Mb civil suit rulings 11/15/2022

Today’s little project. While sandwich bread!


We had an 11week old black lab who we kept in the mud room when we were at work. We had put up a baby gate in the doorway. She would meet use at the door every night. 2 baby gates stacked on top of one another. Still met us at the door. Baby gates had not been moved an inch, still stacked on top of each other. Ok, add a third baby gate. Now the entire door way in closed off by baby gates stacked on top of one another. This was around Christmas and I had a bowl of Hershey kisses on the living room table. Yea I think you know where this is going. You guessed it, she met us at the door. It was a Friday night. After greeting Rhett, I go in the living room, flip the Christmas tree lights on…the floor, upon the floor was an entire bag of unwrapped Hershey kisses. Perfectly peeled, smooshed on the floor including the little paper tassel things. Not a chocolate morsel to be found anywhere. The floor matched the Christmas tree. 11 week old puppy, I call the emergency vet. Tell them what happened, explained her youth. After I quit babbling, there is a pause and a snicker and she asked what breed of dog, black lab I answer, she responds, “Get used to it.” I was like but but but chocolate? She will be fine, maybe a little hyper and may have a bit of diarrhea.

That was the absolute Best dog. Never counter surfed, didn’t bother you while eating but I swear to dog, if there was chocolate around, she sniffed it out. Ate the chocolate covered cherries I bought my Dad for Christmas, they were wrapped, still in the cellophane… gone.


I was very firmly in the “I feel bad for Michael but you can’t just shoot someone” camp at the beginning. No how much of a nightmare LK is - and even then it seems we knew she was a nightmare - you can’t just shoot people. And I felt strongly that if you bring a gun when trying to settle an argument, someone is going to end up shot.

I still believe all that but have serious doubts about the version of events LK / RG testified to. I’m not convinced Michael is the one who removed the gun from the safe, brought it to the house, or pulled the trigger. It seems very likely that’s what happened, but I see a lot of room for reasonable doubt in the forensics (or lack thereof) and several other plausible scenarios.


Fun fact: NJ doesn’t even have the Death Penalty.


Oh wow. So that makes someone bringing up the death penalty in the original conversation even more weird.


A little bit, yes.


Lauren admitted to recording conversations that she wasn’t party to in the first thread.


It’s a little discomforting that 7 months after the criminal trial, things feel less clear than they did before, and now we’re waiting to see if the civil trial clears anything up.


That new counterclaim keeps looking more and more interesting.


Interesting that her post there makes it sound like RG was inside the building when she was shot, which is certainly far different from the story they told in court.


Cooked bones are worse because they become brittle and splinter, but both raw and cooked bones CAN be dangerous. SOME raw bones, if small enough, are fine. But LARGE Raw bones, like chicken or turkey leg bones, can be deadly. Some dogs are lucky and never have a problem even if they eat large raw bones, but plenty of dogs die from it. Some dogs tend to chew up their meals better, other dogs tend to gulp them down almost whole. I don’t know, maybe it’s better if they swallow them without crunching them so they pass through the GI system without splinters puncturing the esophagus, stomach, or intestines, or, maybe it’s better to gnaw them enough to digest more easily, maybe it’s the in-between that causes difficulty, who knows.

If you want to feed a raw diet, the usual recommendation is to stick to small bones (chicken wings, backs, necks, turkey necks, etc), OR, grind them in a meat grinder, OR use a pressure-cooker that renders the bones soft.

Yes, plenty of wild dogs, foxes, wolves, and other animals eat raw bones, but, the typical life-span is shorter than domestic dogs and frequently die of other causes young. Bones might be a factor for them in some cases, but, maybe they gnaw more, or are lucky, or recover sufficiently from a damaged GI tract to survive a bit longer and something else kills them. Or maybe they simply don’t have an issue because the majority of their meals are small rodents rather than large prey. Maybe a combination of the above.


Did a bunch of posts go poof? I was on earlier today reading the thread. I just now got back on and most of what was posted today is gone. One post was 23 hours ago then it jumps to 2 hours ago.


Burl Ives. I listened to that record over and over when I was a child.


Initially the story was he was inside. He must have come running out and dog got loose.


:open_mouth: :joy: Sounds like there definitely was a LOT of Flat Coat in that dog! So many mixes labeled as FCR mixes clearly haven’t a drop of FCR in them. Reading the bolded above, YEP, that’s a Flat Coat! :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :two_hearts:


I cried while it was happening. :sweat_smile:

I think being frozen is what saved him… he couldn’t just swallow a bag whole, so had to be torn up into pieces.

Who did you give that corner to?

It’s the eating it again that makes me have to puke every time.

That’s always the hardest part.


It seems like the thread has gone a little wonky for me. There are a bunch of previous posts here now that I did not see when I looked at it an hour ago.


Yes, he had alot of flat coat, and I was able to “diagnose it” because of the shape of his head and jaw, with a "stop’ above his eyes very flat coatish. Loved that dog.


I find that if you keep the page open and come back to it later, you have to refresh to be able to see the posts in between when you last visited and the current visit. If you leave the thread to go to another topic, or leave COTH, and then come back, it will load them normally. At least that’s how it works for me on my iPhone and iPad,