Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

So now $5000 for board and training (and maybe farrier care) for FOUR horses.
Plus an apartment/house.

She was getting the Dressage bargain of the century.


Given all that plus an indoor, that would be a bargain for a local “backyard” facility.


Here it would. Last I looked board in my area at a top (A circuit, so not Olympic) place with an indoor and good turnout, is close to $1500, and that’s with no training.


I genuinely feel sorry for poor Rosie, even though she may have done some bad things, since she did not have a choice in her owners or her living situation.

RG, not so much.


A stunning cover of this song is done by Prince. I had no idea.


In the Long Valley area, not sure that would include A circuit
just backyard with an indoor, but I no longer live in the area so things might be different and it’s been quite some time since I paid full training board in that area.

Back to the box of 9 mm ammunition that didn’t fit any weapons but RC’s, I hope its age and location purchased has been determined. It will be interesting to see how that may be used in court.

Ahhhhh, Prince! So yummy on a cold, dreary Sunday morning! After that, my husband might just get lucky this morning!


Don’t hold your breath.
If it had been damning wouldn’t the state prosecutor trotted it out if it was available?
Shoddy investigation by this PD hurt everyone.


Hearsay. Not yet in evidence. The only actual evidence of this is a “transcript” of a recording that was produced to an organization that could ruin MHG’s career by a person with a goal to ruin MHG’s career and drive her away from MB. Furthermore, it was produced by a person who swore under oath that they lie. Additionally, it was stated during trial that SS had dismissed the complaint against MHG as being unfounded and that LK had filed the same complaint against both Barisone and MHG.

So, therefore, it is easy to conclude that the “transcript” is a fabrication and a recording of this statement does not actually exist.


Days of people posting about MHG and you choose to say the above to me on my post above? Did you even read my post? I really like the use of all the exclamation points on a post telling someone else to get a grip.

@Rubyroo has an excellent point of none of this being anyone else’s business.

How many times have you defended the shooting victim’s privacy? Her family’s privacy?

Look to yourself.

Ok. Good point. I don’t remember the “effing kill her” by MHG being testified to in court though I do remember the “get rid of her” was.

Nagel may follow up on it.

I think LE did a good job. No one died. The prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, that MB shot LK twice. The defense met the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence that MB was insane at the time. Though Mb committed the act, he is not guilty of a crime.

Very interesting supposition
 very interesting.


There were two parts I left off. I only posted those two because they covered recent topics


I’m sorry if I totally missed it, but where does this come from? Thank you!

One thought: there are spyware apps that can be put on phones that will capture texts, emails, phone calls, pictures and other things and send them to a cloud for 3rd party access. Some will even allow you to turn on the speaker of the phone and allow it to act as a remote bug and listen in to ambient surroundings. They run invisibly on the phone and cannot be found.

My husband’s ex wife used one on her current husbands phone. We know because she confronted my stepson about a call he made to him while she was on a psych hold by replaying him the phone call.

Other than that, no idea.


As in
.leave the farm. Which it is pretty well established is what everyone wanted. Didn’t we just see a FB post about her coming upon JH and McGrain discussing that very thing in her ninja veils and bare feet while sitting on a rock?


LK’s FB from before the shooting. It is part of the “manifesto” that Bilinkas asked her about during the trial.


This type of thing happens all the time in the world, a person leaves one trainer for a different one that they think will be better and in the end they think their first trainer was a better fit for them.
A logical person in this situation simply leaves the second trainer and politely goes back to the first trainer. No need to destroy anyone along the way. Just adult and go back, or find trainer 3.