizarre (insane) behavior in his actions and inaction in the weeks prior to Aug 7.

If you believe he must have asked her to leave because it just would have been insane not to, well, we’re talking about an insane person here.

Strongly concur.


Absolutely possible. Happens all the time.



Good for me for remembering Robert Guy Goodwin in that post. That was the third post still remaining with his name. The earlier two said Robert Guy Goodwin and said that his name was found on Lauren’s FB page. It was also commented that it was a surprise both their FB pages were still open to the public.

Let me guess. You think I have Some connection to him. Nope. Just through COTH forums and if he has posted here, I haven’t been aware.

You have precisely no way of knowing that.

Was Jay T being leased prior to sale? (Lease fee plus expenses covered).

Does Jay T add an additional lesson or two, and/or a pro ride to Michael, Justin, or MHG’s schedule?

Those are just two obvious questions to start.

You’re embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge about how show barns work.


Its what the owner pays for training board.


If I wasn’t previously convinced that a person presently sans equine had never been WITH equine, at least not one in any sort of program (I was!), I certainly am now. How naive.


Plus other posters have just as much right as anyone else to imagine movies in their heads.

The difference is that most people who do that don’t pretend that they have factual knowledge to that effect.