Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Level 1 and Level 2 have to have cardio-thoracic surgeons on call, at a minimum, 24 hours per day.


Maybe you should listen to MHG testifying again. Or are you calling her, a witness for the prosecution a liar? She lived in the building, so Iā€™ll take her word for it. Trust me hun, if I pull out the snark, youā€™ll be able to tell, Iā€™m just stating what came up in the trial.


Thanks, @SpicyPRE,

I was pretty sure, but I didnā€™t know about Level 2s.

BTW, did you know the reason so many hospitals have gone after their Trauma Center designation is that they get reimbursed at a higher rate through Medicare/Medicaid?


That might have been his original name on Facebook. Iā€™m pretty sure he was Robert (with or without the Guy) Goodwin before his change to Jim E Stark, when ā€œsomeoneā€ was making nasty comments on the 48Hours Facebook. You can change your name on Facebook all you want, but the original name wonā€™t change it appears.


Mine is vertical. The OB used the same line for all 3 C sections and the surgeon did as well for my hysterectomy. Midline, pubic bone to just below my navel

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It also has something to do with the amount of community outreach and teaching opportunities the facilities has. I worked at a Level 1 trauma center in my city many years ago and was surprised about the differences and that wasnt solely related to the type of care provided.


When I had lung cancer surgery I was told they removed the left lung, deflated it, chopped off the bad part upper 1/2 lung and a couple of lymph nodes, then shoved it back in and blew it up again. That is my laymanā€™s understanding. VATS Lobectomy.

A picture would have been interesting as hell.


Interesting point @jvanrens!
@hut-ho78 has insisted we watch that testimony several times and once again it shows something other than what they want it to show.

Oh, and hut, this is a screen shot from a Law and Crime video that shows some of the evidence, the basement stairs to the outside are shown on this evidence plan.
I suppose this diagram could be lying too, but I doubt it.
What do you think @hut-ho78?


Why does it say 9 mm Luger cartridge casing? Not Ruger, Luger.


Why are those casing so far away from the bush and where LK was found, and so far away from each other? Why didnā€™t it show where MB/RG were found when the officer arrived?




Please feel free to put a sock in it. I read every single one of these posts. Including yours, LK loving though they be. Tsk tsk indeed.


Looks like MB was running for his life.


Didnā€™t RG say either in direct or cross that MB tried to get away? It was around the time that RG put him in the chokehold from behind and LK was supposed to be reaching up to grab the gun and RG and MB fell on top of LK into a big pile.


Lol, no. Does it? Lol.


Seems like that all happened on the stairs? How did MB end up over by the trucks? None of the evidence adds up to a coherent story.


Or someone with a Luger was chasing him.


I thought the cops took him over by the trucks and trailer but I could be wrong.

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The casings appear quite close to the victim (LK) as marked on the sketch, all three between MBā€™s truck and the house. One of the casings appears close to the truck bumper, consistent with reconstruction of the trajectory of the shot through the house door.

I think it does show where MB/RG were found, near the bottom of the picture, marked ā€œapproximate location of suspect.ā€


For those keeping track of the website, the Court re-entered itā€™s order from 11/14 again today, to tie it to one of the underlying motion number that was addressed, but not closed out on the website.

There are no changes, nothing new. Just thought Iā€™d share.

For visual reference, this is what Iā€™m referring to.