Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

That’s what i thought I remembered but then why only label the Google phone?

LK strikes me as the type to always have her phone in her hand so it’s very strange if that’s her phone that it would be on the table unless she got up in a hurry or in a rage. Idk this whole case has me so confused. Nothing makes any sense. Never has.


Here is the problem with this. LK testified that MB was standing by the bush and she came off of the porch and walked up to within feet of MB. That puts them on level ground. With MB at least a foot taller than her, the only way to have shot her in the chest was to shoot at a downward angle. A downward angle would have put the bullets in the dirt.

The testimony was that she was shot with an upward trajectory which was why they didn’t find the bullets. Not possible with them standing on level ground and him over a foot taller than her.

A phone was at the table. Maybe he was attacked while sitting there waiting for them to come talk. A dog that small could easily bite him in the groin as he was sitting or trying to get up from a table. After all, he was tall and the dog was supposed to be small. LK testified that she didn’t go get RG until after she saw MB had parked.

ETA: LK testified that Michael shot from the same location for all three shots. No moving around to aim/shoot at RG. Remember, she had come off the porch, approached MB, so she was standing in the way, as was the umbrella.


OMG I’m so sorry. That sounds like hell


I had a friend with a horned uterus, entirely seprate. She had two kids, one was three months older than the other, each in a separate part of the uterus. They had to try to keep one baby as long as possible gestating so the second was old enough to live, to be born at the same time. A boy and a girl. Very wierd.


Oy, the things one learns on COTH.


You ain’t kidding!


Small? One picture posted of Nasty Rosie shows a dog about 40-ish lbs. In the photo (posted somewhere in these threads, I believe), Nasty Rosie (the dog who’s bitten on more than one occasion and at least Four people) is standing by a (deck?) railing and looks somewhere around half as tall, so probably around 18-20 inches at the withers. With her build, she’s likely to be in the range of 35-45lbs. Not really all that small, in terms of being able to bite someone at groin-level (if the human is standing upright; obviously a person seated or on the ground takes the dog’s size out of the equation).

Lauren claimed in her testimony that she’s a Rottweiler Mix, though the only resemblance to a Rottie is her black and tan color. Given her build, she looks more like a Doberman Cross.

(I LOVE Rotties and Dobies, but I’m not fond of bad-tempered Mixes that bite people unprovoked.)



Did they just call them twins? I feel like that would be a much simpler explanation to the casual observer. Lol.


Ahh that’s amazing to hear about someone who has gone through that scenario! I’m glad she had successful pregnancies! A lot of people with it end up bed ridden during pregnancy and with children who suffer from CP as a complication.

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Isn’t that the small pond they talked about? Like koi pond size?

Also, how did that umbrella not get in the way with the struggles and runs up and down the steps? Maybe it is off to one side.


Okay, the Prosecution asked what did you see/hear when you were on the phone with 911.

The answer was that Michael ran up the stairs to the porch and when she started to go over, she saw RG on top of Michaels back, gun underneath him, with RG pulling Michaels left arm held behind his back and he was over him and went on about easy it would be to get loose and fire more shots. Then she walked/crawled she approached them and tried to call 911 from her phone, but couldn’t because of the blood all over her arms/hand, RG telling MB to stop moving repeatedly, and she started hitting MB on the head with her phone on the side he was facing and broke her phone doing it.

The officer who found them testified that RG shook Michael by the shoulders to indicate he was the shooter. Michael was on his belly with his right arm visible and his left arm underneath him. He rolled him onto his right side and I could see that his left hand was open and the gun was next to it.

We know that RG said something about breaking MB’s arm on the 911 call, and indeed Michael’s left arm was broken, the one that LK testified that RG was holding behind Michaels back. And the officers testified that RG offered to them the location of the gun. So, when did MB’s broken left arm get underneath him to be near the gun??


Thank you @jvanrens. I thought I remembered that the basement had two forms of egress too. Thank you for confirming that and telling us where it can be confirmed.
Clearly Hut is not remembering that correctly.

You are not understanding building codes about basement bedroom emergency egress. Here is information on New Jersey basement egress codes.

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Shift change.


So now it’s controversial to even post factual information to help someone understand something about building codes? Guess you all would rather make up your own stories.

" If there is more than one sleeping room in a basement, a means of egress is required in each sleeping room."

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Oh, RG answered this. It’s a pond. And RG testified that LK ran over that direction right after she was shot. Was it searched?


That’s a very small porch for all that drama and wrestling. Doesn’t seem plausible.


RG’s testimony was that Michael was near that gravel when he shot at RG, who was on the porch. That would make it more straight on since he said Michael chased LK for several steps. If that was the case, then the defect on the door and the angle of that shot does not match the officer testimony in order to have been the shot for RG. Also RG testified to having his hand on the door….he would have been in the way from where the glass was hit on the door from the trajectory attributed to that bullet. No doubts. Defect was testified to as the right middle glass pane. Hint: the railing is just off the right of the door and the door looks to open in. RG had to fall inside of it some how before, during, or after the shot.


That umbrella would block part of the view I would think. I have heard that shooting through glass can do all kinds of weird things to the path of a bullet. I am thinking shots were fired during a struggle on the ground by the truck.


And yes, the umbrella is clearly in the way….


When the pictures of the “porch” first appeared, I thought: What porch? The landing at the top of the stairs??