Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

And after all this…supposedly hearing a plan by several people to murder her and having a recording of it…she still doesn’t find a new barn?


She fights to stay!!


@hut-ho78, you have said here that you do not follow Lauren on social media at all, so there is no chance that you could have seen the actual post yourself to know what it said before it was taken down. You have correctly admitted here that Lauren lies extensively. So can you explain to me why it is that you choose to believe her about the Ruger post and not the forum people who are not prone to lying, and a volume of people on the internet (screen shots of their posts have been provided on previous threads) who also saw the Ruger post before it was deleted?


While we are talking Lauren Kanarek and her gun collection, does anyone think Lauren still owns the AR15 that she bragged about owning (2016/17 time frame)?

I have wondered if she got rid of it or was she lying on the stand about what guns she owned. Or maybe she never owned it when she bragged about owning it, more than once, on social media.


I remember that post and her bragging about knowing how to use every type of gun. WTH? Was NC a frigging war zone at that time? Who needs an automatic weapon?

I am so convinced she had the gun and she was shot during a scuffle with Michael trying to defend himself. I hope that line of thinking is pursued during the civil trials, if only by bringing up all her taunting posts and the “missing gun” post. What a dangerous woman.


There are an estimated 20 million-plus AR-15s in private ownership in the U.S., so I would not be surprised if LK or RG had one. Heck, I know that of the six households closest to me, at least four of them have legally-procured AR-15s. (And we certainly are not a war-zone - in fact, there has not been one single crime committed by any of them in the 30+ years we have lived here.)

I know the media likes to sensationalize things by referring to the AR-15 as an “automatic weapon,” but it’s not. It is a SEMI-automatic, same as many hunting rifles. Full automatic rifles have a MUCH more stringent requirement for legal ownership and it is very difficult if not impossible for a private citizen to legally procure one.


A base AR-15 (no bump stock) can fire a bullet every second. That is still plenty.


Pretty much agree, it is plenty enough - unless your adversary is armed with a full auto.


Oh, absolutely. Which is why an adversary so equipped is supposed to be a soldier and a declared combatant against your nation.


I was not trying to start a debate on the war-zone-ness of an AR15. I was just wondering if yet another gun that Lauren bragged about having online (more than once) was suddenly not something she admitted to owning, like the infamous Ruger conversation.
When asked at the criminal trial what guns she owned, she did not mention the AR15.
So does she still have it and lied at the criminal trial? Was she lying online about having it originally (more than once)? Is it yet another gun that she is going to claim that people are lying about her saying she posted about it?


I believe LE can also legally possess full-autos under federal law. There may be state regulations though that disallow agencies in the state from arming their officers with them, or approve them only for tactical teams such as SWAT.


Good question. She lies so much, it is hard to determine when she is being truthful. Was she just mouthing off when she posted that she owned an AR-15 (trying to convince everyone what a bada$$ she was)? Or did she truly own one but declined to mention it during the trial? I am thinking that even if Mr. B pressed her on that issue, Taylor would have shut him down (since a long gun was not relevant to the shooting incident, and he would probably have been concerned that it would look bad to a NJ jury to hear that LK owned - gasp - an AR-15).


Just like any semi-auto rifle or handgun. It can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger…one shot for each pull.


Which is still plenty.


Oh, bragging about another gun? Was it on layaway too and she just forgot to testify to owning it?


I wonder if it really was on layaway or if she made that up too. I can see it being on hold while she goes through the background check, but that’s different than layaway. Strange thing to make up a story about. But I guess that’s how she rolls.


I looked at her Facebook profile the day we first learned she was shot when it was still open to the public. I saw the post about two guns, only one post, but couldn’t remember what they were.

I saw KM’s post about LK’s private messages and believed her, was horrified. Then others spoke up. Some people said they were attacked for telling her it would be better not to post online.

The same people complaining about LK attacking them were saying bad things about LK online. I went back to see what happened first, did LK really attack them for no reason or did they taunt and bait her (as they did anyone with a different opinion than their own) prior to her messages. Yes, they did. They started when she was still in a coma. That relentless pounding of LK bad/MB good has had quite an effect on the threads starting with the first one. There are people posting now who used to post in a more balanced and thoughtful manner who are now relentlessly pounding on LK on SM. No, I don’t believe the person saying she saw Rugers or the ones backing her up. She hasn’t been wrong about just that either.

Finally, a screen shot of the now infamous post was posted here online. Walthers.


That was a long drawn out post blaming everyone but Lauren for Lauren’s actions. You did not answer my actual question.

Why do you choose to admit that Lauren lies about so many things to explain away other facts, but in this case you take her word for it even though lots of screen shots, of people not on COTH, saying they too saw the post that has now been removed?


That’s a lot of mental gymnastics.


Pretty good coincidence that of all the posts, you were able to see that particular one?

There are many people in the world who could use someone on their side to stand up for them. You obviously have a passion for sticking up for people. I’d encourage you to find someone who could truly benefit from your passion. LK is not sympathetic by any stretch of the imagination.