Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

I would expect privacy in an office, especially if the door is closed. I think that is common knowledge, isn’t it?


What about the barn after hours? Especially once people started living there.


Now substitute “Walmart fitting room” for “Walmart parking lot.” Are you trying to tell us you don’t expect privacy in a Walmart fitting room?


Since LK sent the transcripts to SS in an effort to make MB look bad and hopefully get him suspended, my guess is the defense team wants the transcripts to help prove damages to MB’s reputation. My guess is also that the transcripts are not faithful to the content of the recordings and were altered to further LK’s goal of destroying MB (and also altered to minimize her participation in any wrongdoing). I also suspect that the “alterations” are the main reason the K-Klan is being so reticent about turning them over - they very well may prove that LK was weaponizing SS.


I think you’re pushing the numbers of possible people using the barn. There were may have been that that many horses, but many were owned by MB and MHG including young stock not in serious training. Four owned by LK. So I doubt there were 30 to 40 people wandering through the barn on any given day.

As for expectations of privacy, I’d take someone’s office to be a private location, even if it was in the local shopping mall. There definitely would be an expectation of privacy there. Go make yourself comfortable in a mall manager’s office and see how long it takes mall security to escort you out. Some of the conversations she posted on her facebook were from conversations that took place in MB’s office per his lawyer in court. There’s no way someone stood outside LK’s locker and repeated word for word those conversations.


Or, say you had Thanksgiving Dinner with a facility owner as though you were invited, when you actually showed up and stayed uninvited, 'eh?


Exactly this.

@Jealoushe, capisce?


If barn hours exist, no one should be at the barn outside of said hours and the question of privacy is irrelevant. If someone is given special permission to be at the barn outside of normal operating hours for any reason, then normal privacy expectations would be in effect unless otherwise stated. Once people start living in a barn, there are obviously some serious problems going on and someone is going to have to make some specific rules regarding expectations of privacy depending on what parts of the barn the tenants are using as living space. Seriously, are people really not able to figure this out on their own?

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I wonder how many undisclosed recording devices, both audio and video, are trained on Lauren, the facility apartment, stalls, wash stalls, lockers, everywhere on the facility property at whatever facility she is at currently? I wonder how she would feel about that situation?


You realize MB tried to enforce rules and hours right? Called 911 about her trying to get into the clubroom where they were sleeping late at night.

She laughed, refused to acknowledge or respect barn hours and did it anyway. Also stated she was going to remove his cameras and devices when he installed them. Not only that, her recorders were recording at ALL hours. I would think as the property owner/barn manager, Michael certainly was allowed to be in his barn whenever he wanted, which meant after barn hours closed, privacy was expected.


She turned his requirements of a waiver for guests she planned to bring to the farm to ride nefarious!
Talk about bucking protocol!
Then she tried to spin that waiver as a license to harm her… :exploding_head:

She uses pieces of reality to weave a lie around which is why it’s so damaging and harmful to those she directs them towards.


What? Where did I say anything about a fitting room? I’m astounded that people cannot figure out this stuff all on their own.

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Yes, that is what she showed the cops and described as “heinous” and “bone chilling”. She even pointed out that the paper was the same as the barn rules on the barn wall.

And then one FB post later (before the shooting) she was talking about how she had planted the seeds (with the cops) for them to be caught committing perjury when they went to trial….


There have been so many times that i’ve done that too! I absolutely love @Knights_Mom’s way with words!


I am speaking in general, not about any specific situation.

I certainly think that Lauren is a really horrible person and I believe that she made life for everyone at that barn totally miserable. I also think it sounds like Michael handled it unprofessionally and in a way that exacerbated the whole ordeal. No one around him at the time seems to have been supportive in a helpful way. No one is this drama seems all that smart. What I described above is how barns run by professionals operate (except the part about people living in the barn). Obviously Michael’s barn was not operating in this manner around the time of the shooting, and the fault for that probably lies with lots more than one person.


Wait, what?

Are you comparing a public driving space to a privately owned barn on private property? How does this even compare?

There was always an expectation of privacy on Mb’s property. It’s private property. I don’t know any property owner that would be fine with someone coming in and placing recordings devices on their private property without consent or even knowledge of the recorders.

LK’s expectation of privacy diminished on private property. Private property owners, even businesses, can dictate what is allowed on a property - such as hand guns, cell phones, whatever. Private property doesn’t become a public space just because a business operates on it or people are invited onto the property.


Considering his clientele, I don’t think that is the case. I think that is what some people have desperately tried to paint a picture of. I guess it’s worked for some people.


Really unfair to say this when you’ve only heard 1 side of the story. He hasn’t really freely spoken on the matter. Everyone on that side was highly limited in what was allowed to be discussed during the trial and they have, intelligently, kept their mouths shut after the trial.


Nope. That’s not at all what I did there.

I wasn’t responding to any posts about recording devices. I have been responding to expectations of privacy when undressing in a tack room.

I have not disputed that property owners can dictate what is allowed on their properties, and I never said that private property ever becomes a public space.

This has become ridiculous. Lauren had been told numerous times she was not wanted at Hawthorne Hill; she had zero supporters or friends there; daddy says he negotiated a place for her to move to but she refused; she called County inspectors reporting damages she probably exacerbated; she filed a bogus report to SS prompting DYFS to appear on the property almost immediately; she repeatedly made threats via FB posts that left no room for doubt in her meaning; she co-conspired a plan to Finish the Bastard; she insinuated Michael Barisone committed insurance fraud; she installed illegal recording devices on private property; she posted she had guns locked and loaded as well as mentioning a “missing gun” at Hawthorne Hill; she lied several times under oath. These are facts. Period. Stop with the defense of this woman. She and her family have no defense. Period.