Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

My husband hasn’t a clue.


Has the client actually been adhering to it?

If so, that seems like a miracle on the order of loaves and fishes.


Mine is, thankfully, a very good sport.

However we are definitely the start of a bad joke: a lawyer and an engineer walk into a bar…


Maybe when she suddenly needed any excuse available to justify staying on the farm in the face of an eviction?

And since she was spouting off about how she/horse was entitled to stay there forever days before the shooting……well, she was sure going to just politely pack up when she got that official eviction notice right?

That reminds me, in a little bit I’ll dig out LK’s rantings about her breech of contracts claims….at least a couple of them survived the big purge.


Sure. Just in her PMs to me watching the twisting of simple concepts to try and make a point were astonishing.


If you actually believe JH stole her phone to Google CPS not only once but 2xs there there is no hope 4u. That’s just 1 example that comes to mind.


So, I guess CH is saying the insurance agent committed perjury when he said he never talked to LK about the frozen pipes. LK said she approached him and tried to suggest to him that it was insurance fraud.


For the umpteenth time, please cite the specific evidence Michael Barisone shot anyone and very specifically how Schellhorn proved anything!


Re The deal on Jay-T.

Tarshis testified that MB did not have written contracts with LK. Whatever the agreement was, it was unwritten.

I think it is extremely common that when parties don’t go though the exercise of putting an agreement into written form, the two parties have conflicting understanding of what was agreed to. It’s entirely possible that LK thought that she would not be responsible for paying board on Jay-T for some period of time, while MB remembered things differently.

If any of these agreements, including the renovation for board agreement, had been clearly specified in writing, or better yet, not engaged in at all, her leaving would have been much less complicated and acrimonious. No, it wasn’t a divorce, but it had some of the legal and financial aspects of a divorce in terms a reckoning of who owed who what.

Re bolded. I note you use the word “apparently”. If MHG can get a restraining order to “apparently” prevent LK from speaking about her, why is it that LK has not been able to get a restraining order preventing others, say @eggbutt, from speaking about LK and RG? Eggbutt said just yesterday that RG attempted to kill MB.

I know there are court ordered restraining orders that prevent taking actions or getting within some distance of someone, but I’d think that a restraining order preventing posting on SM would violate the first amendment.

Isn’t it more likely that MHG would have threatened a defamation suit, or that LKs lawyers advised her not to write about MHG?

This falls very close to the proverbial definition of insanity, in this case asking for something umpteen -1 times, getting no answer, and asking for the umpteenth time anyhow. :rofl:


Yes everyone is lying. The only truthful ones are LK and JK/IM.

Insert sarcasm emoji here


I keep hoping we’ll see a logical answer at some point, along with information on the police report she admitted to seeing yesterday.


I feel like a couple of posters are going to read this and think, those idiots on the BB finally got it right! :roll_eyes:


How in any way is this relevant? Is this along the lines of the same significance as a shovel in the back of a barn truck?

I have ammo in my gun cabinet that doesn’t match any of my current firearms. Bet that blows your mind.

I looked at LK’s FB page that is still up the other day. She was riding first level before MB. I also think I recognize a barn she was at in NC - it was no where near the same level of “nice” as HH. LK has also left several reviews of MB/HH stating she moved up the levels quite a bit with MB and that her training with HH (including JH/MHG) was fantastic. It appears she did nothing but advance with MB with HH being a much better facility. Had she not executed her, IMO, bat poo insane plan to destroy someone, she’d still be boarding in a much better environment and advancing in training much more than she was in NC. All of this can be devised from her current public FB page.


Speaking of husband’s lol

I once sold a huge dark bay mare with tons of chrome to a friend. When I finally got over there to visit her, my husband asked if he could go in the field to say hello (while I was in the barn). There were 3 horses in the field.

I come back out to find him loving on a 15.3 bright bay gelding, no chrome. He says “look. I think she remembers me” :rofl:


Ever the hopeful optimist, you are.


Be careful, @Knights_Mom. Some people consider use of sarcasm to be lying. I don’t, but some do.

Is that a threat to KM?


Did Hut-Ho admit to seeing a police report yesterday, @Eggbutt? I didn’t see that.

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