Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Then why are you arguing about this? The recording was done on private property? Besides, I do believe there is at least one post from LK implying that MB said no and she did it anyway.


It is certainly unfortunate that Michael canā€™t remember anything from the time of the shooting. But to say we have only heard one side of the story is just not true. There was lots of information disseminated during the trial, there are 911 recordings from before the shooting, and there is the 48 hours episode. I stand by everything I said in my post. I also have no issues with anyone disagreeing with me.


Why are you substituting ā€œtack roomā€ for ā€œWalmart parking lot?ā€ Iā€™m not following your logic.


Nor do I and most others on these threads. Itā€™s the constant repetition that becomes so exhausting. Even with posters on ignore, the reply comments are still visible obviously. It is ridiculous.


One last time, I am not talking about private vs public property and I am not talking about recording devices. I jumped in on the topic of expectations of privacy in a tack room at a boarding barn, and from there, the conversation moved to expectations of privacy in locker rooms and offices. If you canā€™t follow what I am talking about, you donā€™t have to read or respond to my posts.


In case there is any confusion about when and how and if LK was recordingā€¦interesting about there being a camera in the barnā€¦ā€¦

And before anyone gets their nickers in a twist, this screenshot was taken well before she locked down her Twitter.


Your posts are very clear.

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I really canā€™t help you here. If you donā€™t understand what I wrote, donā€™t worry about it. Itā€™s a tangent on a topic that shouldnā€™t be that complicated for anyone to understand without all these questions anyway. Maybe itā€™s time to put it to rest.

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What a thrilling and fulfilling conversation. Thanks.

In case you have forgotten, this is a discussion on an open forum. People come here to discuss. If you are annoyed with having to discuss things, perhaps walk away from the conversation.


Iā€™m sorry, that was not my intention. I just meant that the topic of privacy expectations in a tack room, a parking lot, and office, and a locker room is becoming a little tedious and it really has nothing to do with the subject of the thread anyway. I was merely trying to get the thread away from the tangent. Certainly everyone is free to discuss whatever they want to and I was not trying to stop anyone from posting about anything.


Barn aisle when those speaking were alone YES EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY TO NOT BE RECORDED BY A BOARDER


I understand. I was just trying to follow your logic. I appreciate your apology, no worries.


That statement, at least, is completely accurate.


This super post should be frame in gold!


I would hope that Safe Sport would not use transcripts sent in by an alleged victim in an investigation without verifying against the actual recording.


It would be so simple if the K clan would just turn over the videos that almost certainly exist. That would answer the question of who brought the gun to the property, who attacked whom, what role Rosie played, and whether Daddio was actually on the patio at the time of the shooting.


Now I need to buy TWO golden frames!


And, unless you are party to that conversation, you cannot record it.


Maybe that is why the complaint is still openā€¦.they havenā€™t gotten the recordings yet and are waiting for the trial processes to produce themā€¦.


I agree with you both.

It always struck me as odd that seeker1 (KK) said she personally transcribed the recordings. I assume she is not a professional at transcribing, so not sure why she would volunteer to do that or why she would admit to that several times on the forum. She also said a professional transcriber transcribed the recordings but I have no idea how legitimate that is. I would assume that they would employ someone to do that for the SS report but thatā€™s a huge assumption on my part.

I do think that even if LK didnā€™t manipulate what was said on the recordings for what was submitted to SS, I still think the SS report in itself is enough to show that LK was trying to weaponize SS to some degree. I would like to know exactly what MBā€™s legal team is thinking with these subpoenas and what additional information they might know to warrant the requests.

I also think that the recordings are incriminating and damning to LKā€™s civil suit, even if unaltered. Even more damning if altered.