Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

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The original agreement was for 1 or 2 horses, and if I’m not mistaken, for an apartment for just LK. It also appears certain expectations for Guy’s work was never met when he was brought into the equation to cover costs for a different horse. I believe they originally negotiated a certain agreement and that agreement was never met. I also do not think MB ever anticipated to deal with someone like LK. I think most of us like to believe these types of people aren’t possible.


Yes, LK threatened not to come to NJ and train with him unless he offered the use of the apartment. Maybe she was bluffing.

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Had LK been a normal client without intent to ruin his livelihood, business and life, which she has admitted to, and had stuck with the original agreement of 1-2 to horses and not 4, I’m certain MB’s original business model would have worked just fine.


I think he agreed to board 2 horses. Then the apartment was added, then more horses with no additional compensation


MB apparently agreed to terms for the additional two horses, and the terms were non standard, unwritten agreements, apparently. I agree that if he had required an additional $2,500
for each additional horse it would have been much cleaner and easier to unravel when they wanted to end the training relationship.


I don’t know anything about his lesson rates, but I think it’s safe to say he could have made up that $200 by teaching a couple of lessons in one day. Or one morning. Maybe one hour.


Renovation work in exchange for one additional horse; lump sum payment for Jay-T.

Maybe not a good deal, definitely not a clean, well specified, written contract, but there was definitely additional compensation involved.



According to sworn statements filed in court JK threatened MB.

According to LKs Mein Clomp
 I mean her manifesto, LK “heavily” negotiated it and the apartment. MB felt forced and acquiesced. Hindsight says he shouldn’t have.


Iirc a clinic session, private lesson of around an hour was more than that, way back when I knew people riding in them.


Too funny! He really is clueless isn’t he? My DH has been in horses longer than I have, Standardbreds, so he’s really good at telling bays apart. If I wanted to go horse shopping, he’d know in a second if I had a new one if he was stabled at the same farm as I am.


Hon, this has already been pointed out to you months ago, but I guess you need a refresher.

Since you are such an @Inigo-montoya fangirl maybe you like his “alternative facts” but the rest of us just see it as puffery and lies.

My favorite bit was the good bit of snark you threw in at the end there. Gotta give it some YD style flair right?

As @Knights_Mom said, you got caught with your pants down, and you didn’t like it, so you threw in a cheap shot. Thanks for showing us who you are :kissing_smiling_eyes:


Is this as factual as your statement about the police report?


Please tell us how you know this.

Please tell us how you know RG even did the agreed upon work, and how you know for a fact any amount of money for any horse was paid. Have you seen the check? The wire transfer?

How do you know there was or wasn’t a contract?


I see nothing wrong for negotiating the terms of your training agreement with a trainer, whether you want to negotiate for use of an apartment or for the 9:00 lesson every day, or for the stall with the nicest run. Anything. MB had the option of saying “no”, and letting her walk.

Threatening to not accept the deal that doesn’t fit whatever parameters you wish to achieve is normal everyday negotiation.

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It is likely as factual as their comment about the police report yesterday.

CH likes to make things up and then put ‘as far as I know’ or such after it so they can play all coy that they never lie.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Has anyone received a subpoena from USEF or SS for their COTH identity?

No? Me either.

Maybe JK and KK are just feeling generous and want us all to experience subpoenas, not just them.

And who is this felon IM is referring to? MB, right? But MB isn’t a felon. Hm.

And the fluff about “supporting” a “felon
” This isn’t against any rule book. Guess USEF and SS would have no say in who I support. Wait, IM wrong AGAIN there, too? I didn’t think it possible for IM to be wrong, let alone about so many things. :face_with_monocle:


How do you know what the actual terms of the sale was? You are clinging to what HH claims are fantastical claims being made by LK and heavily investing in one side’s SM, who admits they lie.

There is a whole other side. The only discussion in the trial was what was actually paid. I wonder what MB was actually asking may have been different. LK wasn’t paying full rate for board, so she may not have paid the full asking price for Jay-T either.


Thanks for the refresher on @FitzE trying to say IM lied by pretending that she didn’t notice the sarcasm when IM said he had no inside information. I had forgotten who it was that made that ridiculous claim.

I don’t consider the use of sarcasm as lying. I sometimes use sarcasm myself.

I agree that that post of mine did contain a bit of snark. I’ve been trying to cut down on snarky responses.

Well, if LK hadn’t made an appearance HERE to tell “her story” herself, and if her parents KK (Seeker1) and JK (IM), too, I imagine that these threads would not have as many posts. In fact, I think it would be highly likely that there would have been only ONE thread with updates, if the Kanarek Klan had stayed off of COTH.

As the constant harping to the ‘money issues’ that MB might have had

I have a friend who CONSTANTLY talks about ‘how much something costs’, ‘all these expenses happening at once’, etc. I KNOW, and she will ADMIT that she HAS the money to cover any normal expense and has money for “emergencies”, too. However, at one time decades ago, she worked as a nurses’ aide (you(g) know how much THEY get paid) and lived in a garage that had been converted to an apartment. Following that, she was unemployed for two years, had to get food stamps and welfare, so she is Very Sensitive, maybe too much, to financial issues.

Now I don’t know marginal/average cost issues, and many people have tried to explain how the finances at HH worked. For me, who likes to think in simple terms, I offer this:

LK got a deal. Say that the board for everyone, including LK, was $2500 per horse per month. The “deal” was the included apartment. MHG testified that 8 or 9 of the horses were hers. She testified that there was room for 40-45 horses. Let’s use 45. Let’s say it costs the same amount to feed all of the horses so the profit margin on them is the same.

Deduct the no-board-being-paid for MHG’s horses (although I suspect she was paying for ‘feed’ but not ‘space’ if this is true) and LK’s two horses if she left, and you get 35 horses. Multiply 35 horses times $2500 = $87,500.

From what has been said/written, people were leaving the barn due to the toxic situation that LK and RG created. Which is the greater loss for MB? LK’s $5000 or $87,500 generated by the rest of the clients? To me, the answer is obvious.