Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Thank you for that explanation! We were just notified our plan was going up $600/mo next year. DH is trying to find a high deductible, pay as you go insurance. I didn’t realize your location factored into what’s available.


Another factor is that claims, overall, went down for two years due to Covid because no one was scheduling elective surgery.

Last year, when Covid restrictions were lifted, everyone got that elective surgery that they had been putting off, and claims costs soared.


OH no Income tax???

Can we please, finally, totally, and once and for all agree to disagree? We all know your penchant for all things Kanarek and absolving them of any responsibility for a dang thing, so can we all climb on board and say quite loudly, we know what you believe and never hear this BS from you again???

Here’s a good one for you, if only LK had never been born? Rhetorical question btw.


I’m thinking CH is giving us a picture of what daddy’s next letter to buddy Taylor will include. But she is not involved with any of the players, so who knows?


Or taken full advantage of his training when she got it.


Bingo!!! Show up to play in other words!!


Who is CC? I thought I was CC? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The one lacking an equine at present.


The way to get MB to train you more is to excell under the other trainers, so he wants to, so he sees your potential and wants to help you get the most out of it.
If you don’t show up to train with MH or JH, if you don’t do your homework between training sessions,… Why would MB waste his valuable time on you?


It confused me at first too, but in this case they are referring to currently horseless I do believe.


I don’t understand why some people seem to think an eviction would have just made things hunky dory. The reason landlords prefer to avoid a legal eviction is to keep things from escalating to a need for further support from the law. That can be messy and then people like JK/LK /RG really dig in their heels to stay as long as possible.

I suppose they will argue it was already messy now. All along ignoring that a legal eviction was started.


I have wondered if this was thrown out as happening to try to get people to think of the financials incurred. Many times airlifts are not covered in full by insurance and patients owe tremendous amounts of money.

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I think it was thrown out for the same reason all the other dramatic words have been thrown out…

Facts not needed here, just drama.


Fixed mine! I’m such a sheep!

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No, I haven’t noticed that. As I recall, prior to the Kroll hearing, many posters were assuming he would be released following the hearing, and I mentioned that the initial release could be a conditional release. Just the mention of the possibility that the release might be subject to conditions was met with shock.

Conditional release was not the “least desirable outcome” for MB.

I don’t think Taylor is unprofessional or being punitive. I think it would have been extremely unusual for any Kroll hearing to result in immediate, unconditional release.

AND the squatters tend to totally trash the place before they leave. I can only imagine how much damage those vindicative cockroaches would have done to not only the house, but also to the barn and other structures on the farm.


Yep that two. All the reason to get people to leave on their own accord.


No. That’s not what Taylor said.

I dunno, she seems to have a p*** poor track record of living like a responsible adult, so I would be shocked if she DID have coverage. :wink: