Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Not only that, RG’s statement to the police supports this as an idea. The papers, citing police reports, said he saw MB brandish on gun through the kitchen window before rushing out “to be shot at”. So, it seems entirely plausible that what he saw was MB grabbing the gun away from Lauren and a struggle over the gun.


Really, this malarkey again?

There’s threads truly so move in a circular fashion :joy:


You would be wrong with your memory then. No surprise at all.


Saturday right, think I was out all day riding my horses… Then they were all deleted? But somehow I’m supposed to know everything.

It’s a discussion forum, if I have a question I will ask it rather than make an assumption.

I don’t believe that only people who read every single post should be allowed to post here. Especially when the thread moves like this one. If I come to the thread and there are hundreds and hundreds of posts to catch up, I just start at the most recent to see if anything new has developed.

If my posts bother you so much, you know what to do.

Otherwise, why don’t we all just stop telling other people how to post, what questions they can or can not ask, and decide what opinions are allowed in the threads? Just a thought. No one has to reply to my questions if they don’t want to.


Fascinating that you know the contents of her private messages to someone else.


I rememer reading her post about a Ruger. I remember it was a Ruger, because at the time I was personally looking at a Walther, and wondered why she wasn’t buying a Walther, and what the specifications were of the Ruger that she liked them over Walthers. I condsidered Walthers good choices, and very nicely handled guns for smaller hands, which I have, and I assumed she had, not being a large person, and had shot some Rugers that I found unwieldy compared. So when she said that I went “Hmmm. Interesting.”


No one was telling you how to post. That is a weird response.

I was just posting that it seemed weird that you were surprised by EB’s post since she has posted it so many times.
Now I know, you do not read.

Her post was still there from that discussion, that is not what was removed.

So to answer your question, yes, that is one of the concrete plausible theories, @eggbutt has posted it many times before (this is not me saying you should have seen it, it is simply me saying it is not a new theory or a new topic).




Well I mean, I do read lol

But yes, I had thought EB might have a different scenario playing out in her head, but never knew what the actual scenario was, nor did I want to pry into it. So I was surprised to see that. I guess I’m behind with the deets.

This is an interesting post.

When someone demands you remove something here because they do not agree with it, is your response to remove it?


I posted them openly so all saw the threats and how she addressed me.

Also, I posted them as she denied saying things to me so I called her bluff as it were. The PMs were threatening me with civil suits for harming her reputation (libel/slander) stating she would attach liens to my home and farm.


1000 times this!

I said this before and also noted that anyone who knows what we know now (through LK’s posts, what she said under oath, and what is known from through others IRL experience with her) and still defends her beyond: gun violence is bad, has something seriously not right going on.

And am I right in reading that the same disinterested parties who are defending her to the death turned on their heels went to another thread and were unsympathetic to a child victim of sexual abuse?


Yes, you are right.


This is exactamundo what I think happened. I think LK Had the gun and finding it NOT in the safe may even have been what brought him up to the house, possibly thinking they weren’t there because of the order to vacate the night before. It may very well be why he was conciliatory when finding them there, knowing she had it, and even been why he was approaching showing his hands, as she and RG described. However the scuffle happened, I think she was wounded in the scuffle when someone, either MB or RG got it out of her hands and wounded her. If she didn’t have it, RG had it. Its also possible RG had it, and Lauren attacked MB with her phone, and started the scuffle that way.


Hahaha!! Glad I wasn’t the only one who picked that up!

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So another question…sorry in advance if this has already been asked and I missed it.

IF the recordings are real and truly include the content that has been suggested by the Ks that MB et all were discussing a plan to murder LK, how would you feel about that?

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Personally, I’d be even more concerned about Morris County’s justice system than I already am, because if those recordings really discuss a plan to murder LK, that matches up with the events the way LK alleges, MHG, RC, and JH all should have been charged with conspiracy.

I’d also be wondering why, in three years, the recordings haven’t been used in the criminal trial, or the 48 Hours, or anywhere else LK has threatened to distribute them.

Finally, I’d be seriously questioning why Mr Deininger and Mr Bilinkas would amend the civil suit to focus on the recordings if they are that damaging to their client.


It has been discussed, many times. I am only saying this so you are not surprised if you do not get much in the way of answers.

If the illegal recordings truly had MB and company planning a murder then I have no doubt that the prosecution from the criminal case would have found a way to get them out there already.
The judge was very prosecution friendly.

I got this far in typing my response and Ekat’s response appeared and I will just say that I agree with them.
I mean, it is clear that Morris County’s system is not the best but if there are recordings that have a group of people planning a murder and they did nothing about it, that makes them even worse than I ever imagined.


If it’s against the law and comprised of serious planning I would be angry and horrified. If it were a conversation where people were commiserating and blowing off steam I would take it as such.

I suspect the conversations comprised of what steps to take to get her to move out. There would be zero reason to kill her. It wouldn’t accomplish anything.


Thinking about it does make me giggle.
Think about how many ordinary conversations you can have any given day that can be twisted to be nefarious by someone not having any background on what is said.

We have to get rid of her can mean very different things depending on what you want it to mean.