Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

That did happen, yes. But also, what Mr Bilinkas asked RG about was the contents of that recording, where they discussed placement of all the recorders.

For the record, ED first met LK (and RG) on Aug 6th, which is when they had the discussion. By Aug 6th, recordings had already been made, Kirby says she’d transcribed recordings prior to the shooting, and FB posts repeating the recordings already existed.


One might think that ED was brought in to serve a particular purpose…


I think the caffeine kicked in while I was typing. :laughing:

And she doesn’t get that much - she’s smallish (23#) and has had several bouts of pancreatitis recently so is now on a very fat-restricted diet and 3-4 small meals per day. She is convinced she is being starved, so she spends as much time licking her bowl afterward as she does actually eating. :roll_eyes:


Mine do this too. It is so funny. Is there any flavor left on the surface by the 5th time they are done licking every inch of it clean? But they continue on.


I wonder if the exit of people she related to exacerbated this?


I’m not saying the letter from Tarshis was a “nefarious plan”. I’m saying that the only documented request or directive that she should leave came from Tarshis, not MB.

Maybe MB told Tarshis to write the letter. Maybe Tarshis stepped in because he realized things were bad and MB wasn’t acting rationally.

One of the mysteries, to me, of this tragedy, is why none of the adults in MBs circle stepped in to do anything to deescalate and resolve the situation. Between RC, JH, and MHG, apparently none of them realized he wasn’t coping, his behavior was not rational, and they seemed to egg him on rather than attempt to deescalate and resolve the situation.

I think Tarshis was the true friend and sufficiently removed from the personal drama to intervene in a useful way. But, unfortunately, too late.

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I honestly don’t know. I guess they could subpoena SS???

Does acting rationally include ninja outfits late at night?

Irony. Absolutely profoundly ridiculous irony.

I find myself wondering if you type stuff like this with a straight face or if you are all


I’m just gonna leave this right here…



I will confess to enjoying the occasional chocolate raspberry flavored coffee.


That looks yummy - and extra props that the recipe calls for making the mushroom cream from scratch instead of using canned Cream of Mushroom soup. :smiley:


Smart posters…when is the next update for the case expected?

I’ve got friends that have dogs like yours - ours would just eat until something burst, and then they’d die, they have no “off” switch. Our old girl once ate 7kg of dry kibble when she got into someone’s larder - she only weighed 30kg. That was a scary 24 hours - but she’s still here, and still hungry. :dog2: :paw_prints:


oh my gosh haha

Our old Catahoula ate an entire roast one time when we went outside for 5 minutes. Strings and all. Fresh out of the oven. It was huge. She lazed around and layed down all satisfied for three days after that haha. She was never a big eater either. It was hilarious.


I have no doubt that you would not describe me as a smart poster but I am willing to attempt to answer this answerless question.

We have no idea of when the attorneys on any side will post anything.

If everyone follows the rules of what the judge posted we will not see anything associated with that.

I assume the Kanarek side will respond to the added counter claim, but who knows when? I assume within the time span required by the judge, but that side has ignored every other time frame so who knows what they will do this time.

Lots happens that we do not see as long as people are doing what the judge said. We only saw all of the most recent stuff because Jonathan Kanarek (@Inigo-montoya) and Kirby Kanarek (@Seeker1) ignored their subpoenas.


The same LK who testified in court that she lies a lot?


lol don’t be silly I would definitely describe you as a smarty! ahah

thank you! I guess we are in a hunter show now…hurry up and wait lol


Yes, that describes it well. But no lovely horse flesh and adorable small humans in big cute bows to enjoy while waiting.


Omg. She probably thinks of that as the Best. Day. Ever!!! Lol.

Glad she’s ok!


When I was a kid, one of our dogs was on a strict diet when my father came home and found her standing on top of the stove, eating the casserole my mother had made for our dinner. Bad dog!! Lol.