Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Oh here we go. Blame it all on LE, the DA, the judges, the entire Kanarek family, RG, anyone who disagrees.

That ship won’t sail, it sunk long ago.

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I’ve never been more annoyed at the use of “y’all” then I have been in the last 3 days.


It did seem to come out of nowhere, didn’t it?

Maybe it is their imaginary narrator voice for the imaginary story that they are posting about in the thread? Could that be it?


Whoa, really?

If so, that would certainly open up a gigantic smelly can of worms under the circumstances.


It did. Like an attempt at a jab but whatever. It’s just annoying now.


Yes, do tell!

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Someday, you will explain it correctly and I will be able to just hit like and move on.

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You know I don’t twist things.


There is discussing the feasibility of moving to another barn .

" Perhaps you would be happier in another program elsewhere."

There is suggesting that you should leave .

“It appears that things aren’t really working out. You should consider an alternate program at another facility.”

There is asking you to leave .

“This is not working for you or for anyone else here and I would like you to leave. Can you move out by xxxxx ?”

There is telling you to leave .

“OK, we are at a stalemate and no one will be happy until you leave. I expect you and your possessions to be gone by xxxxx .”

There is notifying you that you better leave .

“We are advising you that you must vacate the premises by xxxxx .” (Or however such notifications are usually worded.)

Then there is eviction. This is a legal process that varies state to state. In my state, it requires the following:

  1. Initial (written or verbal) notice period of 24 hours to 60 days (depending on the situation).
  2. Issuance and posting of Summons and Complaint. The tenant has 7 days to respond or pay what is owed.
  3. Court Ruling and posting of Writ of Possession. Court issues the Writ of Possession usually within 7 days of the landlord winning the case.
  4. Return of Possession. Tenants have 7 days to vacate the property after Court Ruling and Writ of Possession, after which they and their possessions can be physically removed from the premises by sheriff’s deputies or constables.

I assume that the notice that Tarshis sent LK a few days before the shooting was the notification that a formal eviction process was beginning, but I am betting that conversations very similar to the others described above also took place in the weeks leading up to the final altercation at the farmhouse.

And really - it is totally incongruous that a self-described “5D chess grandmaster” can be so stupid as to not understand that she was no longer welcome on the property. Nope – that mantra “I was never asked to leave, I was never told to leave, I never had any idea that they wanted me to leave” is total BS. Only idiots and K-Klan sycophants believe it.


I do not need your likes, but thank you for the thought.

I refuse to ever say that these police did a good job. Ever. They did a horrible job when it comes to collecting evidence and such. The prosecution side (the side you are trying to pretend you are not on) should be the people screaming this from the roof tops. If the story is as you say it is, there should have been lots of great evidence out there that would have bolstered their case, but no one ever bothered to secure it, or even look for it.
The police should not stop looking for evidence because they think they found enough, they should be looking for all of the evidence. Period.
No one should be happy with the police work that was done here. Absolutely no one.
They dropped the ball before the shooting. They dropped the ball when they simply believed the guy who said - he did it - when they got on site and they let the other guy go running all over the scene with no supervision. If we are to believe what you have been screaming at us, they dropped the ball in finding a full magazine in the pocket of a man they are securing.
They dropped the ball when they did not look anywhere for any additional evidence. They dropped the ball when it took them much longer than is standard to fill out their reports.
And their response to all this is to remind everyone that the police have no duty to do their job. Why is this OK with anyone? This should not be OK with anyone.

I know for a fact that you twist just about everything. Shall I start a short list for you?
Flatlined twice
Double tap center mass
Point Blank range
Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman moved faster than the bullet


Or maybe just move on :woman_shrugging:t2:


My goodness, one would think someone is terrified that poor RG is going to get kicked to the curb by the K-Klan so it has become mandatory to continually hail him as a hero so they will keep him on the tab.

And it is so, so telling that HH continues to refer to RG this way. :roll_eyes:


On the last thread you accused me of lying about people saying MB had a girlfriend between VK and MHG. The thread closed before I posted several people had said that, including you. What I find that you do is accuse others of your own tricks.

She made it very clear that she was no longer welcome on the property all over Facebook in the weeks before the eviction notice.


So you are saying that I am just like Lauren Kanarek?

I suppose coming from you that is a compliment.



The sudden constant use of y’all this and y’all that comes across as rather affected, @hut-ho78 … and seems to be just a way of denoting contempt and dismissal. As are the repeated suggestions to watch the trial and this new “scenario”… maybe you have just watched it all again and thus have this new crusade?


I do not remember us discussing this on the last thread and I do not remember saying that to you. I am not really sure what that has to do with the discussion at hand …

I really do not think it matters one bit who Michael dated and when he dated them. The whole adults doing adult things…


Lol based on this post you shouldn’t be trying to school anyone on nuance.

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No new filings as of yet today.

I wonder if the Kanarek’s got served? Wonder if this time they’ll hire attorneys? At any rate, there’s nothing new, yet.


Thank you!!!