Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I did answer your question. I saw LK’s FB when it was still open to the public. I saw the post about the two guns. You can see my posts at the beginning of Woman Shot at Barisone Farm.

I don’t believe several people here. They lie about me and others. They taunt and bait and name call. They lie about old posts. They lie about the law. They accuse others of lying. They excuse it by proclaiming anyone with a different opinion to be K-Klan.

It’s a little hard core group but their relentless pounding has changed the threads.

It’s like a cult.


Seriously? GJ wasn’t “attacked” prior to 2019? My daughter and I weren’t attacked prior to 2019? Haleybot wasn’t attacked prior to 2019? JI wasn’t attacked prior to 2019? @Omgitsme wasn’t attacked prior to 2019? Please @hut-ho78. When you don’t have a clue what you are posting about, or completely deny the facts, how about stepping away from the keyboard and take a break. You’ve got to know by now you will be called out on your fantasies and erroneous support of all things lalapop.


We are all aware of your personal history with LK and your feelings about her. You have repeated it throughout the threads. We get it. You don’t like her.

I answered @trubandloki’s questions twice now.

If y’all just want to bicker, then ok, I’ll take a break.

This civil trial could go on for months or even years. That is a long time to bicker but it’s been done, even for the last 3+ years and about 2 of those were without me.


There are more than one post about guns in LK’s history. So I am sure you saw the one post that you are referring to. I believe others (even those people who are not on COTH whose posts saying they saw the post have been shared here) saw a different, additional, post about a gun that Lauren made.
Lauren appears to have a history of bragging about guns.


I am not trying to bicker and I am not sure why I am being blamed for EB’s post.
I thought we were discussing. I am trying to understand your point of view here.

I am sorry that I did not feel like the first answer was an answer. Now that you explained it further I can see how you intended it to be an answer, I hope you can understand my confusion prior to the further explanation.


The first time she came at me was because she was talking trash about my trainer and I defended her. I never called her names, never used profanity, and never attacked her as a person. I was calm and factual and she exploded, going so far as to create a fake message from me demanding “blackmail” money. It further devolved into her posting my private home address to her public Facebook page.

This was in 2016/2017.


ahhhh so that’s what you think really happened? Interesting



I believe that @eggbutt posted this theory the other day when a poster was demanding people post their concrete plausible scenarios for them. So, I am confused why you seem unaware of this ‘concrete plausible scenario’.


She is an evil predator. Anyone who cannot see that is willfully, and woefully, ignorant of the facts.


really? You’re confused that I don’t read every single post on the thread? On a thread that moves 100 miles a minute on a good day?

Well let me clarify for you, I read what I can, skim plenty, have users on ignore…etc etc. If I see drama insults or the like I don’t bother reading a post. I also miss a lot of posts strictly because of how fast the thread moves

Sorry I’m not more dedicated to the posts here. I’m confused on why you have any opinion on what I should know was posted here.

You seem to always think know my motives on here, so why would I make that post if I already knew that?

Make it make sense.

FYI. You don’t know me or my thoughts.

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How ironic that you posted this right below @Jealoushe’s post of @eggbutt’s theory. The forensics that were done ruled out a scenario where MB and LK were at “point blank range.” They were close but with no GSR on her clothes, not that close.

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I always thought it was weird that someone who claimed to be of “unlimited means” had to put stuff on layaway. :wink:


I didn’t attack her. I started posted factual, law related info in response to her posting erroneous information. She lashed out at me and I did not take it. Then the infamous Ruger conversation happened.

I distinctly remembered she posted a pic on her FB of the AR15 and another gun of some type. It may have been the Walthers, not sure. But the AR type rifle for sure.


Plus it’s been in just about every thread since the beginning.


Incorrect. The Ruger claim started it. Her private messages to you were asking you to remove them, then telling you to remove them, then threatening you while you responded with comments like “boring.”

Anyone who is even vaguely aware of the story with Girl Joey and still defends LK’s behavior is far beyond ignorant.


Lauren’s ex-husband - the one who is said to have filed for divorce due to her instabilities, drug use, and violent, aggressive behavior towards others, including his family members - is a firearms enthusiast and ardent 2nd Amendment supporter, who sells handguns, rifles, ammo, and various other self-defense related items through his pawn shop and some other associated businesses. I would imagine that any firearms - specifically handguns - and instruction in their use that she has ever had, were provided to her by him, though I doubt he would have given her an AR-15 or any other rifle.

As for your theory, it’s certainly plausible, if not probable.


Well, I must admit that many of your posts have made me think that you do not bother to read but then demand others explain what has been discussed many times. Thank you for confirming that is what is actually happening.

So yes, the other day (last Saturday to be exact) when CH demanded all day long over and over and over again that people had to post their concrete plausible scenarios, @eggbutt did finally just post her theory for CH (who continued to demand people to post their concrete plausible scenarios, thankfully the mods deleted a bunch of her repeat demands).

I am not sure what this has to do with anything and I think this can be said about every post on the entire forum.
I do find it ironic since you like to scream at me that I am stalking you when I post in any thread you happen to post in…ya know…since you do not know me or my thoughts and all.
It could simply be that I happen to belong to the same horse forum as you do and I read it and respond to things that interest me and that means from time to time I will end up in the same place you do.



I refer you back to my previous post :slight_smile:

Trying to make people feel unwelcome because we don’t live in the thread is a weird flex.

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