Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

IM: "Of course, I have no insider information…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You need to factor in that at least some of MHG’s horses were very young, so not even taking up stall/training space.


Before the horses arrived?

That would make sense, if that’s how it played out.

Weren’t some of the young ones living outside in the field? I thought that was mentioned on a previous thread.


How many horses were actually paying boarders/ training at that time? Can’t remember if that’s been confirmed.

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The only new podcast I’ve seen mentioned lately is this one, (that KM shared a couple days ago but HH isn’t willing to share).



You are ignoring the second point regarding IM’s incorrect and/or intentionally misleading claims that SS and USEF are not only monitoring these threads but are fully aware of EVERYONE’S IDENTITY.



Why would I have EB on ignore? Unlike a few posters, I have absolutely no qualms, animosity or even obsession towards EB. Seems a few like to obsess and focus on EB… like CH recently bringing up the idea of EB being subpoenaed… which is absolutely bizarre… but no… I have no reason to ignore EB and it’s strange you ask.

Anyways, I’m going by what LK has on her public FB page right now. That she was first level shortly prior to MB/HH, that she highly reviewed MB as well as JH and MHG, and that I don’t believe at all MB needed LK like LK likes to convey or that there was any sort of bait and swap type situation you described. Seems things would have gone well for her had she not campaigned to ruin multiple people’s lives.


I found this from a couple of months ago. Did not listen to it. Perhaps there is no new podcast.


I suspect that CH had a slip of the tongue about knowing about that police report. Either made it up or it was shared secretly by someone.


mine too…he has a phenomenal memory for horses!


We can only guess since CH will not answer the question about it.


This one I posted first way back during the trial.

That one was good.

The one which says that this verdict was clearly a case of jury nullification and you can’t ascribe any motivations to the jury based on that? And that the jury possibly found for RI as a compromise from straight NG because they felt he needed mental health treatment after all that LK had done to break him. Hmm… did you listen to the whole thing?


Stops after only hearing the police, Mh, JH. One wonders if they actually followed the whole thing.


I really appreciate how Branca breaks down the law of self defense. However, I do not agree with his point of view from a personal level. I started following and listening to him with the Rittenhouse trial. Branca made it clear while commenting on the video that Rittenhoise did not fire until attacked. However, Branca criticized the defense lawyer for Rittenhouse whom I thought did a great job. I quit listening and following Branca (though I’ve visited to hear his take on Baldwin) after the Ahmaud Arbery shooting as Branca’s seemed biased and not following his own description of self defense. He saw a large black man attacking white men and a self defense shooting by. I saw a large black man hounded and chased and cornered by white men in trucks who charged one because he had nowhere else to go. The self defense was Arbery’s, not the defendants. The jury thought so too.

See? It wasn’t very painful for you to share the link.


Speaking of stopping active shooters, did y’all see the condition of the active shooter in Colorado Springs after he was stopped by an army guy, combat veteran no less, and civilians who helped him? They beat him badly keeping him away from the gun and from hurting anyone else. His face looked just like someone else’s face who was stopped from finishing off the people he had come to kill.