Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I think some of you are confused about something.
Some of you seem to think that expectation of privacy means you can run around naked and no one will notice or care. Which I suppose is true about your bedroom.
The wire tapping rules are not talking about that type of expectation of privacy.
When you are in your all glass walled space with the door shut, the expectation of privacy is that people are not shoving recording devices under the door to hear what you are saying. Naked or not has nothing to do with it.


As has been explained
 What were those transcripts used for?


Paris Olympics prep :wink:


I answered this just a bit ago, let me go get it for you.

Edit to add: Here it is -


The K’s have been proven to be less than honest (with one testifying under oath to that point), with an agenda to harm/destroy Michael every way they could
.use your imagination, or do you think they are being honest about what is on those recordings?

Besides Deininger has already pretty much implied that the recordings he received from MCPO do not feature what was said to SS.


Agree. It’s also where one expects conversations to be private. Inside an office yes. Barn aisle. No.

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Lauren Kanarek has been telling us all along that there was a conspiracy to commit murder and the shovel in the truck was to bury the bodies.
Is that one of the things she lied about?


What about MB’s office?


If I am having a conversation with my friend you don’t get to unilaterally decide you can capture that conversation, especially if you are not party to the conversation. Please stop normalizing creepy behavior.


This is one amazing point!!!


Thank you!


thank you, other posters agree with this too?

I’m not being obtuse, I just find it all so contradictory.

They have the recordings or they dont
They have a bombshell on there or they dont
LK lies on the internet or she tells the truth
The wiretaps were illegal or they werent
People would be charged or they wouldn’t
etc etc

Just trying to figure out from the legal perspective what all the angles are!

Agreed. HH posted an article regarding wiretapping at the workplace to record illegal activity and claimed RG was an employee of some sort. I’m wondering if she meant he’s an employee of LK (for which she would need WC coverage for him) or is she saying he was an employee of MB (I don’t recall any employment documents from MB to RG)

Imo RG was not an employee at all to anyone. Seems to me he was a step and fetch it boy which wouldn’t allow him the rights of an employee to wiretap anything.


I honestly have no idea what to think, just trying to sus it all out.

My suggestion would be to believe the lawyers saying they are willing to show the judge evidence of their claims.


I was behind this truck last week. Maybe this guy is driving around burying bodies all day long.


I’ll never have this point of view. He was doing just fine until the evil petulant child decided to drive him from his home and business and to finish him. I don’t take someone messing with a man’s livelihood lightly. Call me old fashioned but that’s one line that should never be crossed.


The only time I’d expect my conversations to be recorded at the barn or in the aisle is if a device was placed by the barn “owner”. I would not expect to have my conversations recorded by another boarder. Ever.


Remind yourself of what the Kanareks did with the transcript KK created from the recordings

If they did that with recordings of you, wouldn’t you want to see them?


You can lie by using varying degrees of the truth. She doesn’t lie by making up whole cloth fabrications. She lies by misrepresenting or omitting the facts and circumstances about the conversations and events that happen.

If I’m buying a car and I see a big dent and you say some kid on a bike hit the car and dented the door, doesn’t that create an intentional misrepresentation (aka a lie) of what happened when the reality was that the door was hit by a motorcycle (aka a bike) at 30 mph?