Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

You do this sometimes, speak about what you don’t know and then get upset when you’re corrected.


But after Labor Day even??


I’m not upset in either of those nor speaking about what I don’t know. I was expressing my own opinion on what I was seeing in the thread, that’s not a correction for others to explain why they have their opinions and me to understand where they are coming from.

This is after all a discussion forum.

He did that twice!



I think I read that tip somewhere a million years ago. When you’re getting ready to file for divorce, consult the 10 best lawyers in town so that your soon to be ex-spouse cannot hire them.


You got it!


He ended up having to get one from a neighboring state who was barred in mine but who wasn’t used to or know anyone in the court I filed in as plaintiff.


Wow. Well done!

I will say it’s a little funny to wonder how many times every lawyer in town knows somebody is about to get divorced before that person is actually aware of it.


I was reading some articles about remote depositions and the advantages and pitfalls of them.

In one case in NJ, the court document stipulated all the requirements that had to take place. I wondered who makes this determination if it was the judge alone or if all sides were able to give input. It almost seemed that it would be easier to send an attorney to the person being deposed but I’m sure that is wildly expensive but with what is at stake, would it be worth it.


I suppose a person has to weigh the cost of doing that versus what other things they are going to have to spend money on. And in this case they also have to weigh the very strong possibility that if they did send a lawyer to depose Lauren in Florida that she would find an excuse to not show up on that day, so it would cost them even more.

I have no doubt that LO would gladly take donations to cover sending a lawyer to personally do the deposition on Lauren.


I am wondering why almost no one is talking about the wiretapping aspect of this that was successfully added. That is a huge deal. Hey @hut-ho78 and @CurrentlyHorseless, what are your thoughts on the counterclaim about wiretapping?


I was curious if the others who were illegally recorded could make a financial claim.


Looks like they could …based on this blog. Not informed enough to confirm the contents but take a look.


Well, gee, that covers the whole family. Is that enough to bring in everyone else if desired? Remember, according to YT, someone in the K circle sent these communications around as recently as August.


I didn’t know a hair joke would elicit such a fiery and passionate response.

You won’t like this either but I pinpointed the connection I was feeling regarding Nagel’s hair and XXX ties…


I knew I’d seen Nagel’s haircut elsewhere.

I still stand on Nagel coming across as the ambulance chasing dolt type, despite your extremely competent copy and paste skills.

I wasn’t impressed with Nagel in the 48 Hours episode. I thought he came across quite pompous and lacked sophistication. I wasn’t impressed with his comments on the jury after the criminal trial either, I thought it demonstrated a lack of self control and was really insulting to the criminal justice system and the jurors. I guess it reminded me of the reprimand he received when he couldn’t control himself and went off on a judge in court, something I found in my own google search regarding Nagel. I’m surprised you didn’t see that in your google dive.

I also haven’t been impressed with Nagel’s tone and legal writing skills in the civil case so far either. Everything reads as overly emotional to me, inconsistent with the numerous factual errors and lacking in foundation regarding the law.

I guess I have been let down because I was really expecting a blue chip, Global Top 10, flashing light, tap dancing law firm that LK had promised us… and here we are with Nagel and his Ron Jeremy hair with not even a little tiny bit of tap dancing.

I also think it is highly plausible that Nagel saw his chance to capitalize of the pain and suffering of others (much like ambulance chasers do) in relation to the Boyscouts of America film. You are entitled to your own opinion about this, much like I am entitled to mine.

Bummed to expect coal from you this Christmas, however.


After making this film I wonder if he will be dismissive about MB’s own childhood abuse and PTSD.

If you want to act as a champion for rights of others in a public way, I think it would come back to bite you if you take an opposing view in someone else’s situation.


Maybe while doing the deposition in Florida, Mr. D and Mr. B could headline a legal fees fundraising event for MB. :smile::smile::smile:


Are you really asking me to give my thoughts on this again? Once again, I don’t think there was illegal recording. I think phones on persons were used (RG) and barn gossip. Friends told friends who told friends who told a friend of LK.

Right now, even if it is determined at a later date there were illegal recordings, there are no illegal recordings. That is a crime. No one has been convicted or indicted of a crime. Even if recordings were not used in the criminal trial because they were “iffy” and risky to use, any recordings must be determined to be legal or illegal with charges brought, guilt accepted, and penalties determined.

Nome of this has happened. It looks like theater and harassment to me. I think the prosecutor already has all that is available and is handing it over.

I think LK talking trash on SM was just her normal blowing smoke.


But, the whole Kanarek family admits there are illegal, well, they leave off the world illegal, recordings. Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) bragged about making transcripts of them.

So you think the lawyer at the criminal trial who talked about private conversations between just him and Michael being posted by Lauren on the internet made that up?
How do you think Lauren knew that RC brought her gun? It is not like anyone was talking to Lauren at that point so how would barn gossip get to Lauren?

Lauren for sure does like to trash talk. You got that right.

BTW, just because no one was indicted for a crime does not mean a crime did not take place. You have been around the block for awhile (per your own posts) so you know this.

And yes, I really wanted your thoughts on this.

I have another question, do you think both Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Starks were lying when they said under oath at the criminal trial that they bought recording devices, including putting one in her locker. So, not on their person, recording anything and everything.