Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Too bad the first impression most of us have of him was when he got in front of a camera and called the jury in the criminal trial insane.


Yeah, someone makes a hair joke and apparently one might really think that he’s a porn film producer :roll_eyes: please.

But, you know, being dramatic gets a real rise out of others on these threads.

Generally personal injury attorneys do get lumped into the ambulance chaser category. Some are, some aren’t.

I know some attorneys, and perhaps Nagel is similar, who really don’t give a fig about “small stuff” such as grammar mistakes or how they come off. So when they submit various documents it’s actually a bit cringe worthy, especially given their education level and experience, but it’s just not a “big thing” to them and they do well enough regardless :woman_shrugging:t3:


So posters here think every judge in this case is wrong basically?

And anyone who associates with LK even through professional means also must be incompetent?

Seems a bit of hate on for anyone involved.


Yeah, that was not cool. At all. However, to be successful in his field, one sometimes needs to posses a large ego :wink: some really believe that being crude and rude gets them far or means that they’re a “shark”
 Sadly it can, sometimes. Just generally speaking here.


I don’t think anyone associating with LK, even professionally, in this has just randomly associated with LK at all. I think there is some degree of prior association.


LOL no. But thanks for stirring the pot.

Let me edit this for you

“SOME posters think that CERTAIN JUDGES/A CERTAIN JUDGE, may have made an incorrect statement, but this might’ve just been based off of the plaintiffs claims, as it’s early days and nothing has been proven.”

“It’s possible that some people who associate with LK, even through professional means may be incompetent, especially if they’ve made tonedeaf and/or offensive comments in the past, and don’t demonstrate the best writing skills. That could lead one to think along those lines” not saying I agree or disagree.

If you want to take it the way you’ve taken it and only want to focus on hate, then hey, you do you. There is certainly some hating going on, not going to lie, some of it is just criticism and questioning though.


Just me giving my opinion on what I am reading is apparently pot stirring now?

I would have appreciated your thoughts but I don’t bother reading posts once they start with needless drama.

was not aware of this.

The irony here.

No room to speak about “needless drama” :joy:

You asked questions, I gave my opinion. If you see that as needless drama, put me on ignore :wink: then you really don’t have to read any of my posts. It’ll be great.


I can attest to the fact that many in the field of law have a general impression about other attorneys and their competence especially over the top, obnoxious, egotistical ambulance chaser ones.

So it’s okay to call the duck purple if the duck is purple, even if the duck has won Best In Show.


I don’t think you know what irony means because nothing about my post was dramatic.

I couldn’t get to your opinion because it was road blocked with name calling and all caps drama.

Finally, I don’t need to put you on ignore, but if you feel the need you go right ahead.

Take care

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That’s fair, opinion on the matter appreciated. Now that you say that, when I think about the trials I watch a lot people do hate on all the judges often.

Nagel called the jury insane, I think he deserves roasting.


I know exactly what irony means. You have a flair for the dramatic on here. Maybe it’s not on purpose and just how it comes off. I can get into specifics, but didn’t want to clog up the thread.

This right here:

“I couldn’t get to your opinion because it was road blocked with name calling and all caps drama.”

That is dramatic. Can you please point out the name calling. There were a few words (a few) in caps to emphasize some parts of my post. Any average reader could make their way through that and not be road blocked. It wasn’t for drama, but rather emphasis. If you really want to take that as drama, that’s on you, and is your interpretation but not my intent. Usually one bolds, caps, or otherwise highlights changes.

Why would I put myself on ignore? :stuck_out_tongue: it’s a decent idea at times, don’t get me wrong :joy:

I will take care, thanks.


That’s fair
I somehow missed that. Over their verdict I’m guessing?

That was 100% roast worthy.

It actually reeked of those sore loser defense lawyers that you see in television crime dramas.

I think it was some weird way of showing support for the K’s? Could’ve been done more eloquently, but maybe that’s not his vibe?

Before someone takes this the wrong way, yes, I know he did not “lose” anything.

Edit: I’m done with autocorrect :woman_facepalming:t3: If you don’t get what I mean and think I’m illiterate, then so be it.


Yeah, after the verdict from the criminal trial.


Love your witty analogy. :laughing:

So, with all these noted accolades, are we to assume that Nagel has been one of the blue chip/white shoe-wearing/globally tap dancing/ninja attorneys kept on speed dial that we’ve heard about?


Go look at the comments about any TV judge. Take Judge Judy for example. She was a great real judge. Some love her, others despise her.


Thank you. And yes I’m sure Nagel is the Blue Chipper Global Ninja Center Mass Point Blank Range lawyer of all time.

Am I impressed? I knew a lawyer like him. Very expensive. Super Obnoxious. Had severe little man syndrome. Very successful. Worked mostly Supreme Ct but came to Civil too as his wife was our chief judges law clerk. I actually consulted with him for my divorce. I couldn’t afford him but didn’t want him against me either.

But one day it was all too much for his body to bare. The constant outrage, the lashing out, never ending battles and conquests took their toll. He had a massive brain fart.

I don’t know the medical term. It was part stroke, part brain sizzle, nervous breakdown thing. Now his wife had to quit her job, he can barely walk and he talks to invisible people who float in the sky around him.

When I see a guy like Nagle, I immediately think of that attorney. They could be twins. At least as far as how that attorney used to be.