Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Let’s face the reality of the fact the poor job by law enforcement in this situation started long before August 7, 2019.

It started when Michael Barisone was denied the opportunity to speak with the chief of police days before. It started when a tax paying property owner was denied the protection and support he was entitled to.

It started with poor training and continuing education for the police force of Washington Township, Morris County, NJ.

NOW, ask yourself this. The quality of the police work was so poor that many were left with more questions than answers after the trial.

Why isn’t the Klan all over the shoddy police work? Wouldn’t you be if your beloved daughter was shoot twice?

They aren’t all over the shoddy police work because it hides a multitude of sins!


What’s silly about the fact that Lauren and her family were probably discussing the case with the prosecution? Lauren was the victim in the case.

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Was there a cut off date for their response to the last thing?

I forgot to mark my calendar. Lol.


Similar to business owners running a business as they please.



And if you are Lauren Kanarek and you are offended with who your trainer is dating then leave and find a trainer who is dating someone you approve of or accept that it is none of your business.


The prosecution represents The State of New Jersey. Not Lauren, Jonathan or Kirby Kanarek or Robbie Goodwin!!!

It seems they (the Kanareks) continue to forget that little bit of truth when it comes to communicating with judges!!!

But wait, they aren’t required to follow standard protocol or ethics are they?


SGF and MB, through their respective attorneys, had 10 days to reissue, which would have been up ~Nov 28.

The K’s each were given 10 days from receipt to respond. If service was accomplished, their 10 days are ticking. But without knowing when they got served (if it’s happened), hard to guess when that deadline might be.


Now that’s funny lol

Thanks for the information. As usual!!


A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend said at least one had been served. I personally don’t know this to be true but perhaps one of the three muskatettes will know.


Why can’t any of you follow your own conversations? My reply was to this part of Sdel’s post:

The judge is not part of the prosecution team. Lauren, as the victim in the case, testified for the prosecution, so it would be pretty weird if she and the prosecution didn’t communicate with each other. I don’t see why her parents couldn’t be a part of those communications.


I have found it interesting for some time that certain posters on this thread are continually trying to push the narrative that the PD did an exemplary job when in fact, their investigation was half-assed and sloppy. Makes me wonder if someone has ties to that PD and is worried the K-Klan may turn its focus on the PD. Wouldn’t that be a kick? :laughing:


If the cops and prosecution did such a great job, then why wasn’t MB found guilty?

Why was he able to beat a guilty charge even with such a historically slim chance of doing so with an attorney LK fans claim was awful and who did a bad job according to them?


Seriously, @Knights_Mom?

The only reason that MB was not found straight Guilty is that the defense met its burden of establishing that MB was insane at the time that he shot LK.

How can you not understand that?


LOL I just thought about this the other day when I poked in here for a read. Circles.


Seriously, @CurrentlyHorseless?

If the police had done such an awesome job it seems like nothing the defense would say would mean squat in such a slam dunk case with two eye witnesses and an ear witness and so much great evidence to prove their case.

How can you not understand that?

(Clearly this is ignoring the fact that all three witnesses were impeached on the stand, but if there was some great police forensics that could have been overcome I think.)

PS - How is sharing the information on the police report you posted that you read coming along?


Actus reus (guilty act) the guilty act occurred

Mens rea (guilty mind) the guilty mind was not present

This is what NGRI means.

The police had nothing whatever to do with the mens rea part.


Why are you bringing up the trial and the verdict all over again? You all get so tiresome talking about the same things over and over again.

Sound familiar?


Just curious; how many people who post here think the Morris County Sheriffs office and other police offices did a credible job of collecting and processing forensics of the crime scene of the shooting of August 7, 2019 at the farmhouse and stable of Hawthorne Hill Farm?

Show of hands please? Or if you think they did a good job, like my question/post.