Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

The judge is WRONG as that verdict does not exist in NJ. I am sure this will be corrected. Positive in fact.

Judges are wrong all the time. I know because I’ve corrected many errors on their part.

I assure you that the instant I read it, I knew it was an error on the judges part, just like the judge writing shots were fired at RG by MB where that verdict was NOT GUILTY.

So maybe you should hold off on your happy balloon order from Party City.



If LK had filed after July 2021, MB would not have been able to assert any time-barred claims as counter claims. So yes, if she had waited over a year to file he would not have been able to assert that claim. The risk to her is that some of her claims may also have been barred - I don’t know the statute of limitations on what she is asserting.


The judge was also wrong in the location I posted a screen shot of above, that "Plaintiff’s Mother argues that Defendant Barisone’s subpoena is overly broad… ".
Kirby Kanarek has filed NOTHING in response to her subpoena. And since has no lawyer representing her, no one has filed anything on her behalf. Lauren’s lawyer, on behalf of Lauren said the subpoena was over broad.
So clearly the law clerk for this judge is quite sloppy in many places.



It’s gratifying that you pronounce that the judge is wrong just the way you say I’m wrong.

Wake me up when the judge issues his correction.


Wake you up? Nah. I’ll just gloat.



Genuine question - is there any chance the issue of whether MB shot LK gets issue precluded from being re-litigated? I have been assuming not given the civil/criminal and state difference, but now am curious. I’ve dealt with collateral estoppel before but this context is so weird.

Honestly, I’m not sure. A trial litigator needs to chime in. But even then the law has enough wiggle room where it’s possible it can go either way. It’s a matter of convincing the judge it should or it shouldn’t using any applicable past case law.


If it ever happens, I’m sure you would.

Ain’t gonna happen.

But we can end our tiresome back and forth. I’ll just cite the judge’s ruling whenever you assert that MB was found not guilty.


Yes, absolutely. I’ll follow closely if someone makes the argument because I’m curious how that plays out now.

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Both @ekat and @lazaret have “chimed in” on this issue, saying collateral estoppel does not apply here.

But if, in the course of discovery, you learned this, even after statute of limitation had been reached… Seems ya can’t pursue something until you know about it… and he’s been incarcerated or in a mental institution those whole time, making that kinda challenging…

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You are welcome to do that.


Should I cite the Judgement of Acquittal form? I think it is more legally binding than this document you are puffing your chest about. Or are you just ignoring that?


Sssshhhh don’t blow their buzz, man!


Oops, sorry!



Sure, there are arguments you can make about why the claim should be allowed even though it was time-barred. A claim being newly discovered is one of them.



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So, @lazaret or other legal types….

This early in the case, actual evidence isn’t being presented…correct? The judge hasn’t actually seen the substance to back up any individual claim or what happened at any given point in the timeline, yes? And whatever evidence he has seen it has only been evaluated under the lens of if it indicates discovery is warranted, corrrect? And he probably has not actually watched the criminal trial because it could induce bias, correct?

So, if that is the case, then the “background” language cobbled from one parties biased view of the case, doesn’t necessarily indicate any particular point of view from this judge at this time.

Another question, is anything appealable based lack of proper notice/representation/ex parte induced bias etc?


I am aware and have never disputed that NGRI is an acquittal. It’s an acquittal based on the “not criminally responsible for his conduct due to insanity” part of the NGRI verdict.

@Knights_Mom has asserted that the judge is “wrong”, just like she has asserted Hut-Ho and I’ve been wrong on this. That’s what I’m puffing my chest about.

I have not heard back from @Ekat and @lazaret on whether they are still sure the issue of whether Barisone shot her will be relitigated, given what the judge has stipulated as the background of the civil case. .