Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

You can repeat this 1000 times. It changes nothing and still means nothing for the cicmvil trial.


I see @Sdel answered you, but just to amplify, it shows up as the ā€œmanifestoā€ on August 6 in @ekatā€™s timeline, here

The manifesto has been posted in its entirety on CotH before, but not in this thread.

(ETA: Ekat posted that timeline just three days ago, but there have been many hundreds of posts since so it is not easy to find!)


Yikes. Very scary.


Any chance you could send me the entire magnum opus?
Iā€™ve seen numerous references to it, but never the whole magilla.


For sure there are people who will utilize every tool they can find, legality be damned, in order to win.

Thatā€™s why once you identify one of these predators you have to eliminate them from your life with as much distance as possible and you must clearly illustrate to them how targeting you is not in their best interest.


No, my standard of believability is not ā€œLK saidā€. Sheā€™s said plenty of stuff on SM that is inaccurate, exaggerated or untrue.

I do not think she has lied under oath in court.

I donā€™t approve of lying or misrepresenting things on SM, but I donā€™t see it as inexcusable as committing perjury.

I do not believe everything LK has posted on SM! Never said that I did.

Re bolded. I donā€™t think JK is an idiot. Only an idiot would threaten a trainer with a civil lawsuit if the trainer declined to accept LK as a client.

LK has said, I think, that she stated that she would not continue training with MB that spring unless the apartment was included in the deal, as it was in 2018. Thatā€™s negotiation. Itā€™s not threatening or suing.

MB could have said, ā€œNo, no use of the apartment,ā€ and let her walk.

If he didnā€™t need the extra $5,000 in income, and the opportunity to sell her more horses, and the renovation work from RG, you would think he would have said ā€œnoā€.

Or post it here for everyone to see?


LE didnā€™t even fingerprint the box or any of the bullets from the box. Or maybe they did and found the wrong prints on the box so they never mentioned doing it. But still, fingerprints are basic, low tech forensics. No excuses.


Thanks for the nomination, but Iā€™m already gainfully employed and not willing to relocate.

Surprise!! Then under your standards you have named him an idiot. Because it happened.


My discussion on this has concerned monthly cash flow and marginal costs, which are different from average costs or fixed costs.

Property taxes do not contribute to marginal costs, because the property taxes on the farm would be exactly the same regardless of whether LK had zero horses there or six.

Iā€™m omitting things like property taxes and insurance and equipment not because Iā€™m completely ignorant of the horse business, but because those are fixed rather than marginal costs.

If you do not understand the concept of marginal cost, and how it differs from average cost, youā€™re not going to understand my point. According to @erinmeri, ā€œnobodyā€ understood my point about marginal costs, so youā€™re in good company.


only one person was posting all over facebook with creepy allegories. And that person was neither of the people you named.



Sheā€™s beautiful and a true blackity-black. You mustā€™ve been on Santaā€™s good girl list!


This gives credence to my theory that the Jay-T sale/terms was one that has been twisted in the time since to include lifetime board/care, since this clearly states that she, the client, wanted to keep the horse in that environment and the seller did not apparently have any such requirement.

If any of what she said here was true re: ā€œthe gfā€ then it stands to be asked why sheā€™s suing the people that she is and not the gf for the intentional harm and tortious interference. Instead ā€œthe gfā€ has apparently successfully won a restraining order preventing ā€œthe clientā€ from speaking about her at all.



Thatā€™s why you buy horses of the same colour! Most husbands (with the exception of horse husbands like mine) canā€™t tell them apart if they are the same colour. :wink:


Iā€™m still stuck on how anyone could think that she was the money client and imply she was his sole income. MB had more than 5 stalls and more than 1 client. He had room for a lot of horses on that farm, and only 9 of the others belonged to MHG.


Mine (bless him) could not even tell the difference between my new, 17h, dark bay holsteiner with two socks and a snip, and my 16h Pinto oldenburg. This would be like looking in a garage and seeing a neon green Jeep Wrangler and a black ferrari and saying ā€œwhy did you get two of the same car??ā€

I love him dearly, but even I was like honey, youā€™re going to need to get better at this.


That makes it easier, though. You can buy any horse you want. Not solely plain bays. Lol.