Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

It’s so boopable!


She has a very handsome half brother for sale if anyone else wants to buy themselves a baby for Christmas :wink:


I have zero experience with babies. Zilch. Luckily the friend I bought her with does.


I love sorrels!


Contracts were verbal then. Tarshis testified there were no contracts.

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Wow. Now we know where LK"s sychophants got the idea that MHG was a home wrecker, and had ruined his previouis marriage. Here is where we can see how LK thought MHG was behind everything. You people aren’t too transparent, are you.


That will be great to get the baby experience with your friend guiding the process. That should make it a lot less stressful for you. The youngest I’ve had is a 3 yr old off the track, so would have no idea what to do with a baby.:woman_shrugging:


That’s a really pretty sorrel. Got an extra stall?:grin:


Didn’t a couple of them refer to VK/MB as a power couple too?


Very handsome! And he already looks like an uphill mover. :slight_smile:


Once again, showing the ignorance to think that 5K for board and rent was “top dollar” for that situation.


Yup, shore did.


I’m sorry, that whole intentional pipe burst, insurance fraud bologna, how is that not defamation?


It is.


Could MHG have been an ‘independent contractor’? Maybe s she had students that paid her directly.

How could that (the bolded) be? SURELY they took Jay T to Florida with them every winter. Unless it meant ‘the people’ who cared for him. But that wouldn’t make any sense, as I imagine it’s the working students that probably fed, groomed, and cleaned stalls, and they would surely change and ‘graduate’ from the program. Maybe it IS the ‘program’, though, the ‘style’ of caring for the horses.

I’ve wondered myself if what Jay T was offered was a permanent place in Barisone’s barn(s). That is, “Jay T will always have a place here, whether he is being shown or not, if he is retired, we will always make room for him.” NOT that a FREE stall would be provided.

I think sometimes we worry about where our horses CAN retire, especially if they are in a high level showing/training barn. Owners/instructors/trainers generally need the valuable space ($$$$) that a stall/training provides. I THINK I remember that Jay T had some physical issues, and it might have been a consideration, also. MB might have wanted Jay T to have a soft landing and home where it would not be a burden to care for him when retired.

JTMIMH (Just The Movie In My Head).

Hire CurrentlyHorseless?


I don’t drone on and on that LK lies on SM. However, I tend not to believe her more fantastical claims. Interesting that those who do drone on and on about LK’s both exhibited behavior and behavior made up in the movies in your heads believe every word she says so long as it is self detrimental.


Only two people spoke about effing killing someone. One was MHG about LK. The other was officer Heymer when he arrived on scene when shouting instructions at RG and MB.

RG did not say that.

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This is plausible. Not a free stall/boarding. She’s whacked. This whole third person thing, what the hell is that? The obvious rewriting of things the awkward phrasing, calling people names, marginalizing their jobs, their lives, the sneering and nastiness with which she perceives everyone, including Michael, and the taking over of the primary residence, as though it was given to her, and everyone else had to move out because she is the money of the whole enterprise. And the over stating of her boyfriend’s work. Never mind talking about him like he’s an object to be bartered, how he is an absolute better than best house renovator that can’t be matched. And to find out the guy couldn’t even tile. Couldn’t be bothered to do any of the work. What an absolute nightmare of a human being she is.


MHG made it very clear that she and MB worked together but she was not a part of MBD. She had her own clients that paid her directly. She did not contribute to MB’s finances. She was not paid by him. She did not pay board for her 8-9 horses. She did not pay rent. She is separate from his business. Whether or not she told LK to stay or go when LK’s verbal arrangement was with MB may have been good advice or an outburst in anger or frustration but it was not binding.

To say otherwise drags her right back into the legal continuation of a nightmare experience for her and her children. It may be that she would have ended up being in charge of everything at HH while MB went back to giving clinics and showing but they had not progressed to that point yet by her own testimony. She has moved on with her life and successful competitive career. Why keep harping about her role in MB’s business dealing with LK? It does not help him to say that MHG was in a power position with MBD to tell LK officially to leave. Instead, it pulls MHG back in after she has carefully distanced herself. How do y’all not see that?

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It is entirely feasible for MB to have given MHG a say and power to terminate a relationship.

As for the rest of your utterings we do not see that because your very premise is goblygook.

MHGs paying board status is none of LKs or your business and its telling that it keeps getting mentioned. Obsessed much?

Long story short MB wanted LK gone, MHG wanted her gone and every single person there wanted her gone. Even the different vendors wanted her gone.

But because she was up to no good with her 48D plotting LK wasn’t going anywhere until they finished the bastard.

(I’m loaded with cold medicine so excuse any poor writing)