Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Who even fabricates this crazy arsed stuff in their brain?!


Yuh, itā€™s nuts.

So letā€™s just go way out on a limb and say MB and everyone was plotting LKā€™s murder. Iā€™m being delusional and generous here.

They kill her and then some how, legally obtain her horses how? Why would ownership fall to MB or MHG?

Imagine having recordings where someone is going to kill you and dispose of you but you just sit in the same place, same environment and do nothing. Go no where. Just wait to be murdered.

Her excuses suck and sheā€™s going to struggle with explaining this crap in court.


quote=ā€œSdel, post:771, topic:778966, full:trueā€]
In case there is any confusion about when and how and if LK was recordingā€¦interesting about there being a camera in the barnā€¦ā€¦

And before anyone gets their nickers in a twist, this screenshot was taken well before she locked down her Twitter.

And so much more.

Seriously, that right there is some super Mean Girls Regina George histrionics.



For anyone questioning expectations of privacy and consent and recording in public private spacesā€¦ there is a well known auction one state over that disallows recording, despite being open to the public, and uses wiretapping laws to enforce. Not to mention that even in one party consent states, on public property, where there is no expectation of privacy, film crews post signs that they are recording for anyone accidentally caught in the background.

The idea that it is in any way, shape or form okay or legal for recording devices to have been placed ANYWHERE on that property is absurd. Particularly by someone who is not the business owner, and without any notice or signage.

Also, I totally didnā€™t follow the whole above about changing in a tack room at a private boarding facility vs a Walmart parking lotā€¦ but I would reasonably expect not to be filmed in the former whereas I would expect that might happen in the latter and would refrain from doing so.

ETA: there is one camera that I am aware of where I board and it has a sign announcing its presence.


Iā€™m going out on a limb here and guess that sheā€™s not talking about Jay-T because not selling him to her seems that might have been easier than killing her to get him back.

(Not that I think thereā€™s any logic in that weird rant at all)




Worked fine for me.


Yeah pretty much if I were to murderlize someone it would at least be for a young Olympic champion horsie given murder is a bit of a drag. So many complications.


Iā€™m sure Jeff Gordon wants to murder me for my Kia Niro but fortunately, he hasnā€™t. Not yet anyways.


Never mind the absurdity of MHG wanting a couple of nice but nothing special amateur type horses badly enough to kill for them :rofl:


This discussion has really gone around the bend.


Maybe they forged a will so that the horses would be inherited by MHG.

Except they werenā€™t the ones who claimed they could forge signatures and documents.



[Edit] indefensible, repulsive




Nope. Not necessary. Itā€™s a one person or a public area where there is no expectation of privacy.

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Again, there are many situations and places that there is an expectation of privacy inside the barn.

Of course youā€™ll never concede the point so know I will debate you until one of us dies.


Hmmm. She wasnā€™t party to any of those conversations and itā€™s not a public area.


Especially not at night after the barn shut down. She pretty much says they were expecting to be alone because sheā€™d listen to the night before. Considering the hours of recording she was listening to, itā€™s no wonder she couldnā€™t stay awake long enough to ride the following day.


Iā€™m astounded that you canā€™t see the parallel to what you wrote. I certainly have a legitimate expectation of privacy from being recorded by another boarder in the tack room of a private barn. I have the same legitimate expectation of privacy in the fitting room, but not the parking lot, of Walmart.

IDK, this might be too complicated for you.


The difference you donā€™t see is that places that are deemed public spaces, even if they are under private ownership, like a mall, are subject to all kinds of regulation that an entirely private space, like a BNTā€™s farm, is not.

Malls cannot exclude people based on race, for instance. A racist barn owner absolutely can. Malls and walmart parking lots must conform to accessibility requirements under the ADA. An equestrian training facility need not unless the owner personally values access. True public spaces are ā€œdefined as space to which people normally have unrestricted access and right of way . In other words, public places and spaces are public because anyone is entitled to be physically present in them.ā€

That describes zero training facilities any of us know of. As someone posted above, rock on up to any BNTā€™s facility and have a go at walking about, hiking through the fields, checking out the tack room, petting the horses, hanging out in the lounge, and see how that works out for you.

MBā€™s barn was not a public space. Period. Guests and service providers and the building staff coming into my flat do not make it any less private as I am legally allowed to exclude them.
There is no analogy between a training barn and a true public space like a walmart parking lot. The very idea is absurd.