Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Well, that’s a convenient argument.
His home in NJ, where he lived only part time, has sold. It’s gone. He won’t live there again. He can’t.
So, it makes sense that after incarceration his residence will be at the home he does own, n’est ce pas?



Have you noticed that I’m ignoring you, @trubandloki?

I do not wish to retract or revise anything I stated in that post. I do not wish to elaborate on the post, either.

if you wish to continue to demand I answer your questions, I can’t stop you. But I don’t have to answer your questions either. I find you very easy to ignore.

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So in other words, when you are caught in one of your lies, you just choose to ignore it?

No shocking news here. We have known this for quite sometime now.

And if you are responding to @trubandloki, you are not ignoring her. Duh!!!

Alrighty then!


No, I had not noticed you are ignoring me because you continue to comment on my post(s).

I am sorry you do not want to clarify the question about the police report that you posted about. You can not blame me and others for being interested in the topic though.


Incarceration doesn’t count. Just like serving in the military in Korea doesn’t take away your residency in Ottumwa, Iowa if that is where you lived.

Michael Barisone will be released soon and he will return to the state in which he is a resident and that is Florida.


I’m expecting that when he is released, his initial release will be a conditional release and he may be required to stay in NJ for some time. Not at HH, but in NJ.

Is this as factual as your post about the police report?


Rest assured, Trubandloki isn’t the only one wondering, or noting that you haven’t coughed up what you said you knew.


This isn’t parole.


Why would you expect that?
Based on what evidence or experience?


This has been the subject of a lot of litigation, and the Supreme Court has held that you can’t be forced to give up something like your residency just because you’re held in a different state.

I would think someone like @CurrentlyHorseless would know this fact.


Gosh, I hope I made the cut.

Let me educate you about something since you’ve declared you haven’t had the time or care about reading the threads from the beginning. Way back, thousands and thousands of posts ago in September 2019, I was among the few, if not the only one telling the nasty story of Lauren Shay Kanarek and publicly declaring I didn’t believe one iota of the varied stories she spun. I was brutally attacked for victim shaming, called hateful names, harassed, and threatened (by Lala). I was even called out by the NYT for victim shaming! As time passed, particularly after Lala continued to fantasize her story, the tide turned and others realized she was lying about almost everything. My refusal to side with the poor little victim, LK was read as defense of Barisone. I’ve said four times now, my goal is to see justice done for Michael Barisone and for the Kanareks to be held accountable for years of very bad behavior.

Bottom line, had the Livingston/Morris County PD done the job most Americans expect in gathering forensic evidence, rather than immediately taking Robert Guy Goodwin’s word for what happened that day, none of us would be here on these threads today!!! As has been mentioned recently, the Kanarek family should be screaming from the rooftops about the pisspoor performance of the PD
that is unless they have an awful lot to hide. Perhaps the civil trials will eventually bring all of that to light.


Oh my god. The “she” who “immediately hopped on Youtube and commented to everyone about the trial” was ME. Try to keep up.

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What made you choose Ottumwa. Inquiring minds LOL


Are police reports available through FOIA in NJ?

I have not lied. She has been provoking me by accusing me of lying, and I have declined to respond to her provocation. (Mostly.)

I am not ignoring @trubandloki 100% of the time, just when I chose to.

What does LK immediately commenting all over Youtube have to do with whether you watched the trial or didn’t? I said nothing about YOU at all and you’re claiming I’m berating you?


That still would not automatically make him a resident of NJ though.


No. It wasn’t. People were commenting on LK. No one would care if you were posting elsewhere. No one even knew you existed.

The issue was LK being a witness, being told to keep quiet and then her posting on YouTube.

You have zero importance to the case. None. Zilch.