Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Because MB said on 48 Hours that “everyone has bills to pay” Dr Schlessinger said he said “he needed the money,” and MHG read emails about his struggles with cash flow in November and then “getting clipped for $965,000” in March.

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I have bills to pay too. Lots of them. But I’m not desperate. I’m comfortable. And yeah sure I could use money. Would love to buy a new truck for cash. They cost $245 million dollars nowadays (sarcasm)

I’m betting MB was not desperate because as was testified to - he always made it work.


Cash flow is not the same as accumulated wealth. Cash flow is simply available cash to pay current of potential expenses. Wealth can be more than sufficient to pay bills but it may be tied up in real estate or retirement investments where a conversion to cash could incur losses.

We were very tempted to put him on the trailer too! Only things stopping us were (a) our husbands and (b) our empty bank accounts :rofl:


Tsk! Those husbands!


It doesn’t matter! Its none of your business! what the fruitbat is your obsession with MHG? The only one obsessed with MHG is Lauren Kanarek, and apparently you and CH, so give it a rest! I has no bearing on anything! It has no bearing on her behaviour, its just her excuse to act out, it was none of her business what MB"s marriage, divorce, girlfriend business arrangements were, it was none of her freaking business, and its none of your freaking business!!! It doesn’t matter who said what, they all wanted her gone, off the property for their personal reasons. Its not your concern, its nobody’s concern. Get a grip! Stop promoting her toxic manure about MHG, it was none of her freaking concern. Get it? Do you even remotely get it? Can you even for a minute stop yourself? Just stop.


Ugh, this rant is so bitter and toxic it gives me the creeps.
Poor RG. He got traded back and forth like a mule multiple times by LK to “cover” her horses’ costs. If I were him, I’d miss my old life back in NC, as well.


:sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

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Maybe her clients did.


None of this is really the concern of anyone posting here is it? And that’s a lot of exclamation points in one post to be telling someone else to get a grip.


I’ve read equally convulated and fantastical stories written by conspiracy theorists and those diagnosed with a very serious mental disorder.

The first group is worrisome; the second is very sad.


Same thoughts occurred to me as well. Like something written in parents’ basement too. All that’s missing is talk of annihilation.


Exactly how was LK capable of being “on the lookout” for troublesome texts & emails that weren’t sent directly to her?


“I am as constant as a northern star”
And I said, “Constantly in the darkness
Where’s that at?
If you want me I’ll be in the bar”

My favorite Joni Mitchell.


That certainly is a good question.


And creepy as hell


That’s not how I remember it. LK had two horses. I pay $1800 a month for one horse, full training board. I’m not in New Jersey where real estate tax is astronomical. Even so, $5,000 for two horses seems fair, albeit a little low. Even with an apartment added in. Horse trainers make their money at horse shows and through sales. Remember this is pre-Covid and subsequent inflation.Also, the barn pays the farrier and I reimburse the farm. It’s part of my barn bill. This could be why MB told the farrier to not shoe her horses.

Then Symphony arrived. This was a sunk cost because I doubt she was showing, maybe suitable for lessons. $5,000 divided among three horses is ~$1700 per month. Then JayT was purchased. I’m not sure why but the other two seemed to be green so he was a vital cog in the quest for her medals. Somewhere in this timeframe the barter of work for board was negotiated.

I remember one poster from the first thread stating that she was not paying anything at the end. If so, this morphs from a marginal loss to a huge financial drain.

It would help if some would understand the hard costs of maintaining a facility like HH. It’s not just feed and bedding. There are taxes, insurance, equipment, maintenance, and little extras like toilet paper, paper towels, etc.


Merriam Webster announced the 2022 Word of the Year is Gaslighting. Appropriate.


Thing is, if she was paying full training board with a BNT in NJ, $2500 per horse is CHEAP. During that time period, $3500 would be the minimum per horse and then add ons. And yes, many trainers would bill the client for farrier service. I was lucky because I would pay the farrier direct. Trainers tend to add $$$ to the farrier service. So what might be a $250-$275 farrier bill suddenly becomes $350.


Oh, you’re in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet, oh
I could drink a case of you, darling
And still I’d be on my feet
I would still be on my feet.

One of the best.