Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Based on what law??? He won’t be a parolee and won’t have to check in with a parole officer! Where do you come up with this? Oh, never mind…guilty and all that noise in your head.


I know - they post false information without any proof and refuse to provide proof when called on it. When I post information along with proof, they ignore the proof, tell me I’m posting false information, and then accuse me of being a big meanie. It’s like 2nd grade around here sometimes.


Then why not show us where you told the truth, which is what you are refusing to do?

You might be currently horseless, but you do not seem to comprehend the tenacity of the typical horsewomen. And if you can’t grasp that, well bless your heart!


I am confused. Are you trying to be funny?

Because the person being talked about when referencing someone jumping on youtube and commenting is not you unless you are Lauren Kanarek.


Walter O’Reilly. Just watched MAS*H yesterday.


Still catching up, but only about 200 behind this time (winning!).

What I don’t understand is why people choose come onto a quirky equestrian forum, several years after the start of a topic and say they’ve not read all the previous info, or really watched it, and don’t know anyone involved in it. They then vehemently and repeatedly disagree with 95% of the people on the forum who’ve been there from the start, and get all foot stampy and horrified when those 95% of the people disagree with them.

Nothing much has really happened in the past few weeks, it’s all just being re-hashed and chatted over again until we find out something new - there’s really no need for the faux outrage that I can see.

Everyone’s entitled to spend their days as they choose, and if arguing with strangers in a teensy little niche corner of the internet blows their skirts up, then have at it I guess.


I was wondering about that because a person has to physically be in Florida for a specific number of days out of the year to be considered a resident.

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RADAR!!! One of my dogs is named Radar! Fits perfectly.

Baby Radar :heart:


I am a MASH devotee.

And Frank Burns eats worms.


I am so glad you are not ignoring me all of the time @CurrentlyHorseless!

So, do you have the police report you mentioned? Where did you get it? What does it say?
Or are you pretending to have read it and theorizing on what it might have said?


MASH is on at 7pm on some channel that my TV likes to default to when I turn it on. I never realized how many episodes I never saw before. I am loving watching it again.


Like when RR states posters attacked her family member for receiving mental health care? Sorry, no such post exist.

Or maybe when RR stated they had only watched the beginning of the trial, was asked about it, and then proceeded to say they never said such a thing when indeed, it’s in a post someone already provided proving RR wrong?

Or perhaps it’s the constant histrionic accusations RR makes of other forum members that have never happened?

All untrue.

Isn’t this also an unusual thing for you to say when you’ve referred to contents of a police report as if spouting fact and then can not even confirm if you’ve read such report to verify fact?


The Kanarek family has expressed gratitude that the very prompt response of the police probably saved the life of their daughter.

The forensic investigation was thorough enough for the prosecutor to succeed in his case wrt the guilty act wrt LK. MB having been found insane has nothing to do with the police. Whether MB had been found NGRI on four counts or two, his involuntary commitment would be exactly the same.

Jumping off point:


Y’all keep forgetting the THREE NOT GUILTY verdicts for RG.

Given LK was adamant about MB being RGs almost murderer as well as hers, one would think those not guilty verdicts would be unwanted.


Person’s home does not change with incarceration

1st Circuit US Court of Appeals confirms that incarceration does not change a person’s residence, more substantive contacts with a new location are necessary to change domicile.

Under generally accepted principles, citizenship is
determined by domicile, which can be established by
demonstrating that the individual is physically present in the
state and has an intent to remain indefinitely.

In cases involving prisoners, the courts presume that
the prisoner remains a citizen of the state where he was
domiciled before his incarceration, even if he is subsequently
incarcerated in a different state.

Hall v. Curran , No. 09-1354, (March 24, 2010, 1st Cir.)


Awwww. May he RIP and thank you Sir for your service.

Veterans are TRUE HEROES.


This was a US Court of Appeals case in 2010. It’s the case the US Census follows

Under generally accepted principles, citizenship is
determined by domicile, which can be established by
demonstrating that the individual is physically present in the
state and has an intent to remain indefinitely.

In cases involving prisoners, the courts presume that
the prisoner remains a citizen of the state where he was
domiciled before his incarceration, even if he is subsequently
incarcerated in a different state.

Hall v. Curran , No. 09-1354, (March 24, 2010, 1st Cir.)

Edit to add - @MorganSercu, we had the same thought at the same time.


I wonder if the Kanareks aren’t considering packing it all in and withdrawing their suits. Clearly it is not going to be a pleasant experience for them if they proceed and we know the suits were filed when they thought the criminal verdict would be a slamdunk guilty. Why else would they have ignored the original subpoenas and seem to be fighting all the way?

So, for fun, if they withdraw, Michael can still proceed to suit to take everything they have and ever will have? Unless they approach to settle, right? Should he settle I hope he settles for everything he can possibly get from them.


Money. Schmoney. Her staying away from him and his ability to be at shows without harassment and worry has much value.