Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Is this as factual as say your comment about the police report or your comment about some dollar value award that Lauren Kanarek will receive?


It would not surprise me if Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya), her father the lawyer, arranged for her to have coverage and paid for it out of the same funds he pays for other things.


And now the harping continues. I swear it’s like listening to Shirley Booth in Hazel reruns.


The $5,000,000 award was just a hypothetical example. It’s not “a fact” or even a prediction, @trubandloki.

Of course you don’t! Why should a sitting judge follow the prescribed guidelines and completely reject the recommendations of experts if not to he punitive and kowtow to the Kanareks? Why weren’t the inappropriate letters Taylor and Schellhorn received mentioned in the hearing? One would think that a case that has received this level of public scrutiny would signal to the court to remain impartial and follow the book. Except, this is NJ and just like the Kanareks, they don’t have to he held accountable, do they?

How on earth would you know if great plans had been made to immediately move Michael to a private facility, staffed by top psychological experts to work with him to be able to assimilate back to his life??? Instead, he continued to sit for weeks on end with zero counseling. Remember, this man was found NOT GUILTY OF ANY CRIME. Keep remembering that statement please.


I want to expand on what @roseymare says here.

As long as LK and RG were involved, something bad was going to happen. That was strictly their intentions based on their actions alone.

What level of bad was up for grabs, but when you say “Finish the bastard”, that is an indication you are looking to ramp things up and someone is getting hurt in some fashion.

Unless Michael Barisone had thrown up his hands, broke up with MHG, and abandoned his farm, business and livelihood, he was going to be taken down by LK and RG.

To be more concise, LK and RG f****d around and found out. They were driving the freaking bus and drove it right off the cliff.

If you do not believe Michael Barisone was stalked, tormented and intentionally targeted, you are blind and your judgement is questionable at best.


You were asking yesterday for one lie you have said. Here is one. You lie as when you say I resolve her of all responsibility. I never have. I have consistently said they both made bad decisions, mutually assured destruction, her behavior warranted eviction for disorderly conduct, and she goes way too far on social media. I’ve said MB made bad decisions as well. Downward spiral of tit for tat, etc.

You have consistently told me to stop posting, not to tag you, you have me on ignore, not to mention you, while you continue to lie about what I say and tag me, and ask me questions. More lies, if you did, you wouldn’t notice when I don’t post for a couple of days.

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And had he thrown up his hands and abandoned his business and fled, they would have followed him to Finish the Bastard, just like the hyenas they were, and still are. It isn’t Lauren who is supposedly afraid of Michael’s release and we all know it!! They are simply waiting to continue their ill advised plan.


I’m not involved with any of the players, @Eggbutt. Not even the peripheral ones like MHG or Lara Osborne.

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NGRI is not a “get out of jail free” card.

You’re not convicted of a crime, you’re not incarcerated, but you’re not automatically released without conditions because the “reason insanity” part of NGRI indicates that the insanity has to be addressed.


This triggered something I have been thinking about for some time…a fully functioning adult doesnt require an eviction when not wanted. Actually a fully functioning adult prefers to avoid legal action of any kind.


Also, being evicted goes on your financial record. I think, in a long ago thread, it was reported that Barisone was trying to spare LK from that negative record. Also, it was probably something that he had never had to do before.


Well, he certainly avoided the eviction.

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Well, he avoided that too though there was that tacky crime scene tape and I wonder if LE walked through the flower beds, the horror. Yes /s.

Starting the eviction process does not go on someone’s record. It would only be if the person failed to leave by the specified date and a judge ordered the eviction that it would go on someone’s record.

Saying MB declined to start the process because he was was “sparing” LK is nuts. At the same time he was trying yo get her banned for life from USEF.

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I think you miss the fact that many/most of your posts come off as strongly making excuses for all/any of the actions of Lauren Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin/Jim E Stark/Superman, Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1). If that is not how you intend them to read then maybe you should try a different approach because that is most certainly how they seem to me (and I believe most other posters here).


My life motto is “Things can always get worse”
And they usually do.


I loved Shirley Booth in Hazel and also in About Mrs Leslie with Robert Ryan. She was fantastic.


How far was the farm from the hospital she went to?
Was a helicopter even a likely option? Do they even have one?

If you check the comments out in your local FB groups, there are a LOT of people who fight eviction, and a lot of people who support fighting eviction.

Not saying it’s right at all, but it’s certainly common and not at all unusual. Even more so now with housing and cost of living issues.