Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

@Knights_Mom - You may already have read this article but here goes nothing! (I watched MAS*H and love it too. Yes, I cried when the final episode aired.)


Love. It.


A settlement with a no contact agreement might be worth it for MB.


I try. That’s the simplest explanation I have been able to give family and friends as to why they’d hear reports of something that sounded major on the radio and turned out to be nothing. You’ve got someone on the phone with a caller that may or may not have all the info, or they’re all hyped up, or don’t have the best vantage point.

Then you have a dispatcher trying to figure out who needs to respond. PD, Fire, EMS, all 3
 and better to oversend than undersend if it does turn out to require it. Time matters. Dispatch can be less than 30 seconds. I had a structure fire dispatched in 12 seconds once. The dispatchers do not sit there playing guessing games with which code to use, they send asap and update as it goes.


No. It wasn’t


To follow on ekat’s coattails and for anyone questioning his Florida residence I present the following:

During the criminal trial it was mentioned his truck had Florida tags. Therefore I am guessing, Florida registration, Florida driver’s license, Florida residence.




That was really interesting. Thanks for posting it.

If my source material had been used for a successful movie and TV series that ran for over a decade, and I was barely compensated for it, I would be mad, too.

Not that it was the only reason. But still. That seems very wrong.


What? No. He’s not incarcerated. You are dead wrong.


I hadn’t read that. Thank you!!

My dad served during the Korean War. From the time I was a little kid I would read and reread a book written by his friend Anthony Herbert titled Conquest To Nowhere written about that war. Highly acclaimed book. I should have never read it as a kid but it did in ways prepare me as to what humans are capable of.


Of course. I forgot the two TV references
MASH and Roseanne.


If he has them by the short hairs maybe go for legal expenses.


Compared to more than 3.5 years of confinement and lost income plus whopping legal fees? Let alone everything else.


maybe ask @Jenerationx if she was referring to you before you make wild assumptions? I (and just about EVERYONE else) knew she was talking about LK.

Listen, I’m not sure why you are acting so paranoid, but no one gives a rat’s ass who you are. Ultimately we are all just a bunch of nobodies who are interested in horses and this case. Stop looking for tits on a bull.

ETA: no one gives a rats ass who I am either. The target on your back is purely imaginary. And I see that JenerationX already told you there she was not speaking of you in the post.


MASH tangent.

Who else still remembers being completely floored at the end of the episode when Colonel Blake was discharged and headed home? That was really something in the annals of TV history.


You mean what happened to him?

I was devastation. Radar read that report.


OMG, this has become extremely tiresome.

As Lucy Van Pelt said, when you can’t be right, be wrong at the top of your voice.

Imagine a Twilight Zone where Schellhorn had decent forensic testing evidence clearly showing Barisone guilty, or not guilty. Wouldn’t his job have been so much easier? No response is necessary from you.


When my hubs was medically retired from the USMC, he had to undergo about 6-7 different surgeries on his arm from a combat related injury. We had to travel everywhere. His injuries were extensive and extremely unique so at one point there was only one surgeon known in the US who could do the procedure he needed. We traveled to many different surgeons and hospitals. I would imagine this is similar to MB’s situation where psychiatric treatment in a different area would not change his residential status. He doesn’t even own a farm or property (to my knowledge) in NJ. So why MB would be expected to remain in NJ is a mystery to me.

I suspect if he needed additional out patient treatment, his case would just be transferred to the state of FL.


What difference is to the case if MB has his residence in FL VS NJ?