Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

If only the police had bothered to retrieve the crime scene video that RG told them about right off the bat.


Maybe their bank accounts deposit should be checked about then.


Not correct. That was the trajectory from the window to the ground and the shooter could have been standing anywhere along that trajectory.

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deleted as it is a duplicate

First you wanted the 2019 report. I found one. Then you said it didn’t give the information you needed which was to see if any of the officers were written up, reprimanded, disciplined for their role in the shooting. However, the report provided stated no discipline activity was reported for Morris County as well as a lot of other counties.

You aren’t looking for information unless it’s helps your fake story that LE did a bad job. You are only quibbling with me because you don’t like the facts.

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Ejected shell casings can fly in any direction and be 20 feet apart (or more) from the place where the gun was fired. They don’t just fall straight down out of the gun.


You know, it never occurred to me to ask! She had surgery to remove all the duplicates in her late teens.


Yes they were considered twins, and yes, she was in bed the majority of her pregnancy. She only had the one pregnancy, she also almost died. Yhe kids were exceptionally bright, but always 9f small stature, although she was not tall herself. She was Hungarian, and told stories of having walked across the Hungarian boarder into Chekloslakia through the woods to escape. She had fallen in loved with a visiting professor from the US who was married with a family, and she had run away from Hungary, got on a boat and showed up on his doorstep in upstate new york. He divorced his first family and married her, 25 years his junior, and this is no lie, I knew them both. Very wierd story about how it was God who brought them together, but hey, we all write our own realities. She spoke with and accent that made “vacume” sound like “wacume” and even today me and my (now adult ) children will giggle while we “wacume the floor”, remering her. But I digress.


Here one can see more easily which pane was broken and where the door defect is. And you can see, that in order to have had a hand on the door and fallen through (an obviously open door) something isn’t right.

Doesn’t that look a bit low to be near RG’s head?


Is that the same as a bifurcated uterus? My understanding is that is one uterus split into two, which is not the same as people who have a second, separate uterus. Who knew there were so many possibilities?


How can the bullet have hit the saddle pad unless the door was open, and the bulket came over that railing? And what is that, a bullet hole in the opposit window? Something doesn’t add up. Maybe a separate incident between LK and RG


Yes. Quite.


If true, then I wonder why law enforcement even bothers noting where they are at all.


The thing that doesn’t add up is how does RG fall across a bullet path in order to fall in through the door?

But he also testified to MB having moved in a direction (following LK) that does not take MB to the gravel driveway from which RG claims he shot from.

The one picture makes it clear. If MB shot LK from the bush and then chased her 3-4 steps toward the pond in the background, then in order to shoot from the gravel of the driveway the angle would not match the bullet trajectory. In fact, from this picture it kind of makes the drawing look like it misrepresents things quite a bit.


It’s true.

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The link you provided is for the New Jersey STATE police. When I clicked on “2019”, I found no mention of any townships, cities, unincorporated areas, etc.


Both those things can’t be true. Either the lay of the casings is more defined than you say or it can’t possibly be noteworthy.



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So sorry you have to go through this.:kissing_heart:

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And they can be hard to find. https://www.thefirearmsforum.com/threads/collecting-up-spent-brass-casings.89527/

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