Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Interesting New Jersey news that’s not MB-related but perhaps another insight into how business is done there.


You know who does have at least 81 audio files? Michael Barisone, SGF, RC, and their lawyers, per the order attached below.

Michael Barisone, and his attorneys Ed Bilinkas and Chris Deininger have presumably listened to those recordings and felt strongly enough about them that, coupled with LK’s testimony in the criminal trial, they amended his counter suit.

Said Motion to amend the counter suit to include the torts related to the recordings was granted by Judge Sceusi this week.

I’ll attach the amended answer/counterclaim here as well.

Order to produce audio files.pdf (548.7 KB)

MB Amended Answer and Counter.pdf (6.9 MB)


I should’ve prefaced my last post with what I mean when I say “these recordings” I mean recordings that are plotting murder as LK alleges.

What if (pure ponderance here) there is something on those recordings that actually isn’t in the favor of LK? Or shows how she was damaging those around her? And they don’t contain the OMG Murder!11!1 bombshell(s)?

It’s also entirely possible that a group of individuals were venting their frustrations and post shooting LK took what they said to mean something else.

I’m actually not so certain as to what exactly is on them, because how would I know? So I’m just tossing around thoughts.

Like I said many posts ago, if the recordings say what LK claims… There will be pigs flying. I am willing to be wrong, but she does tend to exaggerate and/or not tell the truth.


I agree with you. I think that’s why the MCPO did not charge anyone with conspiracy.

At the same time, there could well be another interpretation under which the same words are interpreted as illegal activity being discussed.

Wasn’t that an order to release the audios to SGF? Bilinkas and Deininger would have had the audios for several years by then from the discovery from the criminal trial.

If Lauren didn’t have access to Michael’s office to plant recording devices, how did she go through his files and gloat about being able to forge his signature? Why would she need any of his records or ability to forge his signature? Who does that?

Oh dear, never mind…she was simply the most delightful, loved by all, boarder ever to exist who always showed up well before time to work her bum off riding/training with a smile on her face, sometimes 10 horses nonstop. /s


I’ll bet that if these tapes contain anything, it’s most likely people disparaging LK. Maybe mocking her or whatever.
I’m also guessing, based purely on my own life experiences and the way LK has reacted to insults (real or perceived) on SM, that hearing those remarks would set her off and make her feel justified in reacting and lashing out towards those she felt hurt her that way.

So I agree, the tapes are either a big nothing burger, or they are just mean things about LK.

But they were possible collected illegally and possibly used as the basis of a complaint for actions they didn’t substantiate.


I still hope Silver, Bilinkas, Deininger subpoena Shelly Belly if the Kanareks don’t produce the transcript or recordings. I wonder, is Shelly so beholding to Lauren that she would commit perjury for her?


I can’t see it being this, because I think they would have used that to show the hate train was coming from both directions, if that was the case.

I don’t know if it is either, since I’m aware that I often break the speed limit, and even if caught, it’s up to the officer to decide if I’m penalized…
This could be the third reason there wasn’t a prosecution, it’s the DAs discretion to take a case or not.


Not if the recordings were not allowed as evidence in the trial, which I think was the case. Besides, if it wasn’t criminal level words, i don’t think it could justify her reactions. Criminal procedure has tighter evidence standards than civil does.


You can change your shirt or pants in a Walmart parking lot if you want to; that doesn’t turn the Walmart parking lot into a place where privacy is expected. Now substitute “tack room” for “Walmart parking lot”. Nice try though.


I agree. But when using discretion, the DA may consider whether the recordings contained statements which according to one interpretation made reference to illegal activity, so it’s not an entirely different reason.

I’m saying that statements regarding illegal activity may matter in terms of whether the recording is illegal or not illegal. The consideration may come explicitly in the statute or it may just be applied in prosecutorial discretion.

The link is not “broken” as I included not one, but TWO screenshots from it.

Do try and do better. I’m embarrassed for you.


Wasn’t LKs workplace.


Why would the recordings be pertinent to the prosecutors case that MB shot LK on Aug 7? Attempted murder does not require establishing premeditation or a conspiracy.

Because LK stated numerous times specifically that the recordings will prove conspiracy to commit murder.


Please save your embarrassment for yourself.

The link you provided in your post works fine. It brings up a synopsis (that you screenshot) and the synopsis contains a second link to the entire NJ statute on wiretapping. It’s the second link that doesn’t work.


So? No one was charged with conspiracy.

I never said I minded being tagged, did I? The answer is clearly no, but fun leap you made there.

Glad to know that I did not miss your response to my questions and you intentionally, like usual, ignored them. I find it strange then that you then blamed me for the continuation of the discussion when you are admitting that your post is not answering me.
In my opinion that is a YDism too.
(I am not saying you are YD at all. I am saying you act just like YD.)